
The Journey 2

Amelia’s POV

The morning came so swiftly, I felt like I hadn't had any sleep. Her voice brought me up from my sleep.

“Rise and shine, you have to start getting ready.”

“Did he tell you to do this too?”

“No, but he might have. He told me to get you ready by sunset today.”

“I see.”

“Come on, you’ll be fine.” She encouraged me like I had last night. Cassie’s presence has given me a lot of risen feelings to stay and get used to the pack house interests. I might have learnt a thing or two, like giggling and ignoring the crippled arrogance.

We rode through the dark cold night, my face felt so pale and argued. I watched the silence fading with Ethan’s voice over my head.

“Are you okay?” His face looked so questioning and quite different from the real question he asked me. I just sniffed the blunt air and ignored him like he had ignored me all through. I’m not suffering that hard,

I just couldn’t compare the hard feelings I’ll get if I was actually back at home. Ethan turned back and looked up at Damien, whose eyes were stoned and focused on the book he was reading.

“What is he reading?” I whispered right beside Ethan. He turned his face back at me.

“I don’t know, ask him.”

“Don’t even try.” Damien had responded even before I stood a chance to ask a thing

I sat back gently and smart.

A tense atmosphere, like an unwanted reunion. It wasn’t the most blissful journey I’ve been on. Well, I wouldn’t want to talk about my run away from home and the days alone in the forest.

“Let’s rest a bit, I need the night breeze.” Damien’s cold voice interrupted my thoughts.

“Come, I’ll help you.” One of them offered a hand for me to alight. He looked straight at me, and I looked away.

“Help her if you will, stop staring firmly at her.” A familiar voice said almost giving an order like Damien.

I quickly got down on my own, without his help. Everyone had gone different ways in the forest, camping as if a bonfire. My eyes caught the figure of the young werewolf that offered me a hand earlier. He seemed unanswered to, a same fit of Cassie and I couldn’t imagine the sight of that.

“Who are you?” I asked without thinking. He looked at me and laughed out loud.

“So sorry about his behavior.”

“Who?” My eyes asking questions over again like, ‘that wasn’t the answer I expected’.

“I’m Frank, the alpha’s beta, one of them to be precise.”

“And what about Ethan?” My voice thrilled in disbelief, he’s the strongest Alpha, why would he need so much betas?

“He’s the closest to the Alpha. I wasn’t expecting that question, anyway.” He gave me a funny look, and I tried to smile, it just didn’t work out well for me as I burst out in laughter.

“Seems you guys are having fun.” Another young man’s voice right behind us spoke as I could feel his presence close to us, of course, he was close to us.

“Yeah, wanna join in?” Frank asked.

“With pleasure, frank.”

“He’s Danny, but we call him the pack’s cupid.” Frank had exposed Danny’s weakness.

“You know, one time he almost got himself killed because of love. Sadly, the girl was human and was a spy. If the Alpha had known they were together…..”

Danny didn’t let Frank complete his words before he landed a faint punch on his shoulder. Frank winced in a bit of pain, and they both laughed out loud. I watched them both play heartily.


Damien’s POV

“You shouldn’t have brought her along.” Ethan said in a displeasing tone.

“I see no reason why I shouldn’t.”

“The silver frost had shut down every one of their attacks, I can’t tell why.”

“Why? You’ve been busy telling me what to do ever since she arrived.”

“I’m sorry, but you seem lost every time we talk about her. The last time, it was a dream you almost tore out from.”

“Don’t lecture me, Ethan.”

“I’m not, just trying to look out for you.”

“Yeah, look out for me and fight the silver frost for killing your father. Remember I lost Keila and my father in the same fight?”

“Yes, you did, and didn’t bother to fight back for their lives since Amelia arrived.”

Ethan kept on pressurizing me with Amelia’s presence. I felt like I can disengage from the unnecessary thoughts I’ve been going on with her being around.

“Let’s make sure to go back home safe after this feast. The silver frost pack will pay for what they did.”

“Here I thought I was the only one having a sense of returning to the old days.”

I suddenly pulled out a smile at the tone of his words. Ethan looked at me in disbelief, I only felt comfortable with him around until Amelia arrived bearing the same scent as it was so difficult to have a different smell. Ethan has been jealous since then and wants me to focus on planning a fight against the silver frost.

“If my mum calls for a feast, I really cannot predict what she’s up to. She refused to come into the pack since father died.”

“Right. Who knows? She might just need to see you after these long years.”

“Suddenly, you think?“

“Well, she’s growing just like you.” Ethan paused. “Is that why you asked her to come along?”

“Not all, I just needed to make sure she’ll be okay.”

“If you say so.”

I could hear the boys giggle so hard. Ethan and I stood up and followed the sound, I was surprised at the feminine voice I heard. It was drawing and calling. I didn’t know why I wasn’t annoyed, I just had a sense of belonging.

We saw them all gathered around a fire, with Amelia in their midst. I didn’t know what to think, I just looked at Ethan who looked clueless also. The rustle of the leaves and the cold wind that blew the fire bolder across our face gave them a sense of our presence.

They all stood up immediately and moved closer to us. Frank was the first person to speak.

“We didn’t think you might want to join us, Alpha.” He said with his head low.

“It’s fine, you can go on with the fun, leave some space till we get to our destination. And her? No harm must come to her.”

I turned back to Ethan, who just stood lifeless like a statue and one with a broken rib.

“You don’t think she’s enchanting too right?” I whispered to Ethan. “I mean, she’s acting just like Keila.”

“Come on Damien, Keila again?”

“Can’t you see it?”

“All I can see is your infatuation with this girl.”

“I’m just amazed being able to smell her and her scent as strong and the same as Keila's“

“Well, you could say the moon goddess gave you Keila back.” “Are you going to accept her?” Ethan asked with a curious look.

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