
Chapter 4

“What's your name?”

“Amelia.” She said bowing her head her eyes popped out like a reservoir that's preparing to lose control. Damien stood up and walked around her

He scoffed and rubbed his hand through her hair inhaling every scent he got.

“Look at me Amelia,” he lifted up her chin, I'm your alpha now and you listen to me.You do that and you get to stay out of the dungeon but if you don't, then you stay in their till you're ready to listen”

“Stop doing that thing.” Amelia responded

“Stop doing what? He said sternly

Amelia, not minding how his voice affects her, replied instantly.“That thing you do to look cruel.”

She knows he's her second chance mate. Why does he have to act cold?

“You've become so comfortable telling me what to do.” he picked her up from the chair and dragged her to the entrance of the door.

“Ethan.” Damien called out.

“Yes Alpha.”

“Get her out of here and take her back to the dungeon. Her time to be treated well is up.”

“No, no, please don't do this again Damien. I promise to listen to you.

He yielded not to her voice.


“She's somehow bold to talk back at you, Damien.”

“Oh don't mention it.”

“Well, she's your mate.”

“Don't look at me like that. You look at her just the way you looked at Keila.”

“Stop it.”he growled

“ Even their names match a bit.”

“I said stop it.” His voice echoed through the passages.

“I guess that's why you're vulnerable when it comes to her.”

“Ethan one more word and I'll send you to the heavens.”

“I'm sorry but we have a war to plan and you're all about this girl.”

“So it's about the attack.” Damien slipped his hand in a hole by the side of his dress and out with his knife. He rubbed the tip of his finger at the edge and looked at Ethan's face.

“Alpha, she's not breathing.” A pack member in charge of the prison ran in with fear all over his eyes.

Damien ran out immediately and went fast as he could and ordered to take her to the infirmary with a quick check. His mind was overwhelmed with fear as he couldn't bear the thought of losing Amelia.

The sterile scent of disinfectant hung thick in the air as Damien walked through the infirmary's double doors. His footsteps echoed against the tiled floor, drawing the attention of nurses and patients alike. Ignoring the curious glances, he fixed his gaze on the end of the room where a familiar figure lay straight up on the bed. His heart raced as he moved closer.

Amelia, her face pale and drawn, turned her head as he approached, surprise wavering in her eyes before she placed her expression into neutrality. "Damien," she greeted, her voice strained but polite. "What brings you here? I thought you should be in your heartless form"

“Amelia, stop it.”

“Hmm I expected that.”

He halted beside her bed, his presence looming over her like a protective shadow. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

Amelia's lips twitched with a hint of a smile, though it didn't quite reach her tired eyes. "I appreciate the concern," she murmured, shifting uncomfortably against the pillows. "But I'll be fine. It's just a sprained ankle and I'm fine now."

“And that's because you tried to run again

Damien's brow filled with worry. "You shouldn't downplay your injuries," he admonished gently. "You took a hard hit out there."

"I've had worse," she dismissed with a dismissive wave of her hand, though a wince betrayed her bravado.

He sighed, reaching out to brush a strand of hair away from her face. "You're stubborn, you know that?"

Amelia's gaze softened at the gentle touch, her mask slipping for a moment to reveal vulnerability beneath. "I learned from the best," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Silence enveloped them, punctuated only by the steady beep of machines monitoring her vital signs. Damien's fingers lingered against her cheek, his touch warm against her cool skin.

"Thank you," she said suddenly, her voice hoarse with emotion. "For coming here. For caring."

His expression softened, a rare tenderness in his eyes as he met her gaze. "Always," he murmured, his voice barely audible over the hum of the machines. “Don't try to run again, Amelia."

A flicker of something indefinable passed between them, Damien could only see Keila inside of her. They shared the same scent and it made a part of him weak. In that moment, amidst the antiseptic scent of the infirmary and the beeping of monitors, he knew their souls were bound with fate but he didn't want a mate anymore. Not even a stranger he picked from the woods who he doesn't even know where she came from.


Damien looked back to see who.

“She's ready to go.” The lady in a fine blue gown said to him softly.

Amelia without giving it a second doubt stood up immediately, gave Damien a smile and walked out of the room.

“Sure she's okay now.”


“If anything goes wrong with her I'll make sure to relieve you of your duty here in the infirmary and on earth.”

The nurse stepped back and bowed her head.

Damien and Amelia walked out of the infirmary. The bright night gives a cold drift to their bodies. They walked into the pack house, Amelia drawing close to the room and locked the door behind her.

In a few minutes Damien saw her out in the open. His mind shifted from fierceness to calmness.

“My mind's tricking me.” He said winking his eyes.

“A beautiful night it is isn't it? Amelia said walking close to him

“Yeah it's beautiful,”he said, indicating not interested.

“Thanks once again.”

He coughed. “Just don't try to run away”

“I already promised to listen to you.”

Damien leaned closer, his hand on her hair,

“Good girl.”

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