
Secrets always come out

Stan narrated to the senior nurse from the beginning of when the paramedics brought Hayley into when the doctor released her to go home and he took her into his home. 

“Yeah; I remember that day.” the senior nurse said interrupting his long story and this made Stan’s face light up in excitement.

“You do?” he asked in excitement.

The nurse smiled and nodded. “Yes sir, I do.”

Stan was amazed. He watched her get on her feet and added. “So, will you help me get an appointment with the doctor?”

“No! I actually think that I might be able to help you.”

Stan was confused. “How do you intend to help me?”

“I guess you want access to her records, right?”

“Is that possible?”

“Well, you would have to be the police or a private investigator to be able to gain access to such documents here because we do not share our patient

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