
Have you heard?

The luna did not still like the idea of having a witch in their midst and especially because of the experience with the priest and Modi. She lost all sense of trust for any shaman who is an original.

Raul had left to fetch the witch to treat Hayley’s fever. The luna decided to leave her alone for a while since she was a little calm. Hayley opened her eyes after the luna had shut the door. She recalled Raul’s words about her pregnancy and it made her feel even worse.

She had thought that he would come around and learn to accept it in time but she realized that it was not going to happen. She could not even phantom why he detested a baby he hardly even knew and she started devising other plans in her heart to escape from being around Raul at the moment since the thought was driving her crazy and making her even sicker.

Hayley began to think of visiting her sister in Wizzletown. She was missing her so much especially since Raul had a lot of engagement a

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