
chapter 43

Baileys POV.

(The principal's Office)

I gave a slight knock on the door before walking into the principal's office.

"Good morning Mr Derick."As I greeted I roamed my eyes around his very big and beautiful office. My heart skipped like a thousand times as I walked in but I wasn't going to show it. I wouldn't let anyone know that I was scared.

It was the first time ever since this semester that I'd be called into the principal's office. I always hated it here

"Good Morning Miss Recce, have a seat."I pointed at the seat and I nodded, I pulled the chair backwards then rested on it.

"How are you?"He asked and I gave him a brief smile.

"I am fine."

"Well that is good to know. '' He paused and after a few minutes he continued. "I had gotten some reports about you Bailey but I want to believe that it is not true because you are one of our best students and we have never gotten a complaint about you.

As he said this my heart rate intensified.

"I am sorry Mr Derick but I do not unders
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