

Helena’s P.O.V.

No matter how many abduction scenes you have watched in different movies, the fright of facing being kidnapped in real life is impossible to explain in words.

Human reactions, feelings of being surrounded by predators can only be felt, there’s no perfect explanation for this trauma.

I hope you would have never got in the situation which was now challenging my survival!

When that driver asked for my mobile, I remembered my self-defense and omega training sessions in the Moon Howlers Pack. Alpha Gladwin was considered enough to conduct those special classes for weak omegas like us.

“Everyone should know how to survive in unfavorable conditions!”

His motto was life savior, and I could easily snatch that revolver from the abductor’s hand. However, my little angels’ horrified gasps poured a bucket of cold water over my soul, killing my warrior spirit in a second.

A whimper escaped from my mouth as I wrapped my arms around my kids.

“Please don’t hurt us!”

A teenager
Genuinely Curious

Chapter 50 up, thank you so much for reading so far. Those who have just joined us, welcome aboard :) And my lovelies, please leave a review and let me know you are still reading :) xoxo

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