
I have to thank him!

Melanie straightened her lilac dress that hung to her curves and headed for Hardin's office straight from the hospital. She had to give him this chance to do right, for their baby's sake if not her own.

As she was trying to talk to the secretary, Natalia appeared from nowhere. Great, her witch sister was all she needed to have a mental breakdown.

"Well well, if it isn't the miserable ex. Causing trouble as usual, I see." She paused and glared at the secretary. “Didn’t I tell you she isn’t allowed into the premises?”

Melanie held her head high. "I need to see Hardin. It's urgent."

Natalia scoffed. "Well tough luck, he's in an all day meeting. Come back with an appointment, maybe in a few months I'll squeeze you in.Or how about you come back….never?"

"Are you serious? This can't wait. Please, it's about..." Melanie trailed off, unwilling to give anything away to this snake yet.

Natalia sauntered closer until they were nose to nose. "You'll tell me whatever it is, darling. Hardin's in an important meeting and his phone is with me right now.." She waved Hardin's phone tauntingly.

Melanie took a deep breath and declared firmly. "I'm pregnant. And the baby is Hardin's."

Immediately Natalia's cruel smile dropped away, replaced with open shock. "That's a lie!" she snapped angrily.

Calmly, Melanie pulled out the test results from her bag. "12 weeks, clear as day. Now please step aside, I need to speak with Hardin."

Natalia scanned the papers, face contorting into a mask of hatred and jealousy. "If you know what's good for you, you'll get that bastard baby aborted," she spat angrily.

"You don't tell me what to do with my child," Melanie retorted coolly, hand protectively over her stomach. “I would wait in the lobby till whenever he gets out of his meeting,”

“I am going to have security remove you,” Natalia threatened.

“I am not leaving till I tell Hardin about his baby,” And with that, Melanie walked away and settled in the lobby with her legs crossed.

Natalia glared at the secretary and then stormed off, seething in anger.

Alone in her office, she began to pace erratically. This could not happen - she refused to let that tramp steal Hardin away, not when she was so close to locking him down herself.

An idea formed in her head amidst her panic and she placed a hasty call.

"I have a job for you boys," she hissed into the phone. "Get over here now and do not fail me."

She gave them brief instructions in an icy tone before she hung up.

Hardin would be hers, and that insufferable Melanie would no longer ruin her plans. One way or another, she would ensure there was no baby...

Natalia sat at her desk, several minutes later looking through the security cameras on the computer.She watched as the boys she had ordered picked the lock of Melanie’s car and got inside carefully to mess with it as they had been instructed.

When they were done with the job,Natalia hit delete, wiping away any trace of their dirty job.

Perfect. Now for the finishing touch...

She buzzed her secretary. "Send security down to escort Melanie off the premises, and make sure she doesn't come back."

She walked back there to ensure she saw the scene herself.Within minutes, burly guards hauled a dazed Melanie from the lobby.

"Please, I just need to see Hardin!" She begged weakly.

Hardin strode in then, fury contorting his normally handsome face. "What is the meaning of this disturbance?" He roared.

Natalia sidled up to him. "I'm so embarrassed she's creating such a scene. You'd think she'd have the decency to leave us in peace."

"Hardin, please, I just need a chance to talk to you!."

Melanie yelled but Natalia was quick to interrupt.

"Can you believe her audacity? I'm simply disgusted by her presence,"

As the guards finally dragged Melanie out, Hardin turned on Natalia. "I thought I made it clear she isn't to set foot here again. What does she want this time?"

Natalia fluttered her eyelashes innocently. "I have no idea darling, she's just trying to cause trouble as usual.Please baby, don’t let this ruin your mood. It’s taken care of now,”

Melanie sat crying in her car after being kicked out of Hardin's office yet again. It was just too painful seeing him with that witch Natalia after everything they did. He didn’t even give her a chance to explain herself.

She started the engine to drive back to her cheap motel, if you could even call it that.

Now what was she even going to do? Her mind raced with a million questions and no answers.

She gripped the steering wheel tighter, trying to hold back another wave of tears. That was when she noticed something wasn't right. The car was making a strange whirring noise and vibrating underneath her. She pushed down on the brake but nothing happened. Her eyes widened in panic as she realized the brakes had completely failed.

"No no no!" she cried, pumping the brakes frantically to no avail. The car was starting to get out of control and she barely managed to swerve around an oncoming truck. She tried to shift gears to slow down but it was too late. Up ahead, there was a large tree at the side of the road.

In a split second, everything seemed to happen in slow motion. There was a deafening crunch of metal as her car collided with the thick trunk. Her body lunged forward violently, smashing into the steering wheel hard before slumping back into her seat.

The last thing Melanie remembered before darkness took her was a warm trickle of blood running into her left eye and glass shattering around her.The accident had drawn onlookers to the crash site quickly.

At that moment, Luca Marchesi slowed his jeep to a stop where there was a small gathering forming. He climbed out, concerned about what all the commotion was for.Normally, he would have zoomed past because he had a meeting to be at in half an hour but his instincts told him to stop.

Pushing through the people, Luca's breath caught in his throat at the sight before him.

It was the woman from the bar, the one he hadn't been able to get out of his head since their brief dance together only days ago. Except this time she was injured and bleeding, looking almost lifeless.

His mind raced as he took in the smoking wreckage of her vehicle.

Acting fast, Luca scooped Melanie up in his arms. Her skin was cold and clammy. "Someone, fucking call an ambulance!" he shouted at the onlookers who were still just standing there gawking.

These people! They rather stand there and point rather than do a damn thing.

Rushing back to his jeep, he gently laid Melanie across the backseat and peeled out, speeding towards the hospital.

"I need help!" He yelled, jumping out and lifting Melanie into his arms once more the minute he reached the emergency entrance. Medical staff hurried over with a stretcher, taking her from him. "She was in a car accident, please help her," he said a little out of breath.

“We’d take it from here Sir Luca,” one of the nurses said.


Melanie nibbled at the tasteless hospital food. Her head was bandaged and her mind a little bit restless. She had woken up in a hospital twice the same week. What a bummer.

Just then the doctor entered with a gentle smile. “Good news - your twins are healthy and developing well. You were incredibly lucky you were brought here so quickly.”

Twins. Plural. She must have misheard, mouth dropping open slightly. "I'm...sorry, did you say twins?"

He nodded, smiling. "Congratulations, Melanie. You're carrying twins."

How was she going to support not one but two babies? "Are you sure?" She asked in disbelief.

The doctor nodded. "The tests don't lie. You're having twins. Both babies look healthy so far." He studied her carefully. "This must come as a shock. Do you want me to call anyone - a partner, family?"

Melanie sighed deeply. "There's no one." She said sadly. "I don't have a husband or family. It's just me now."

"I'm sorry to hear that." The doctor said gently.

“Well, all your medical bills have generously been covered.”

Melanie’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. “Who on earth...”

The doctor handed her a glossy business card. "Luca Marchesi. Does that name mean anything to you?"

She took the card and stared at it with awe, examining the black and white design. The name meant nothing. But then she saw the website printed at the bottom - Marchesi Industries, one of the largest private technology companies in the country.

"Why would someone like him pay for my bills?" She asked in disbelief.

"I'm not sure." The doctor admitted. "But he is responsible for saving your life. He brought you here,himself."

“But wait.. where is he? I have to thank him!”

“He only stated he had to rush off for work overseas,” the doctor replied.

Before she could ask more, the doctor was checking his watch. "I'm afraid I have to run, surgery scheduled. But please don't hesitate if you need anything at all."

"Thank you, doctor." Melanie said faintly. He smiled and left, gently closing the door behind him.

Luca Marchesi...where had she heard that name before?

Pulling up her browser, Melanie typed his name into the search bar with shaky fingers. Photos and information poured onto the screen - Luca Marchesi, Italian billionaire real estate mogul and philanthropist, recently named one of the 100 Most Influential People by various publications.

His global corporation covered industries from technology to real estate and he was one of the most richest men in the country.

She scrolled through pictures of him and then suddenly, she gasped. It was him - the handsome stranger she almost had a freaking one night stand with!

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