
Chapter one hundred and fifeteen

Emily’s POV

“Sara?” I heard Luke call out to me from where I lay on my bed.

“Come in, I am awake”

When he walked in, he had his hands in his pocket like he always did whenever the situation was awkward.

He stood there a moment before coming and sitting down at the end of my bed. “How are you doing?” he finally asked.

I sighed and closed my eyes, trying not to be annoyed with him for bringing this up. “Not well… How about you? you seemed pretty disrupted last night” I said pointedly.

Luke sighed as well, looking off to the side before replying. “Yeah…” He rubbed the back of his neck as if something were bothering him. “I was just dealing with something last night, but I am fine right now … So… yeah…” He trailed off and looked over at me again.

“So, how is it going? You seem a little better than you did yesterday?” Luke asked me carefully, as if trying not to make me uncomfortable. “You know you can talk to me about anything…”

I shook my head. “No thanks, you’ve already done enough fo
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