
30 Days: You can't mess with me


"Something's fishy somewhere and I don't know what it is, there's obviously something more to it than the eyes sees, but the more I try figuring it out, the more I end up becoming the sore loser.....


I stared straight into his eyes, as my heart kept on wavering in doubt....

"We may actually find nothing" I blurted out, with a mixture of fear and doubt, as I slowly watch him breathing a huge breath, before finally staring back....

"Have you ever heard of the quote that goes, "It better to try and fail than don't try at all" He said, as I arched my eyebrows in both confused and uncertainty....

"But still that doesn't guarantee we would find anything" I blurted out blankly, as my mind kept on wavering in doubt over and over again, but all he did was to give a little stressful smile...

"That's the whole point, we may find nothing but we would at least try and have our minds at ease" His warm voice spoke out and I hate to admit this, but for the first time I could feel myself calming down a bit, as I kept on staring at him blankly...

"Are you with me on this" His voice quickly jolted me out of my thoughts, as he place his right hand forward, as I uncertainly place my hand right on top of his...

Gosh, this feels so awkward, my mind spoke out, like seriously, it really looks like we are doing some kind of children secret hand shake or something...

I thought for a brief moment, as I quickly lifted my hand away from his, so uncomfortable with everything, but I could already see the sly grin on his face...

Men, why does this fool always keep on irritating me at the most wrong time, I thought, looking away as I slowly squeeze my lips angrily...

"So about we sit on the ground and stare at the water all day long, cause you are obviously already far away" I said sarcastically, with the frown still on my face, as he let on a wholehearted laugh.....

"Wow, but to be honest, I really don't mind staying here with you" He grinned slyly, as I felt irritated once again, now rolling my eyes at him angrily..

"It would be romantic, wouldn't it?" He kept on speaking so dumbly.....

"Oh!, go to hell" I yelled out, before angrily walking ahead of him, as he playfully followed right on my tail, like an obedient servant....

Damn, I bet he must be grinning by now, my wicked mind told me the obvious as I frowned my eyebrows once again, before finally stepping into his car....

"If you continue staying like this, you might just burn up before we actually reached there" He said, trying so hard to hide his laughter, as I became a whole lot angrier once again....

"Just drive" I mumbled, immediately looking outside the car window, as he finally calmed down, before quickly starting the engines, as I kept on fiddling with my fingers throughout the whole journey


Everlign High wasn't actually that far from here, okay?, well I guess that's an understatement...

Truth be told, it was a whole lot farther than I had expected, like gosh, how doesn't this dummy even manage to hold the steering wheel for that long...

I arched one of my eyebrows questioningly, before a deep voice slowly brought me out of my thoughts....

"Do you want to stay in the car all day or finally come out" He mumbled, with a sarcastic smile, as I folded my arms together angrily...

"Haha, really funny" I blurted out, before quickly stepping out of the car....

"Let just get this over with" I said, before my eyes quickly drifted round the big or should I say mighty building standing right in front of us, as I slowly folded my arms together...

Now I think I understand why the rich kids mostly attend this shit, I thought blankly, as I kept on staring at the school that would obviously be filled with brainless fancy pants...

"So this is the school that also made my poor mother's life a shitty nightmare, I could already feel anger boiling right inside of me....

"Ivy, please keep it together, alright?" Charlie's voice mumbled silently and it was only then did I actually realized that I had just said it out loud, but I really didn't care, cause that was exactly how I actually felt....

I stared blankly at Charlie, as I tried hiding the bitterness in my heart, but I knew too well, he had already seen it....

"They would all get what they deserve" His low voice mumbled out, as I gave a quick little smile, before it immediately vanished away within seconds, as he slowly held my hand reassuringly...

Somehow making me feel relax and at the same time so confused and uncomfortable, as he boldly walked into the building...



I slowly held Ivy's hand firmly, as she looked at me with so much confusion and discomfort in her eyes, but i really didn't darn care....

She was stressed out and this was the least I could have done, I quickly intertwined her hands with mine, before gathering all the courage and entering into the Mount everest school....

I cautiously drew Ivy close to me, as I kept on searching round the school, with my eyes up everywhere...

There was a particular teacher's name that was written down numerous times on Dad's book, and I guess according to what he wrote, that was actually the one that brought him and Grace Hathaway closer to each other....

Anyway, I ain't here to think about their absolutely love so sweet, bitter relationship, but to find answers to the questions that we were looking for...

I think the teacher's name was actually Mrs Wilson, so she was kinda the main target, Find her, likely get answers...

I mean I don't think she would ever refuse to tell us about Grace Hathaway and where she had lived right?, I thought for a brief second, as my eyes kept on searching for the right office to enter....

Damn, I just hope she's still here, unless Ivy would definitely murder me, I mumbled under my breath, as I clench my fist, already angry with myself for not actually finding about if she was actually still here on not....

Well it's been 20 years ago, well that's if I actually calculated everything with my age, so she obviously shouldn't have left this shitty place, right?, I racked my brain frustratedly, as I place curses under my breath....

"We are lost, ain't we?" Her sweet stressed voice slowly yanked me out of my murdering thoughts, as my eyes quickly glued on a label, that read Mrs Wilson, as a little grin slowly appeared on my already frustrated face...

"We ain't, cause we're actually here" I emphasize, pointing at the office, as she raised one of her eyebrows, as she disengaged our hands together, before quickly nodding seriously, and pushing the door right open...

I quickly trailed my eyes around the room, before it finally landed on a woman, around her 60's , 70's...

Definitely the woman we were actually looking for, my mind reassured me, as we finally walked towards where she kept on looking tensed?, or something....

"Hi" I said, staring seriously right on her eyes, as she slowly examined me, before pausing....

"And who are you" Her voice echoed through the room, but I really didn't feel affected by it, by any means whatsoever, as I stared at her seriously, before opening my mouth to speak...

"It really doesn't matter" Ivy's blurted out, before I could actually say anything, as I gave her a quick glance, before fixing my gaze back at the woman...

"Tell me who you are or leave" Her cold voice blurted out, as she stared straight at Ivy, before looking away so quickly....

Damn, what the fuck is going on here, I thought for a brief second, before carefully examining her facial expression cautiously...

"Am Charlie and this is my....." I paused for a few second, as my head kept on spinning over and over again, searching for a possible answer....

"My sister Jessica" I blurted out, as I could feel Ivy's surprise gaze on me, but I really didn't care about that right now....

All I did was watch her fixing her gaze at ivy, staring at her from top to bottom, as I could feel Ivy already clenching her fist angrily...

"Ivy please control..." I whispered silently, staring straight into her already irritated eyes, as her lips slowly parted....

"She already make me feel like murdering her" She replied coldly, before quickly drifting her gaze back at Mrs Wilson frustratedly...

"Just please do listen and answer all the questions am about to ask right now" She commanded, still staring at the woman angrily....

"And why would I?" The woman asked, as Ivy kept on losing her cool with every darn minute....

"You have to, cause one fun fact about me is that, when I get angry, I can do anything and I'll really don't care" Ivy spat back, as she immediately took off guard a little....

"Do you know anything about Grace Hathaway" Her voice spread all round the room, as the woman stared awkwardly into her eyes once again...

"She was a student, Bless her soul", I could already feel the bitterness right in Ivy's eyes, but she decided not to actually show any emotion


"She had a friend, Kim, but they actually splited up before everything" She replied uncomfortably, but Ivy really didn't care about that shit, neither do I...

"Where is she now" I asked, placing my hands together on my pockets, as she quickly drifted her face away from me...

"She's in Florida, long time ago" She replied, still staring away....

"What else" Ivy asked almost too quickly, as I could feel Mrs Wilson eyes all tensed up again..


"What the fuck do you mean by nothing" Ivy roared out, as I immediately held her hand quickly to calm her down, before fixing my gaze back at the woman....

"What about her address, where she lived, Parents, anything" I asked, looking at her, as she tried maintaining the eye contact....

"I really don't know anything, I swear I really don't...


"Who gives you the right to ask me all this questions" She lash back, as I could feel Ivy's intense gaze directly on hers....

This is pure shit, there's something definitely wrong, I thought for a brief second, as I kept on staring carefully.....

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