
Chapter 3

Damien's heart was like an encased ice meant to preserve a flower, prowling the corridors of his mansion like a predator on the hunt. The revelation of Amelia being his second chance mate did nothing to thaw the coldness that had settled in his soul. If anything, it only fueled his determination to keep her within his grasp, to assert his dominance over her in every way possible.

Locked away in a room, her every move monitored, Amelia's world had shrunk to the confines of her prison. Damien's iron grip left her feeling suffocated, her attempts at escape thwarted at every turn.

He was relentless in his pursuit, his presence a constant reminder of her captivity.

As Damien approached the door to Amelia's room, a wave of conflicting emotions washed over him. He knew he should confront her, demand answers to the questions that had been plaguing him since her arrival. Yet, every time he drew near, the intoxicating scent of her skin would assail his senses, rendering him powerless to resist its allure.

With a frustrated growl, Damien turned away from the door, cursing himself for his weakness. How could he face her when every fiber of his being screamed out for her touch, for the warmth of her embrace?

Meanwhile, inside the room, Amelia's resolve hardened with each passing moment. She couldn't afford to wait for Damien to make the first move, not when her life hung in the balance. “I should probably run before he gets back,”she thought. With a determined glint in her eye, she scanned the room for any means of escape, her mind racing with possibilities.

Suddenly, her gaze fell upon a small window, its panes obscured by thick curtains. With a surge of adrenaline, she crossed the room in a flash, her fingers trembling as she reached for the fabric. With a swift yank, she tore the curtains aside, revealing the moonlit landscape beyond.

For a moment, she hesitated, her heart hammering in her chest as she contemplated the leap as it was very important she gets out of there quickly. But then, with a fierce determination, she flung the window open, the cool night air washing over her like a balm.

As she prepared to make her escape, a voice from the doorway froze her in her tracks.

With a heavy thud, Damien pushed open the door to Amelia's room, his eyes ablaze with fury. "Where do you think you're going?" he growled, his voice dripping with menace.

“Anywhere but here.”she screamed.

“You don't learn to be quiet, do you?

“Ethan! He called out, "throw her in the dungeon, maybe she'll learn her lessons.”

Amelia shrank back against the wall, her eyes wide with fear as she growled.

"You're not going anywhere but here, and until then you stay in the dungeon" he spat, his words laced with contempt. "You belong to me now.”

“Damn you!” Her face filled with annoyance.

“Save your strength for the dungeon, you fragile thing or you won't last a day in there.” he said giving a smirk.

He recognized her to be his second mate, but that didn't give a chance for his rage.

Amelia trembled beneath his gaze, her spirit broken by his relentless cruelty. She had hoped for a glimmer of compassion, a shred of humanity in his eyes, but all she saw was the cold, unyielding resolve of a predator.

With a rough shove, Ethan forced her out of the room,.”You leave me alone.”she retorted. The sound of the door slamming shut echoing through the empty corridors.


“Ethan, I need to speak with you," Damien said, his tone brooking no argument. "There are matters that require our attention.”

"I trust you have news about the Silver Frost pack."

Ethan nodded, his expression grim. "Yes, Alpha Damien. They've been testing our borders more aggressively lately. It's clear they're preparing and looking for something."

Alpha Damien's eyes narrowed. "Then it's time we took action. Come, let us speak away from prying ears."

The two wolves ventured deeper into the forest until they reached a secluded grove, where they settled beneath the shelter of ancient trees. Ethan wasted no time in detailing his observations of the Silver Frost pack's movements and vulnerabilities.

"Our best chance is to strike swiftly and decisively," Ethan explained. "Their eastern borders are poorly defended. We could launch a surprise attack under cover of darkness."

Alpha Damien considered Ethan's words carefully. "A bold plan, but one that could work to our advantage. What of their numbers? Do we have the advantage?"

"Our pack is larger and stronger, but the Silver Frost pack boasts some skilled fighters among them," Ethan replied. "We'll need to be prepared for a fierce battle."

Damien nodded in agreement. "Then we must gather our strongest warriors and strategists. But before we strike, we must weaken their morale."

Ethan thought carefully. "We could sabotage their supply lines, disrupt their communication networks, and launch small skirmishes to keep them on edge."

Damien's eyes gleamed with determination. "Yes, that could work. We'll start making preparations immediately. I'll gather our council and inform them of our plans."

“But it's better we stay low for a while“ he said under his breath

“No, wait. Keep it between us. I don't want anyone raising my fury.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

“One more thing, release her from the dungeon and bring her to me.”



(Knocks on door)

Damien growled. “Bring her in”

The two young werewolves brought in Amelia. Damien ordered them to leave and looked at Amelia in the eyes trying to ease himself of his fair sense of her scent.

“Come closer.” He said standing up to get her a chair as he noticed her eyes were blurry.

“Sit.” He said, pointing at the chair

“I said sit!” he turned to her growling.

Amelia moved close and sat in a sec.

“What's your name?”

“Amelia.” She said bowing her head was like crying. Damien stood up and walked around her

He scoffed and rubbed his hand through her hair inhaling every scent he got.

“Look at me Amelia,” he lifted up her chin, "I'm your alpha now and you listen to me.”

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