
The Big News

Hayley listened to Raul’s narration as he prepared to leave for the coliseum to start his practice. She was excited to see him happy and determined. She had been home alone with Raul all day; they made love and ate and chatted together without a single care in the world.

Hayley lay in bed, naked while he got dressed in preparation for the combat. He wore a pair of tight-stretchy pants, a pair of gloves, a band on his head, and a face cap. She was ready to wrestle. Hayley admired him in his attire. she smiled at him as he spoke, her eyes circling his body as she checked him out.

“Hmm…” she sighed.

“Are you listening to me at all?” he asked when he realized that she was carried away by his stature.

“But of course I’m listening.” She replied. “I heard you. You seem excited about this fight. I think it’s a good contract so is it just you or are Tom and the governor also going with you?”

“No, it’s just me. I took the deal because I had to test my a

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