
Chapter Three_Who are you?


There's only so much one's mental health can take. Only so much one can take.

"Get out," I snapped, my fingers pointed straight at the exit, "Get out, get out, get out...."

If my ex had decided to run a silly game and I was to be used as bait to get him, then I wanted none of it. I wouldn't drag Charlotte down that rabbit hole ever again.

The blond woman did not move. Neither did her goons. Instead, she walked into my apartment and made herself comfortable on my worn-out couch, her face devoid of any emotion.

My eyes followed each and every movement from her, from her nimble fingers opening her bag and bringing out an envelope that she placed gently on the table. Her eyes met mine, and she made a gesture to the envelope.

I had no idea what might be inside. If it was a bomb, then she wouldn't want me to open it while she was still here.

Except she was some sort of sadistic bitch.

I tore the envelope open, the content inside being a white sheet of paper with information on me and Charlotte. From our dates of birth to facts about my parents and Charlotte's dad.


My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, "I don't understand....what is this...why?"

"We did a thorough search, we wanted someone like you and we got you," She made a signal with her hand to one of the men, and he walked forward with another envelope in his hand, placing it gently on the table for me to pick up.

"You're in debt. The rent would expire soon. You have no job, and you have a daughter that's about the same age as the young master. Good....."

I opened the envelope the goon had placed on the table, picking up another sheet of paper.

" have nothing to lose in this. Just agree to be the nanny for a year and six months, and we got ourselves a deal."

The sheet of paper was a nondisclosure contract. To never tell anyone about what happened in the estate for the eighteen months I would be there. What my job entails.

"And a sweet little thing," She spoke like a fucking princess, "Your daughter would be offered the chance to attend a prestigious high school after the private tutoring with the young master."

Connect with the rich kids. Learn their ways. Become rich. Through a rich man ready to spend his assets because he needed someone to take care of his child.

'Everything I do, I do it because of Charlotte' the sentence kept on replaying in my head as I mulled over the situation.

I stuck my hand out for a handshake, "Yes, I would be delighted to work as a nanny."

"Just sign the contract, I don't need to shake your hand."

Cue the tragic embarrassment.

The mansion was a hundred times larger than any other house I had stepped my foot in. The interior decorations were done in such a way that would make whoever walked in salivate at such a design.

Fucking intelligent.

The blonde lady smiled at me, "You'll stay here for a year and six months. That's how long the master needs you to be a nanny," her eyes flickered shortly to where my daughter was, admiring some sort of painting on the wall, "You won't see him though, maybe on occasions. Your daughter will be privileged to attend the same private tutoring as the young master, clothes would be provided when needed, a chef would come on specific days to make the meals for two days and your salary would arrive on the same day each month...."

She spoke those words like she was reading from a sheet of paper. Her mouth moved, but her face was stuck in the same position, like even a smile would affect how she spoke.

I let out a low sigh and placed the brightest smile on my face, "And I won't leave? My daughter and I would remain here forever?"

She nodded.

Those were the rules. I had to take care of the child of a man I might never see while also getting suspended from going to the outside world for a year and six months.

The warmth I felt when Charlotte's hand grabbed mine was the last thing I needed to strengthen my resolve. She needed something stable for a while, I was willing to give her something stable.

"Well, I am here already," I said softly, adding a bit of cheer to my voice. "Where's the young master?"

The blond lady....she really needed to give me her name...eyed me with disinterest now. For someone I just met, I had the desire to take her to a mental hospital because of how fast her emotions and facial expressions changed.

"Come with me."

There were no goons with us now. Just her, Charlotte, and myself. We walked till our feet hurt.

And then she stopped in front of a large door. Knocked once, knocked twice, knocked thrice. And then the door opened to reveal the cutest six years old boy I had set my eyes on.

His green eyes and blond hair were refreshing. His cheeks pink due to his shyness, or perhaps he had naturally rosy cheeks. I had no idea.

"Hi," I waved at him, "I'm Elena, and this is my daughter, Charlotte. Nice to meet you."

I had no idea what this trust fund kids did when a stranger waved at them, so I waited. It felt like hours. It felt like years. But slowly, he walked away from the foot and towards us.

He waved back, his little fingers dancing in the air.

"Hi, I'm Jaden."

I had no idea my heart could possibly fall in love with someone other than Charlotte. But at that particular moment, my heart felt like someone was trying to embed himself there.

"Nice to meet you, Jaden."


"Jaden, where do you think you're going to?" I asked the little dare devil who thought he could sneak past me because I was making breakfast. He wasn't supposed to be awake till at least an hour after.

"Daddy comes back today, I couldn't stay asleep."

I couldn't help the eye roll that occurred after he made that statement. He did it every single time someone sneaked in a little whisper that his dad was coming soon.

And then, he got disappointed when he does not show up.

It had been exactly one month and a week since I came to this mansion. Jaden and Charlotte had become fast friends... Best friends if I was to be a daredevil. He was a sweet little boy.

He had nightmares when it rained and would snuggle up to me. For some reason, I felt safe within the four walls of the places I was allowed to explore in this estate.

Ari visited me whenever she got the opportunity. She took pictures of Jaden playing alone, playing with Charlotte, learning, eating, or perhaps just doing anything.

"Don't get your hopes up. Remember what happened the last time."

But he didn't listen to me. He walked around the kitchen, touching things he wasn't supposed to, while talking about what he was going to do with his dad.

I had never met Jaden's father. The only information I had on him were the ones Jaden talked about when he was in the mood, the stories of all the adventure they had whenever he decided to come to the estate.

He had been slacking off lately.

I placed breakfast on the fancy plates Jaden loved to eat from, before placing Charlotte's and mine on our plates. Something simple.

"Give me a minute. Let me wake Charlotte up."

Along the way, I saw men dressed in black all over the place. They weren't here when I dragged myself to the kitchen to make breakfast this morning. They all stood straight, like rods. Their eyes unmoving.

I kept walking until I got to Charlotte's door. Then, I heard the familiar clicking of heels on the floor.

She had her hair in a bun, her dress seemed tighter than normal, her cleavage in full display. The makeup was minimal though.

"Elena," She spoke in a singsong voice, a pitch higher than normal, "Wait up."

"He came around this time then, Jaden was correct," I tried to sound casual as I tried to calm myself down. I turned around so I could open the door.

But Ari placed her hand on the doorknob first. The smile on her face gently morphed to something of distaste.

"You have to make yourself and the children scarce. The men here are not your everyday kind of men," She looked like she didn't want to give me this information, "Move to the east wing, your things would be brought later."

Without waiting for my reply, she spun on her heels and walked away.

I moved to the east wing with Jaden and Charlotte as fast as I could. I had no idea what kind of men were in the estate, and I didn't want to expose the kids to unnecessary danger.

Once they were safe, then I would get into unnecessary danger myself.

"Who are those men in the house?" I asked Jaden once we were in a large room in the east wing.

"Daddy's business partners," He replied.

I had never explored the east wing before. There was no one in this wing, so I felt it was safe to explore.

The first room I tried to enter was locked. And so was the second and the third. The fourth time happened to be the charm.

The place smelled like dust. No one came in here to clean. It had a simple design, devoid of warmth. Just a bed, a dresser, and a closet. But the closet....

The sound of a metal falling on the floor and someone cussing broke my concentration. Someone was in this room with me.

"Who's trespassing?" I shouted, much to my distaste. My legs moved on their own accord towards the door, while my eyes searched around for where an appropriate location to hide was in the room.

And then I felt like the air was being knocked out of my lungs. It all happened so suddenly. The hand held onto my throat, and I thrashed around.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in this room?" The person asked, his lips dangerously close to my ears.

Oh my.

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