



othing I could do, would stop the sinister thoughts that crept through my mind, as I made my way over to the Lennox Compound. My princess had already experienced the kind of evil Alexander Ducane could dish out first hand, saw the aftermath his demented son did to her best friend, I didn’t want her to have to go through it all again. I wasn’t leaving this meeting without what I wanted.

The scent of the white rose hit me as I pulled to a stop in Stryker’s parent’s driveway, steeling myself for what was to come, I kicked the stand to my bike and made my way up the front stoop. Didn’t have to wait long, the door opened before I could knock.

“You didn’t waste any time getting here D,” Stryker noted as he pulled me in for a hug. His greeting wasn’t all that unusual around the beach house but this was a formal meet, and looking up behind him, I could see the disapproving look furrowed across his father’s face.

Traditions ran deep with the older Lennox, and I knew he was still a littl
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