
Chapter 4

"Who the hell does she think she is? She got a good life when she was young because her mom was a whore. And now, she's able to sit in a BMW because she is a whore. They're a family of whores!" Alicia cursed angrily at the car, which was already speeding away.

"Calm down. There's no need to get so angry over people like her," Calla said with a smile.

It had been more than a decade. Rudy had already hurt her so much that she had become numb. She was already immune to simple mockery.

Alicia knew about the hardships Calla went through. She couldn't do anything except pat her on the shoulder to comfort her.

After two weeks, Calla finished work and headed home. She was completely exhausted.

"You're back, Calla! Dinner's ready!" Carol had already placed the steaming hot food on the table.

She had a lot on her plate at work since she was required to work for the HR department in the morning and the finance department in the afternoon.

Although she used to be able to deal with that much work, she had been feeling lethargic for the past few days. She felt like something was wrong, but she couldn't put a finger on what it was.

Also, her taste buds had been acting up. She couldn't taste the food she was eating.

Carol suddenly said, "Calla, I met Tasha today. She said your grandpa is gravely ill. Why don't you visit him at the hospital?"

"I don't want to."

Back then, Carol begged Rudy not to get a divorce.

All she wanted was a home for her and her children. She was willing to turn a blind eye to his mistress.

Rudy didn't agree to that. Not only did he proceed with the divorce, but he also took all the money with him. Coral and her children endured countless hardships because of that.

Calla didn't want anything to do with Rudy or his side of the family if she could help it.

Calla's grandfather, Cedric Sherman, was a retired government official with a high pension. In the past, Rudy and Jill would drive her away whenever they saw her visiting Cedric. They would say she was after Cedric's money.

"Grandpa Cedric is almost 90 years old, after all. His days are numbered. You should at least visit him once. I can't really go since I'm already divorced from your dad." Carol tried her best to convince Calla.

"Alright, I'll go during the weekend." Calla relented unwillingly.

"Okay." Carol nodded with a smile.

The weekend soon arrived, and Calla went to visit Cedric at the hospital as promised.

Cedric was ex-military. He had participated in some very gruesome battles in his day. That was why he enjoyed certain privileges after retirement. The hospital even prepared a private ward for him.

When Calla entered the room, she saw Cedric's eldest son, Maurice Sherman, and his wife, Tasha Sutton, crying by Cedric's bed.

"You're here, Calla!" Tasha was the first to notice Calla. She stood up and walked over.

"How's Grandpa?" Calla felt terrible as she looked at the frail old man on the bed.

"The doctors have told us to prepare for the worst. He'll probably pass on in a day or two," Maurice said glumly.

Tears welled up in Calla's eyes when she heard that. Then, she tried to comfort him, "Uncle Maurice, you've been taking care of Grandpa for the past few years. You've done all you can."

Cedric had been bedridden for over a decade. Maurice and Tasha were the ones taking care of him during this time.


Maurice's sentence was cut short by the commotion outside the ward.

Then, Rudy, Jill, and Peggy entered the ward simultaneously. Jill was getting quite old.

She was still wearing an extremely low-cut shirt and had heavy makeup on her face, but that was not enough to conceal the wrinkles she had.

Peggy was also wearing heavy makeup. Calla didn't think she had ever seen what Peggy really looked like under all that makeup.

Jill began to yell the moment she stepped through the door. "Oh dear, Cedric! Why are you on your deathbed so abruptly? You should've left a will so that the brothers wouldn't have to fight over…"

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