
Handsome stranger…

Melanie let out a long sigh as she trudged through the front door of her too-big, empty mansion. She had to figure out some other way to hire a good lawyer.As she headed to the kitchen, she could hear hushed whispers from the maids.

"I heard Master Hardin leave Miss Melanie for that tramp sister of hers. I never would've guessed he had it in him."

Another maid was added. "That Miss Natalia looks like trouble. Mark my words; she'll break his heart too in time."

That's when the cruelest one chimed in. "If you ask me, Miss Melanie was too boring and goody-goody. Master Hardin always liked the wild ones more. About time she got what was coming."

Melanie froze, blinking back angry tears.

At that moment, one of the maids glanced up and fell silent, spotting her. She nudged the other two, and they quickly straightened.

“Welcome back home, Miss Melanie!”

The one who had been badmouthing her was the first to ask,

"Good evening, Miss. Can I get you anything?"

Melanie shook her head, replying flatly. "Nothing for me. I’m not hungry. You can return your duties.”

"Yes, ma’am,” they all responded in unison and awkwardly walked out in haste.

Melanie hurried upstairs and began rummaging through her closet for something—anything to make her feel different. Her fingers landed on a slinky crimson dress, one she rarely used as it was far too bold for her usual tastes. But tonight? Tonight, she could be bolder.

After dressing and applying smoky eyeshadow, Melanie tossed her honey brown hair loose and walked downstairs. She slipped out of the building, unnoticed, and drove away in her car.

Twenty minutes later, Melanie arrived at Classico, the swankiest dance club in town, her crimson dress catching envious glances.

She sashayed to the bar and ordered four shots, drinking and knocking them back smoothly. The burn felt wonderful.

By the fifth glass, a tan, muscular arm suddenly shot out and grabbed it from her hold. Furious, she spun around angrily but paused, meeting piercing blue eyes that assessed her coolly from a handsome, angular face.

The man had a strong jawline dusted with stubble, and waves of his shiny dark hair fell over his very perfect forehead. .

"I think you've had enough for now, don't you?" He said it with full lips, quirking into an easy smile, his voice deep with an exotic accent. Italian, maybe?

Melanie blinked, momentarily stunned by his handsome features. "Who are you to decide what's enough for me?" she snapped, reaching for her glass. “I’ll drink as I please.”

He raised it out of her reach effortlessly and arched an eyebrow. "I'm only looking out for you. At this rate, you'll be under the table within the hour."

Melanie huffed. "Well, isn't that kind of you? But I don't need a stranger's concern or his judgment. Give me the freaking glass." She held out an expectant hand.

But instead, he grabbed it even more tightly, taking a sip without a second thought.

"Why did you take my drink?" she asked, not bothering to hide the irritation in her voice.

"You already seem drunk enough," he replied casually. "No need to waste another drink on you."

"Who are you to decide?" she snapped, her voice barely audible over the music.

While she was still wondering who the hell the guy thought he was, he surprised her with an unexpected proposition.

"Let's dance," he suggested, his voice low and smooth. "Maybe you'll be better on your feet than you are with drinks."

His eyes never left hers, his gaze a slow burn. She hesitated for a moment, considering his offer, and then, with a nod, she agreed to dance.

Then he proceeded to drop some dollars on the counter for the drink as they made their way to the dance floor.

"I'm Luca," he said with his warm, minty breath tickling her ear. "And you are?"

She let out a quiet moan, suddenly dizzy with need as she felt the room melting away.

"Melanie. And this is exactly what I came here for tonight."

Her mysterious new partner smiled darkly, his desire mirroring her own. "Well, Melanie, stick with me, and I'll make sure you get what you want and more.”

The way he said her name so softly sent shivers down her spine, and for once, she didn't care about caution or consequences. Hardin hadn’t even bothered to touch her in months. Not even on their anniversary days ago. Well, to hell with her lying, cheating husband!

When Luca’s smoldering stare dropped to her glossed lips, she grabbed his muscled torso and pulled him fiercely against her.

"Just shut up and kiss me," she groaned. When their lips met, it was electrifying. Very warm, sweet, and very smooth.

“Bold of you to kiss someone you just met a few minutes ago.” He said the minute they pulled away.

“Bold of you to assume I was drunk.”

“Aren’t you?” He raised a brow.

“Nope.” She replied, popping the ‘p’. “I may be a little tipsy, but that’s all there is to it.”

“Why did you kiss me?”

“Just because.”

He wrapped his arm even more tightly around her waist. “You know, you have very pretty, captivating eyes. I could totally get lost in them.”

Melanie didn’t think her brown eyes were anything very special, but it felt good to hear that.

Breathless, Melanie scraped her nails down his back and whispered against his lips, "Take me away from here, now."

In a few minutes, they had escaped the crowded party and found their way to one of the exclusive rooms upstairs.

The moment the door was shut, Luca crushed his lips over hers, and his hands settled on her neck. She couldn’t peel his shirt from his body quick enough.

Everything was happening so fast, and she thought she was going to die of excitement.

“Hey,” she heard his deep, sexy voice call out to her as he laid her on the bed carefully.

“Are you sure you are sane enough to do this?”

“Yes,” she breathed, staring at him lazily. But her eyelids were already so heavy.

And then, before she knew it, she passed out.

When she woke up the next morning, she found the sheets next to her cold and empty, and her head was aching terribly.

She thought about what happened the previous night and immediately sat up on the bed, scanning the whole room. Her dress was intact, but her hair was quite messy, and her lipstick was smudged.

She almost had a one-night stand with a complete stranger! Well, it would have been great if she actually did. Maybe it would have fixed this hole in her heart, even for a moment.

The man hadn’t even spent the night there. Rude!

And then her eyes finally found neatly stacked bundles of hundred-dollar bills totaling two thousand dollars on the nightstand.

There was a note on top that read:

"Thanks for nothing, gorgeous. Next time, handle your drinks properly so you don’t pass out in the middle of a heated session. -Luca.M"

Melanie’s eyes grew wide, and she was irked by his audacity. How dare he toss bills at her like she was some cheap slut?

She was going to find him and return his damn money.

Or not. This was a blessing in disguise. After all, she needed all the money she could get at this point.

Luca, or whatever his name was, was going to deal with him much later. Right now, she had bigger fish to fry.

Later, she made her way back to the mansion. Pulling up the long driveway, she noticed moving trucks outside and workmen carrying furniture inside.

She didn’t have a good feeling about that, so she walked briskly inside. The entrance hall was bare, as all the furnishings had been removed.

Natalia stood, commanding a team of decorators as they arranged an ornate loveseat. Boxes and bags of Melanie's belongings were heaped carelessly in the corner. Hardin stood with one hand sipping wine casually, the other snug into his pocket.

"What the hell is going on?" she demanded.

Natalia glanced over with a smug smile. "Why, I'm having the place reshuffled to my tastes, sweetie."

Melanie's temper flared. "This is my house! Grandpa gave it to us as a wedding gift when I married Hardin." She looked over at Hardin. “Are you just going to stand there and watch Natalia wreck the whole house?”

Hardin only shrugged. “She can do whatever she wants. You and I are already divorced.”

Natalia's grin widened, and she slinked over. "Hardin and I are together now.” She traced a red nail down Melanie's arm. "And besides, you signed over the deed with the rest of the divorce paperwork, don't you recall?"

Melanie shoved her hand away in disgust. Her eyes fell on the boxes of her belongings, tossed aside. "That's my stuff you've got dumped there! You have no right."

"I was feeling generous, leaving you nothing at all," Natalia interrupted. "A minor compensation for all the years you spent here... as Hardin's wife." Her smile turned poisonous. "If you want to stay, you'll do so as our maid. Cleaning up after us from now on. What do you say?."

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