
Chapter Six_Was she killed?


Sebastián's wing, at the other end of the property, was empty. There was nothing hanging on the walls. There was nothing next to it. His office wasn't much better, just a stupid brown desk and some chairs next to it.

He felt like he had no personality at all.

Well, he was a jerk, so I assumed it was some kind of personality.

The children were still in the other wing, safe behind doors that were closed. I had no idea if Ryan was still on the property and if he would make a move against Charlotte or Jaden just to spite me.

Luck wasn't something that was always on my side, but finding the office door open seemed to be the only good thing that had happened to me since I arrived at the farm.q

Sebastian's personality seemed to be reflected in his office. The room had been painted a rich, deep coffee brown to match the mahogany desk in the centre of the room. There was a plush sofa next to it filled with pillows of different sizes.

Did Sebastian sleep in his office?

Different pens and papers littered the surface of the table, projects, and work. His chair by the side also seemed to have been ambushed by the same project.

What was he working on?

"So the bloody asshole have a personality, confided in the walls of his office," I whispered under my breath, searching around for anything that could help me find a secret passage way out of this estate.

I plucked the first book out of the bookshelf. 'The Billionaire's Temptress'. A romance book I read a month back. I checked the next book. 'Stuck with Mr Billionaire' 'Rejected and Enslaved'. All romance books.

Who would have thought Mr Halloway was a romantic in secret.

I fixed my eyes on the portrait above the bookshelf. Sebastian. A lady with the prettiest blond hair I had ever seen and what looked like Jaden when he was younger. Barely a month old if I was being correct. The woman stared at him like he was the only man she had ever seen.

She was in love.

What happened to her.

It would have been inappropriate for me to touch the portrait, but something in me was damn too curious for my own good.

I placed a light touch on the woman's hair, "What happened to you?" I wondered aloud, my eyes fixed on her.

She wasn't sad. They looked contented enough. Did he kill her?

Did he lock her up till she ran mad? Was she in a mental asylum somewhere?

"She died," Sebastian's deep voice came from behind me, and although his voice seemed to make my entire body shiver from fear of the unknown, I painted a blank expression on my face as I turned around to face him, finding him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

Ryan stood beside him. The twisted smile on his face made my blood run cold.

I averted my gaze when Sebastian looked at me. I planned to give him the most plain answer once he asked why I was in the office.

My eyes trailed back to him, but his gaze was on the portrait behind me. The way those hard eyes softened when it landed on those eyes that had been so much in love with him once upon a time.

I had always found Sebastian Halloway hot. Everyone did. From the moment I saw pictures of him on magazines when I was younger. There was always a mystery around him. No one knew what he actually did to make money, and no one knew who his family was.

Sebastian's eyes were still fixed on the portrait, "You should leave."

"I know. I'm sorry for invading your privacy."

But I didn't move an inch from where I stood, and he did nothing to get me out of the office.

Ryan tutted at the silence, and I looked at him as he checked his phone. "I am going to check on Ari. She just arrived at the estate," He said, "Have fun, you two."

He left.

Silence filled the office.

"Any reason in particular why you're on this wing and why you're in my office?" Sebastian asked, his eyes were now fixed on my face, "And how did you get into my office?"

Idiocy had me walking towards him until he was just an armlength away from me. "The door was unlocked when I came here. I did not break in."

"I'm sure that's what happened. My door is always locked," he shoved his hands into his pockets, narrowing his eyes as he watched me, "I have the highest security in this country, I guide my home with my life and I know every single thing that happens here. If someone broke into my office, I would know."

"Well then, check those fucking security," I seethed, mad he could even think I would break into his office, "I did not come here to steal."

"Who said anything about theft?" He laughed deeply, "Just leave. You would never find this office open again."

"We need to get going on the latest....." Ari trailed off when she noticed me standing at the side, her own eyes narrowed down at me like she suspected some kind of foul play. She had appeared so suddenly.

I walked out of the office with my dented pride faster than ever. I was such a klutz. The only thing that went well today was the fact that I was wise enough to leave Jaden and Charlotte out of this.

I gasped as Ryan snatched me by the throat and pinned me to the wall in a flash. His chest and tight grip held me in place as he leaned down to whisper in my ears.

"Now you would tell me what you were actually fucking do in that office. Are you some kind of spy?"

Shivers worked their way down my spine and not in the good 'oh I need him to fuck me kind of way', my pulse thrummed against his palm.

"I'm not a spy. I was merely curious and bored."

I placed a pat on his shoulder, hoping that would be enough to get him away from me. To hide how much he actually scared me.

His jaw clenched, eyes darkened as he stepped away from me and released my throat. His hands were fisted at his side, but I could swear I still felt them on me. Like shadows wreaking havoc on my emotions.

"If you're some kind of spy, if you're here to hurt my family or Ari in any kind of way.." It felt like I had ice in my veins as he said each word, the look of hatred in his eyes, "I would find out, and I would end you before you can even form a thought."

If I was fit enough to throw a punch and win, I would have done it at that fucking moment.

"I wish I never took that fucking contract. I wish I was never poor and in debt. I wish I never met my baby daddy," I turned my back at him. A dangerous decision. "But life happens. I am not a spy."

"If wishes were horses," He mocked me without mercy, loud enough for anyone close to hear.

My nails sank into my palm as I savoured the pain. I walked away from him as fast as my legs could carry.

When I took this job, I had no idea the risk I was taking, giving away my freedom for money and some sense of stability for my daughter. I had no idea the kind of psychotic men I would meet in my quest for financial freedom.

A woman might have died in this very estate. Murdered by the man she loved. Or his sick brother, who thought everyone was a spy or out to get them. Or simply ran mad.

Was this truly the kind of life I wanted for my daughter? Did I want to torment her like this.

I turned the doorknob and walked inside the room to find Charlotte and Jaden already asleep. Side by side.

My heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest at that sight.

Was I strong enough to leave Jaden to such a life?

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