
32: End Up

"You came home early, why?"

I pursed my lips into one thin line and sighed heavily. I went to the kitchen and Zed followed me there, He is confused and clueless because I went home early than my usual off shift. I get a glass and poured a cold water, I then sat on the high chair and faced him who also sat in front of me.

"I resigned," I simply said and shrugged my shoulder a little, as if it was just nothing and it does not affect me at all.

He then creased his brows. "Why?"

"I don't know, I just need a rest," I answered and drink my water empty. I poured the glass once again because I still feel thirsty. I need more water because it was like I will collapse here in any minute.

"What did Mister Ramirez said?"

I looked away from him when he mentioned that man. Just by hearing his name, it was like I have been fucked up and everything seemed to flashback. Yeah, everything. About what happened at us back in Canada and the conversation we had lately. Everything is fresh in my mind and I just want to forget everything because it pains me.

"It is fine with him."

"Oh, he has to find another secretary, then. Anyway, good for you. I see that that guy is no good for you. It will not be healthy if he is always around you."

"Yeah," I just said in agreement. He is right. It is not good for me whenever we were around each other. I do not know what actually the reason is but really, we are no good for each other.

Zed let me have my rest and he did not bother me anymore by asking some of a little things that has something to do with Kiel – I mean, Mister Ramirez. It is a good decision that I resigned. Just like what I said, I will never regret my decision right after later.

By the way, while I am heading home, like what I have used to, I observed everything around me and nothing change. There is still that "pair" of eye that is following my every move. I have to worry less because I do not want to stress myself more. I do not want to live with fear and being upset all the time. If I am destined to die later, tomorrow, or whenever it is, I do not care anymore because I already have nothing with me but my dead self.

Everything is fine even if I die now.

My death is no one's loss, though.

"Maybe we should see Mister Deguzman?" I suggested Zed while we were watching movies in the living room together. I chewed my popcorn and looked at him with my questioning eyes.

He then shrugged his shoulders off. "If you want."

"Hmm, what if that "someone" will still follow us there and know what we were doing?"

He smirked. "No one can escape away from my uncle."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Let's just see about it."

I ended up shutting my mouth. What does he mean about that, though? No one can escape away from Mister Deguzman? Does that mean that his uncle is not afraid of anyone, instead, he was the one feared? Hmm, that sounds cool and intimidating at the same time.

When ten in the morning strikes, I prepared myself and so as Zed. I get my coat and leather jacket and looked at myself in the mirror, just wearing my underwear. I scanned my body and when my eyes dart near my neck where my mole is, my brows creased. I went closer to the mirror to see myself and my eyes automatically widened when I saw something horror there that freaks the hell out of me.

"What the fuck?" I cursed and get the small camera from my mole. I gritted my teeth and faced the camera, right in front of my face. I looked at the camera with my angry face before I uttered. "I will bring you to death, fucker."

I then stepped on the camera and stepped on it. To be so sure that it will be ruined, I squeezed it against my slipper. I then heard a knock from outside which is Zed. "You okay there, Tal?"

I bit my lower lip and closed my eyes, I then gasped. "Yeah, I am fine."

"I heard you yelled. What's wrong?"

I shook my head even though he was not watching me. "It was just a fucking cockroach."

"Woah, a cockroach? We should clean my unit as soon as possible, then. Maybe later? What do you think?"

"Yeah, maybe later. Anyway, I will just change my clothes. Wait for me there."

When I heard his footsteps away, I clicked my tongue against the insides of my cheek. I could not help but to feel so angry about what I just found in my body. A camera, huh? When was it put in my mole? I did not even notice it! Even when I take a bath and I rub my skin, there is no any signs that there is a camera sticking in my neck. How annoying! I will really kill that fucker who put camera on me!

I just changed my clothes and looked at myself again. I look fine as fuck and I want to laugh because of it. Fine, huh? If I look so whole in my outside view, well, if you are me, you will hate yourself to death. I am too broken inside that cannot be fixed anymore. Too many regrets, too many pain, How I hate this life.

"Let's go?" Zed handed me his right hand and I gladly accept it. He kissed the back of my palm first before we headed to the door, ready to get off. I just forced a smile at him when he glanced at me to see my face. "Your ears are red," he commented and opened the door. We both went out. I have my purse with me and nothing else. Well, I have my phone and money in my pocket.

"Oh, why?" I raised a brow at him. "What's wrong with the red ears?"

"You know, your ears will turn red when you are angry, too happy, and feeling hot."

I hissed. "I am feeling hot."

He nodded his head but it is obvious that he was not convinced to what I told him. "Yeah, you are too hot to not feel hot."

I chuckled and hit his shoulders a little. "Silly."

It took us almost an hour to get to the place where Mister Deguzman is. We went to his house and Zed said that there is nothing wrong if we go here since he and his uncle were close to each other and their relationship is good, they are cool. The matter is just that, I am taking advantage of him just to get through with the case of my parents. I am kind of abusing his relationship with Mister Deguzman for me to have a favor and requests that Mister Deguzman never approves to anyone other than me.

"Good morning, Sir," I greeted him when we saw him in the living room of his house. He is currently sitting on their sofa and is reading a newspaper.

"I did not expect you here today," he said and renewed his sitting position. "Sit. Maybe you want a coffee? Zed, get her one."

I sat to the seat near him and forced a smile. Zed excused himself first to go to the kitchen, probably getting me a coffee. There is no need because I just had coffee lately but I am too shy to refuse Mister Deguzman's offer. "I also did not expect myself here," I said with an apologetic laugh.

"What brings you here anyway? Well, I should not ask anymore. About your parents' case, you don't have to worry because I am near to knowing the culprit."

I pursed my lips. "Can you tell me who?"

"Not sure yet."

"Just a clue," I insisted which made him to hiss.

"Don't ask me about that. There is no way I'll tell you."

Woah, hold up. That's kind of frankly rude and I have to get used to his attitude. He really is this. He will not hesitate to throw anything towards you, not knowing that it might hurt your ego and self-esteem.

I just nodded my head and did not say anything anymore. We just had a little conversation but the annoyance that crawls in my system was like for forever. He irritated the hell out of me this early. I did not show it to him, though. Talia, stay still and everything is fine.

"Here," Zed went in and put the coffee in the table. I smiled at him while he sat beside me. "What have you talk about?"

I looked at Mister Deguzman and he seemed like he did not hear Zed's question. He is acting deaf now, or maybe he just actually don't care. "Just a tiny one about the case," I simply answered him and reached for the coffee. I then sipped a little.

His brows raised and leaned against his seat. "What about it?"

"He said that he is near to get to know about the culprit, then I asked for any clue but he did not tell me."

He chuckled like there is something funny. "How about you? Any suspicions?"

"Nah, I am still searching about it. Anyway, you told me that you will tell me what you've seek about the case, right? Tell me about it."

He shrugged his shoulders. "It was Finnick Alonzo I am eyeing. I dig dipper about his background record and I saw traces. He is the co-worker of your mother back then, and also, that man has a crush on your mother."

My brows creased. Finnick Alonzo, huh? One of the suspects. I did not talk and I just let him to continue. I noticed that Mister Deguzman is also focused on listening to Zed.

"I visit Finnick in their house and I asked more about their relationship with your mother. He said that he just have a crush towards her and he cannot do such a thing, killing her. Even if he is serious and genuine saying those words, I am not satisfied. I searched more and there, I've found out that he has nothing to do with your mother. His record is clean," he ended his sentence with a hiss. I then looked at Mister Deguzman who also gaze at me. Seems like we were thinking the same thing.

"Who are you eyeing at?" Mister Deguzman asked me that made me gulp. Should I tell him about it? Heck, of course I should.

"Is it safe to talk about that here?" I asked, feeling conscious all of a sudden. I mean, someone might already listening to us!

"I am living alone here, and my place is safest than anything safe," Mister Deguzman told me, confident enough. That made me feel relieved.

"Alright. Sorry. But uh, I am focusing on Hanz Xiro Ramirez."

The side of his lips raised, amused. "And?"

I looked at Zed. He was now so serious looking at me and anticipating for my answer. I then looked again at Mister Deguzman to tell him about my investigation of that Hanz Xiro Ramirez, Mister Ramirez's twin brother.

"He is my boss' brother," I started. "Obviously, they are the known Ramirez because of their wealth. There is nothing wrong with his record, probably being cleaned, perks of having so much money. But then, there is a time Mister Ramirez, Kiel Alexandro Ramirez, Hanz Xiro's twin brother, told me that his fiancée died and was killed."

"Wait, he told you about that?" Zed asked, curious. I just nodded my head and proceeded already because I do not want him to ask such a thing that involves around I and Sir Ramirez. He might think of something.

"He said that his fiancée's killer is already dead," I paused and bit my lower lip. "I don't know but the way he said that, there is something weird. He is looking at me with like anger, it is clearly not seen but I am sure of it."

"What is your point?" Mister Deguzman raised a brow. "That your parents was the one who killed his fiancée and on the other hand, they killed your parents as a payback?"

A tear started to form in my eye. "N-No," I said and shook my head solely. "My parents are not a killer. Probably, they were just blamed for Mister Ramirez's fiancée's death. My point here is that, nothing in the suspects is the killer."

Mister Deguzman looks amused. "And who do you think?"

I looked up to stop my tears from falling. "You fooled me, you guys. You intentionally gave me the wrong copy of the suspects. None of them killed my parents. It was Kiel Alexandro Ramirez, he was the reason behind my parents' death."

Zed and Mister Deguzman looked at each other. I then sobbed because it pains me knowing that it was Kiel who killed my parents. I am sure of it. He was the one who killed them and it makes me to hate him, to hate him more. Pretending like you are not hurt and like everything is fine is like hell. It kills me. The thought of the killer already in front of me makes me want to stab him.

I just know that he was the one who killed them when he told me about his fiancée.

"Well," Mister Deguzman sighed and clapped his hands, he then leaned against his seat. "You bet it right, Talia. He is the killer. He was the one who killed your parents and we don't have the power yet to arrest him because we are not wealthy enough."

I shut my mouth because of disbelief. Money is really everything, huh? You cannot get the justice when it comes to poor that is not rich enough. Justice is low and impossible to people like me, like us.

"What should we do now?" I asked, stopping myself from shedding tears.

Zed then reached for my hand, making me to look at him. "Get his attention, Tal. You should catch his heart and interest, make him fall for you for him to surrender one day because he loves you."

I gulped and almost laughed in disbelief. "Really? I will do that to a killer? I will bear with a killer? Heck, you are kidding me."

"You will do that for you and for your parents," Mister Deguzman said and put the newspaper down. "Look, Miss Hernandez. The only thing we can do to make him rot in jail is to make him surrender, and in order to make him surrender, he must have fall for you hard that can make him to sacrifice his life for you."

I shook my head multiple times. "This is absurd."

"Tal," Zed called and gripped on my hands more. "This is for you and for your parents."

I closed my eyes and shook my head for the nth time. "Zed, I can't..."

"Why?" he asked in monotone, worried. He held my face, I then hide in his shoulders.

"What about you?" I sobbed. "I am getting away from him because I am slowly falling in love towards a killer..."

I felt him stiffened but he was able to make me face him. I looked at him with my pleading eyes but he just kissed my forehead. "It's fine, Tal. If you fall hard, and if he makes you happy, choose your happiness."

A tear fell again. "I am afraid..."

"Don't be. I am here, behind your back. I am always ready to protect you, Tal. Whatever happens, you are still Talia I love. If you love him, I don't have the heart to cage you away from what makes you happy. Go for it. I am the happiest when you are happy."

I could not help but to feel so blessed for having Zed. He is everything. He is someone that no one can beat. He is the best. He will choose everything that makes anyone he loves happy even if that means it will be his loss and even if it will ruin him.

I stared at his eyes with my tears flowing down my cheeks. "I will end up with you, Zed. I promise..."

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