
After The Divorce
After The Divorce
Author: Isabella E

The Worst Surprise

Melanie wanted to surprise her husband on his birthday, but he gave her a surprise instead. And boy, was it a nasty one.

It had been three draining days in Tokyo for a business trip, but all she could think about was surprising her husband, Hardin, for his 29th birthday that weekend.

She tapped her foot impatiently in line, and a fluttery feeling rose in her stomach as she exited customs at SeaTac. She couldn’t wait to see the look on Hardin’s face!

After retrieving her bags, she hurried to the waiting car. She was more than excited when it finally pulled up in front of the mansion.

She spun the keys around her finger as she walked up the steps to her front door, an eager smile on her face.

Balancing the gift bags and boxes in one arm, she quietly unlocked the door, planning to sneak up on Hardin.

The house greeted her in silence. The lights were off, and her heels clicked loudly against the hardwood floor as she made her way down the hall, her gift bags swinging.

"Hardin? I'm home early; happy birthday, baby!" She called out softly.

No response.

But as she made her way to their bedroom, she froze, a little bit confused, as a low, soft laugh came from behind the closed door.

She could recognize it, as it only belonged to one person, Natalia, her half-sister.

But what was she doing here? Inside her matrimonial bedroom?

Melanie pressed an ear to the hardwood, straining. Whispers became clearer—"harder, deeper, mine."

Her heart stopped. No, it couldn't be.

She pushed the door open, and her eyes widened in horror. Hardin and Natalia were tangled together on the sheets, with his large hands over her bare boobs, roaming while she straddled him.

A gasp escaped Melanie's mouth, and it alerted them. For a moment, there was total silence as she struggled to process what she was seeing. She felt like she was choking already as she watched Hardin break free from Natalia first, slightly frowning.

"Melanie, I can explain..." Hardin started pulling on his shorts. But Melanie was too stunned to respond, her mind racing. Natalia had been traveling through Europe for the past two years; how was she even back in Seattle? And more importantly, how long had this betrayal been happening behind her back?

"Natalia, what? How could you?" Melanie finally choked out, and hot tears started to sting her eyes. The bags and gift boxes fell from her hands and hit the floor with a dull thud.

Hardin sighed and ran a hand through his curly brown hair. "Melanie, were not supposed to be home. You said you were returning tomorrow, correct?”

“I lied.” Maya replied through gritted teeth. “Only because I wanted to surprise you!”

"Listen, it's not what it looks like."

"Not what it looks like?" Melanie asked incredulously, the tears spilling down her cheeks now. "I catch you cheating with my sister, and you say it's not what it looks like?"

Natalia finally spoke, shrugging. "Please, sis, like I'd ever let you have my man. Hardin was always meant to be mine."

Melanie shook her head in disgust. "Your man? We've been married for two years! You weren't even in the picture."

Natalia scowled at her. “Are you forgetting that he was my boyfriend before he decided to marry someone as worthless as you? We both know he was mine first. And he'll always choose me.

Hardin moved closer, trying to touch Melanie's shoulder, but she flinched away. "Don't touch me! How could you do this to me, Hardin? I loved you!"

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way, babe," Hardin replied calmly. Too calmly for Melanie’s liking. There was no trace of regret in his voice. "But I was never really in love with you, Melanie. It was always Natalia for me. She was my first and only love."

He spoke so easily, as if she wasn’t important. Inside, she was feeling a stabbing pain in her heart. She choked back a sob as Natalia laughed harshly. "Aw, doesn't it sting to find out you were just second best this whole time? Hardin never wanted dull, predictable you over me. I'm the one who really understands him."

Melanie inhaled sharply, trying to remain composed. "And how long has this been going on behind my back? Were you sleeping with my sister our entire marriage, Hardin?"

Natalia scoffed indignantly. "I've been visiting Seattle for the past year in secret. And every chance Hardin got, he was with me."

One whole year. Melanie felt sick to her stomach as the betrayal sank in. She had spent all her time faithfully devoted to Hardin, blind to his deceit. All the late nights he claimed were work, missed dates, and canceled plans—it was all so he could spend his time with Natalia instead.

She had been a fool. How couldn’t she have read the signs?

Melanie had pulled out all the stops for Hardin's birthday that evening, wanting it to be truly memorable. She knew of his secret wish to visit the rooftop bar and restaurant, Le Ciel, with its sweeping city views. It was an exclusive spot, and it was nearly impossible to get a table.

But Melanie called in every favor and charmed the owner until he agreed to reserve the entire rooftop just for her and Hardin that evening.

The moment she stepped down from the plane, she made calls to ensure it was properly decorated with twinkling lights, rose petals, and candles.

Two waiters were going to be devoted solely to catering their dinner, whatever Hardin wanted. Melanie had visions of slowly dancing under the stars with the man she loved.

Instead, she stumbled upon his betrayal, hitting her hard in the face!

Before Melanie could respond, Hardin crossed over to her calmly and handed her a stack of papers.

"Look, I meant to do this more gently, but I guess the timing worked out. I want a divorce, Melanie. Here are the divorce papers."

She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. “Divorce?” She asked in a shaky voice, her eyes darting between Hardin and the papers.

“I've already signed. It's over, Melanie, as of today. Now please leave so Natalia and I can celebrate my birthday properly."

Melanie felt as though her heart was going to burst out of her chest any moment from now on. She was shaking with hurt, anger, and disbelief.

She stood numbly, staring down at the divorce papers Hardin had thrown in her face. It was hard to believe this was really happening—that after two years of marriage, he wanted to end things so abruptly.

She glanced down at the end of the line, hating that Hardin had already signed without discussion. As if her feelings meant nothing to him.

Natalia sauntered over, resting her chin on Melanie's shoulder tauntingly. "Come on, sis, just sign already so Hardin and I can celebrate. You're not actually going to put up a fight, are you?"

Melanie wanted nothing more than to wipe the smug smile off Natalia's face with a slap or a blow.

But she took a steady breath, refusing to give either of them the satisfaction of seeing her break down again. Hardin crossed his arms impatiently. "Seriously, Melanie, it's over. Sign the damn papers so we can all move on with our lives."

Melanie took a deep breath, trying to still her raging emotions. If she signed now, it would be admitting defeat. This wasn't how she saw her marriage ending. "Hardin, please. Can we at least talk about this?"

His eyes darkened dangerously. "There's nothing to talk about. I'm done with you, Melanie. I want Natalia, and she wants me. Sign the fucking papers now!"

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