
Chapter Five

"What are you doing out here?" I was startled, but I knew who the voice belonged to.

"I needed some fresh air; I was feeling choked up in the room." I turned to see the tall figure standing beside him, Beta Rex. He was one wolf that was hard to read; he was Agnar's father's Beta; and was just a few years older than Agnar.

I heard he became a beta at the age of 17 when his father died, and he is one hell of a beta; he is more like Agnar's confidante when he needs an adviser. which makes me wonder if he was the one who wanted Agnar dead. I mean, he and Gertrude are the ones who stand to gain the most if Agnar is out of the way; maybe he even orchestrated the betrayal and my death, since I was in his way also.

But I have no evidence against him; if he was indeed the missing piece, he sure hid pretty well.

"You shouldn't be out here alone; come, I will walk you," Agnar said, grabbing my hand. He mindlinked something to Rex, and he turned to leave immediately.

We walked in total silence. I had a lot in mind; I just saw Gertrude murder someone in cold blood, and then I needed to check out the beta just to be sure he was clean.

I'm never taking chances anymore; as far as I'm concerned, every single one of them is a suspect until I prove them innocent.

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, why?"

"You are quiet, and I could feel your tension, or, should I say, fear?"

"Yeah, the downside of the mate bond," I internally told myself. It just leaves you vulnerable and at the mercy of your mate.

"I'm fine; I'm just worried about the Luna stuff. You know, what if I make a terrible Luna? I mean, everyone seems to be born for their position; Rex, for instance, would pass for an Alpha, judging from how good he is at his job." 

"Haha," he laughed hard. "He is one of the most efficient people I have ever seen, but he doesn't want the Alpha position." He said so casually that I was wondering how he could be so casual about it.

"He swore allegiance to me by the moon goddess,"  he said.

"Oh," I blurted out. Any oath taken by the goddess is regarded as sacred.

"With that being said, you will make a great Luna; don't get yourself worked up," he assured me.

"So it isn't Rex," I thought to myself while still walking with him. 

"We should head back; it isn't safe out here," he suddenly spat out.

"What happened?" I asked, confused.

"Rex just mindlinked me of a body they found at the old house; we should get you inside," he said. "They finally found the body, what does it matter, she would have probably destroyed all the evidence that would have tied that murder to her"

*  *  *  *  *  *

I have been indoors for the past few hours now hatching my plans while figuring out a way to get the information I needed. It's just a few days before that bitch arrives, so I should do this and get it over with.

A knock came on the door, cutting my thought off. I pulled the door open to see a woman in her mid-fifties bearing a tray of food in her hands.

"I heard you didn't come down for lunch, and you didn't show up for dinner either," she said, smiling. While showing me the food tray, my stomach rumbled the minute I perceived the aroma of her food. We exchanged glances and laughed.

Of course, how could I forget Therese, the lady who made sure I had something in my tummy every single time, no matter how sad I was?

I wanted to hug her so tight, and thank her for feeding me many times than I could count, but then how do I explain to her that this isn't our first meeting? It sounds unbelievable. Even I had a hard time believing it.

"Thank you, Therese, I will come looking for you whenever I am hungry," I said, smiling back at her.

"And I will always have something for you, child," she replied smiling before she left.

The instant I shut the door, I grabbed a spoon from the tray to taste the sauce. It was my favorite meal, I couldn't get enough of it each time she made it. I took a mouthful, it was just like I remembered it, I wanted to take another spoonful when my phone started ringing.

"Uhhh!" I screamed.

I dropped the spoon and went to answer my call. I paused for a second when I saw H boldly written on the phone screen.

"Cain never calls, especially when working a job," I murmured to myself while staring at the phone. 

"Hey!" I felt someone touching me, making me jump and ready to charge at whomever.

"Jezz, you startled me!"  I screamed the minute I found out it was Agnar. 

"I have been calling you for a few seconds now, but you just stood there, staring at your phone."

"Who is that? You are zoned out," he asked.

"Nobody, it's just a scam call," I said, tossing the phone on the bed.

"Ok, Therese brought you food?" he asked, pointing at the tray of food on the table.

"Yes," I replied. As I sat down at his dining room to eat, he made use of his dining room occasionally, especially when he didn't feel like going to the pack dining room or didn't want to be disturbed. I remembered all the fun things we did on this dining table; we technically fucked more than we ate on it.

I turned to find him looking at me like he could bend me over and fuck my brains out. The only problem was that it could never happen between us ever again. I silently devoured the food on the tray while pretending I had no idea what he wanted.

"Did you catch the culprit?" I asked him to get those funny ideas off his head.


"The murder at the old house" 

"Yeah, yeah, we did," he replied, cleaning his lips with a napkin. I was a bit surprised they had caught Gertrude a little quicker than I expected.

"Maybe karma is indeed a bitch," I said and sighed in relief. There is no way Agnar is going to spare her life; this is the end of the road for Gertrude, one down and a few more to go. 

"I will freshen up," he said, kissing my cheeks as he disappeared into the bathroom. I know what that kiss means; he practically kisses me before coming back for some hot stuff, which definitely would not happen. I should do something before he comes right back; I can't bear to have him in my oven.

"I should knock him off," I thought, but he is an Alpha and a powerful one at that; it would not be so easy to pull off.

"Drug him? That would work." I quickly said, but then I remembered another problem.

"Shit, I forgot to get the gear," I got so distracted with Gertrude that I forgot why I went out in the first place. I need some of the stuff in there, but if that was the only problem I had to deal with,

"Fine, improvise," I reminded myself while brainstorming on my options. The minute I heard the shower stop running, I jumped into the bed without thinking and pretended to be asleep.

"Kat, he is a fucking wolf," I screamed in my head. I mean, the dude can tell if I am sleeping or faking it, but not to worry, I'm a wolf assassin. I wouldn't be one if I didn't pull this off.

The door opened, and I slowly stopped breathing. I heard him pause, and after a while, I heard him get into the other side of the bed.

"Thank Goddess"


** * * * * 

I woke up the next morning feeling better. I mean, why shouldn't I be when I would go watch Gertrude's trial and possibly execution today, and of course Agnar was gone before I could open my eyes, At least he spared me the pain of seeing his stupid face first thing in the morning.

I hurriedly prepared and wore one of his oversized shirts again. I didn't want to be late as I wanted a front-row seat, and if possible, hand the execution the hatchet to chop off her head with.

Immediately I got inside the throne room; the place was packed to the brim, but Beta Rex helped me find my way around the packed room to stand next to Agnar.

He does this public execution thing; he believes that showing people these things would instill fear in them and also give them the idea that no sinner would go unpunished. I have no idea if it works but I'm so going to enjoy this one.

It started with a little pep talk, from Agnar and he went on and on about how bad it was killing a pack member.

I was almost getting impatient, as I wanted to see Gertrude burn already. After a few minutes, he signaled the guards to bring in the culprit.

I smirked when I heard the door open, and then the guards made their way through the crowd of people heading toward us, but the physique of the culprit didn't look anything like Gertrude's. I became apprehensive; my mouth fell open when the hood over the culprit was removed, and it wasn't Gertrude.

"This rogue was caught 2 feet away from the corpse, and he confessed to killing the girl in cold blood."

"This makes no sense; why take a fall for a crime you didn't commit?"

"Did I not see things clearly?" I asked myself. I mean, I didn't see the face of the dead girl, but I was sure it was Gertrude I saw.

"What's going on here?" I was still lost in thought, wondering why this rogue was taking Gertrude's place when the door pulled open.

Gertrude walks in, wearing a yellow gown and a smile. How could I have ever missed the fact that she was a cold-blooded murderer? She stood next to me, and for a split second, she exchanged glances with the culprit.

"I underestimated her; Gertrude is masterful."








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