

Hi, sorry if you thought this would be an update. unfortunately, my kids took turn in getting sick, and I had to prepare Christmas dinner/lunch for their school. plus, my oldest had to hand out treats for his birthday tomorrow, and family came over to celebrate today.

anyway, I heard back from my editor regarding the billionaire's story.

she thought it needed more twists, like Cas being the twins' dad without knowing.

but I actually like that their not his and can already imagine the troubles it will bring being a potential step dad.

also, I have read too many stories where someone got pregnant from a one night stand.

and thirdly, he's almost 10 years older. which would make him kind of a pedo if he got a seventeen year old pregnant as a 26 year old.

but I'd love to hear your opinion.

I'll try to write tonight or tomorrow. next chapter will be Isaac's, and then I'll write one from Asher. it's been a while since I've written from his pov.

thank you in advance for your response. once again, sorry for writing so sporadically, but you all know how crazy december is. I'm really thankful you're being so kind and patient.

and for all the moms out there, doing everything to make this a special time. I know it's often a thankless job, but you're doing great. in case your family forgets to thank you, I will. thank you for the gifts, the food, for making the house look cozy. I appreciate you and all your hard work.

Lota of love from another tired mom.

Comments (14)
goodnovel comment avatar
Kasey N Adam Swearengin
I like the story as is ...not every story needs filled with twists.
goodnovel comment avatar
Naomi D.
thanks Cara!
goodnovel comment avatar
Cara Cress
I am for team Cas is not the father

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