
Chapter 7


“For someone who wanted nothing with the Alpha, I am amazed by the fact that you fainted the second he passed by you.” Elena said, raising an eyebrow at me as I woke up.

My heart raced against my ribcage, and I couldn’t help but sneeze as I tried to allow myself to process the odor that they had me smelling. Whatever it was, it was annoying to my nasals.

I watched as a nurse put a napkin of perfume, it was what they used to wake me up, inside her box. Her eyes met mine, and though she didn’t say a word, I saw her disgust in her eyes before she turned to look at Elena.

I couldn’t bring myself to speak. I knew that passing out wasn’t because I saw him. I would be more than willing to watch him rot in hell. But I knew better than to say that to her. She would end up reporting it, and I didn’t want to find myself getting into more trouble than I could afford. Plus, it’s not like she cared anyway.

“She is fine,” the doctor said, looking at me. “And her health is well too, she just needs to get some rest. She would be fine after eating something.”

Elena nodded at the woman to leave, and Cecilia wrapped her arm around me, shaking me gently. Her eyes met mine and she shook her head at me, much like a sister would do to herself.

I looked around, allowing myself to process my surrounding. How I had wished that I woke up in my home, amongst my family, and my parents. But that was a dream, one that I doubted would be coming true anytime soon.

“I told you that starving yourself is not going to be good for you, Liana. You need to eat something to be able to stand.” She said, scolding me. “You are going to end up growing sick, and you don’t want that happening.”

“I will leave the two of you to talk. Ian would bring you to class in a bit.” Elena said, and Cecilia nodded. She looked at the man, I assumed that he was Ian, and then at us. “Give them five minutes, not later than that. Bring them to class afterwards.”

“It is not like anyone would care whether or not I could stand anyway. You know that for fact, Cecilia.” I said, and she shook her head at me. “I would rather if I died and just went to see my family. I would be a lot happier if that happened.”

“That is not true. I would care if something happened to you, and I don’t want you thinking that you are here alone. Look, we are not living in poverty anymore, and each one of us is being fed, we are all safe, and out of harm…”

“Do you really call this safety?” I asked, and Cecilia took a deep breath, making it clear to me that she didn’t like what I was saying. She looked around, and I knew that she was silently warning me not to say anything that was stupid. They could hear us, but the thing was, I wanted them to hear me. “We are living as slaves for the Alpha. Do you really think that we are going to be free in this place?”

“You need to relax, Liana. Things are going to get better, trust me; they have to get better…” Cecilia said, taking my hand in hers. She squeezed it gently, and I looked away from her.

“We are living here like dogs who are to be mated with. How can you not see that?” I asked, and she put her hand on my mouth, wanting to stop. Her eyes met mine and she shook her head at me.

“They might hear you, Liana. Enough with the trouble that you are putting yourself in already. You have a lot to deal with by now, and what you are doing…”

“I am not going to be used as a pawn. I am going to keep fighting them, and you should too.” I said, and she looked down at her lap. I put my hand under her chin, forcing her to look me in the eye. “The more we give in, the harsher they will be. These people are demons from hell, don’t believe the pretty games that they’re playing. It is only a matter of time before we are all fed to that disgusting Alpha…”

“Hey…” the man, Ian, said, stopping me. “Both of you control your mouths, especially you, Liana. This is the Alpha that you are talking about.”

“To hell with you and your Alpha.” I muttered, looking away from the man. His eyes hardened, and though I knew that I was playing with fire, I knew that I would rather do that than have myself submitting to a fate that I didn’t want. I needed to find a way out of this hell. And that wasn’t going to happen easily, they were sure to let me know that they wouldn’t be making it easy for me.

“Oh, trust me, little human, I am going to show you what hell is. But right now, you have a class to attend. And believe me, you do not want to find yourself caught in trouble with me.” He said, making me scoff.

“Or else what?” I asked, taunting the man. Cecilia pinched the bridge of her nose, and for a moment, I could tell that she wanted to be anywhere but here. It was as if she even regretted being my friend. I didn’t want her to be if she didn’t want it. But I wasn’t going to submit to such a fate. She shouldn’t too.

“I am going to feed you to the hounds myself, what do you think?” He asked, sarcastically before he looked away, seeming mostly disgusted. “Now go, in front of me, both of you. You have classes and I will not allow you to slack around…”

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