
39: Different

"No, no... Stop the car!"

Talia yelled at Kiel when he did not listen to her. It was like he does not hear. She was already in the verge of shedding tears because of pain, agony and confusion. She cannot believe what she had heard from. It is hard to believe but knowing that it is from Kiel, he always says the truth.

"Kiel! I said, stop the car!" she repeated her words once again.

"No, baby, Don't get out. Stay with me," Kiel stopped her from what she wants. When she was about to stop the brake of the car, Kiel held her hand, tight but gentle. "Talia, please, don't. It is danger outside. Stay with me, hmm?"

Talia has nothing to do but to punch the window of the car in frustration. She yelled loudly to let out the pain stuck in her chest, but that was not enough. Screaming will never erase the pain.

Kiel stopped the car and reached for Talia. He hugged her tightly to make her feel comforted1. "Baby, please. I am here, okay? Come here. Your pain, my pain."

She just answered him with a sob. She buried her face on his chest and she shed tears to him. She cannot believe that her parents she used to love was not her real parents. And knowing that her biological parents do not like to have a child, makes her heart broken.

She feel unwanted.

"I... I should have a better life," Talia muttered while sobbing. Kiel caressed and kissed the top of her head. "I should be enjoying meals, excited to go to school... I should be so happy, K-Kiel..."

"Yes, you should. But aren't they enough for you?" Kiel asked, referring to her known parents.

She shakes her head. "They are, but... I am not happy. I am not contented, Kiel. I feel like there is a piece of me lacking. I can't be whole."

"Shush, it's fine. If you want to see your biological parents, tell me. I will bring you to them."

Talia hate the thought of meeting her real parents, so, she refused. "I won't see them."

Kiel say nothing and just kissed her again. He asked Talia if she is fine before they drove off and went back to Kiel's unit. They were from their dinner and they seemed exhausted. They both doze off to sleep.


"Are not you going to work?" Talia asked weakly when one morning, she saw Kiel just sitting beside her in the bed and is staring at her face. Kiel pursed his lips and sighed a little. He then hover down to kiss her on the cheek.

"Good morning," he greeted and caressed her cheeks. "I will stay with you for today."

Talia smiled. "Thank you."

"Anything for you."

"But are not you tired?" she moved a little to face the ceiling. "I am a hindrance to you, Kiel. You were going absent from work just because of me -" 

"I am also working home, Talia. You matter, okay? You are my priority."

She can't help but to smile. She is very thankful to have him with her. "I love you."

"I love you more," Kiel said. "I prepared breakfast, let's go in the kitchen?"

"I am not hungry."

"But you have to eat," Kiel insisted. Talia laughed when Kiel carried him off the room to bring her in the kitchen. He made her to sit in the high chair, right in front of the breakfast Kiel made for her.

"Thank you," she thanked and faced the food. Her favorites were present. Kiel really memorized her favorite foods so he can cook for her. "How did you learn cooking?"

"Just some tutorial."

While Talia is eating, Kiel just watched him all the way. She just mocked him because he look so obsessed, yes, he really is.

"Your parents –"

"Shush, don't mention them." Kiel was about to open up the topic but she did not let him. He just chuckled and shook a head. He understands, though. He respects her woman, especially her feelings.

They just stayed that way. They were happy living together and they can't almost apart ways. If they could just cuddle to each other all the time without getting distracted, they will.

"Fuck it," Kiel cursed when someone called while he and Talia were kissing each other. Talia laughed because he looked annoyed. "I will go back later, baby," he told Talia and went away from her to answer the call.

She just stared at him from the kitchen area talking to an employee from the other line. She then sighed and shook her head inwardly. She can't stay like this, just staying in his unit and doing nothing. She has to work.

When Kiel came back, Talia talked to him. "I will start to work tomorrow."

Kiel looked at him with his brows furrowed. "Why?"

She laughed in irony. Seriously? He is asking her that? "I can't stay like this, Kiel. I have to make money."

"I am with you. You do not have to work."

"No, that can be. I will not let you work for me while I am just sitting pretty here, hmm? I have to work and you have nothing to do with it."

"Alright, babe. But I will just make you to sit gorgeously in my office."

She shot him a glare. "I will kick your balls."

"I prefer you to suck it."

"Kiel!" Talia warned him, he just laughed and kissed her lips. Lovely couple, aren't they?


"Yay! Welcome back to work!"

Of course, who would welcome Talia when she comes back to work? No one but Dani. She jumped over Talia and kissed her cheeks two times. But Dani stopped when all of a sudden, Kiel appeared from Talia's back.

"Oh, good morning, Sir." Dani bowed her head to show respect to Kiel. He just nodded his head before he held Talia's waist, then they walked towards the elevator and headed to their floor.

Everyone was shocked because of what they witnessed. They even screamed in horror and looked at one other like they just saw a ghost. Well, who would expect that to happen, though? As far as they have known, Talia was just Kiel's secretary who has rumored when they eat together in the cafeteria.

"Hey, you should not have done that!" Talia hit Kiel's chest as they went inside the office. Kiel just laughed himself off and motioned Talia to sit in his swivel chair, and so she did. "It's so comfortable."

"You sit there while I work," Kiel uttered as he dragged the curtains down so no one can see them. Talia played with her seat like a child and giggled when she almost fell. "Hey, careful."

"Yeah, sorry. But hey, you can't lend this to me while you work. I am fine in the couch."

"No, I am fine in the couch. Just sit there and relax. You do not have to do anything. Don't tire yourself."

"Alright, Master."

And just like what is said, Talia just sit pretty in the swivel chair while Kiel settled himself in the couch in front of the small table. He keeps on glancing at Talia all the time while she on the other hand watched him work. "You are distracting me, baby."

"Oh, sorry."

"You sleepy?"

"Kind of," Talia answered.

"Come here, sleep on my lap."

"No, I will buy coffee."

Kiel leaned against the couch and licked his lower lip. "I will go with you."

"The hell? I can go with myself alone."

"You sure?"

"Yep." He did not argue anymore and just followed Talia went out of the office. He sighed and shook his head. It makes him worry for Talia to get out without companion, knowing that their life is in danger right now.

He get her phone and called Hanz. "Hey, hire bodyguards to secure Talia."

"Sorry, master?"

"Ten bodyguards. She is in danger, Xi. They are already eyeing us."

"Yeah, alright. Copy that."

After ending the call, he stood up to follow Talia's way. He checked his GPS to see where they are right now, the people who is eyeing them. He have a record about the enemy since they put a track record on their van, the van they saw that night Ramirez' had dinner with Talia.

He then howled when he saw that they are just near their building. He ran down the stairs instead of elevator. When he finally went out, he roamed his eyes to see where Talia is. He saw her waiting for the pedestrian lane. He felt relief when she successfully went across the road and went back to the building safely.

He really has to hire bodyguards so he would not worry this much. "Hey, why are you here?" Talia was shocked when she saw him waiting for her.

"I waited for you," Kiel simply said and looked away from her. She rolled her eyes and they started to walk to go back inside the building. He get the coffee from Talia so he would carry it himself.

"I told you that I can go with myself, Kiel. You did not listen to me."

"Let's not making this a big deal."

"I am not making it big of a deal, okay? It was just that you don't believe me enough and you make me feel weak."

"It's not that, Talia. Come on, they are here, okay? They were following us so I need to secure you."

When Kiel said that, he is thankful that she did not freak out. He does not want to tell Talia this kind of stuff because she might live with fear. Yet, Talia on the other hand do not need to be upset because she knows that she is safe with him.

She is safe with Kiel.

"I will be cautious next time," Talia said and smiled. They has not reach the elevator yet when someone blocked their way, it is Zed. They did not expect him here. "Hey, Zed."

Zed smiled at her. "Hey, I just came by to see you. I see that you are fine, with him. Are you two good?"

Talia and Kiel looked at each other. "Yes," Talia answered and nodded her head. "I miss you, though. How are you doing?"

"Hmm, fine. Maybe we should date later? I want to be with you today."

"Dude," Kiel interfered. "You can't date my woman."

"Woah!" Zed laughed in surprise. "Woman, huh? So you two are now together?"

"Well, yes," Talia answered again. "We are in a relationship days ago."

Zed's mouth formed an "o" before he nodded his head multiple times. He has to smile so him being hurt with the news would not be evident. "Great to hear that, guys. Congratulations, then."

Zed nodded his head for the last time and excused himself. They followed him out of the place and Talia sighed. "I can't believe he is hurt," she commented and started to walk towards the elevator.

"So do I."


"I will have lunch with Dani," said Talia while she and Kiel were silent inside the office. Kiel looked at her and tilted his head a little, thinking who she just mentioned and then he remembered that it was the receptionist slash her friend.

"Don't you want to have some with me?" Kiel asked and licked his lower lip.

"I loved to, but I want to eat in the cafeteria -"

"I can go to cafeteria, you know."

"Yes, I know. But we might be rumored again, Kiel. You know what happened the first time you joined us -"

"What is with that?"

"Your image, Kiel."

"I don't care about what they will say, Talia. I won't care. Besides, what can they say to us? We were perfect together."

"Yeah, right. You won. Let's have lunch together."

When lunch time came, they went to the cafeteria and as expected, they were rumored again. They settle themselves in an available table and order for a food. All through out the lunch, most of the people glanced at them, making Talia to hate it. It makes her annoyed knowing that many were eyeing them and they cannot just eat together peacefully.


"I am already sleepy, Kiel."

"Yeah, sorry." He went away from Talia. He was planting kisses on her neck but she can't respond to his needs because she is sleepy. She is not tired since she does nothing lately but to just sit pretty and watch Kiel to work. She really is just sleepy as hell.

"I'm sorry," she sighed. "Maybe tomorrow."

"Anytime you can," he whispered and leaned on the headboard. He just watched her sleep and when she finally rest her system, he reach for his phone to call Hanz.

"Yo, bro," Hanz greeted from the other line. "I already hired fifteen bodyguards. They were professional and are well-trained. They can protect you for sure."

"I don't need protection," Kiel hissed and stared at Talia's face. "I am just worrying about Talia. I can protect her but not all the time."

"Yeah, I get it. They already knew their assignment. They are heading there."

"Two beside Talia, and the rest, around her."


Kiel massaged his temple and yawned. "Thank you. I owe you a lot."

Kiel was about to hang up when Hanz asked. "What about her friend?"

"You mean, Zed?"

"Yeah. He is one of them. If we gets him down, we don't know what will be Talia's reaction."

"I will talk to her about it, don't worry."

"Alright. I'mma hang up now, still have many loaded works."

When the call ended, Kiel faced his work since he has still papers to do. He settled himself beside Talia, facing his laptop. He can't focus on his work because something's bothering him. He just sighed and stared at Talia, now, he felt relieved.

She is making his waved be tamed.

"I will have a date with Zed," Talia said while they were having their snack. It was already afternoon. With what she said, Kiel looked at him with a raised brows. "You said I should get more close to him, right? Then that would be it."

Kiel shook his head, sighing. "I changed my mind."

"Eh? Why?"

"It is dangerous for you. You can just sit there and relax. I wish you would not mind them, hmm? I will do everything for you."

Talia put her utensils down and sagged her shoulders. "I can't really just relax. Tell me something that could make me at peace."

"I will protect you because I love you."

"Thank you," Talia whispered and forced a smile. She knew that he will protect her at all cost and will not let her in any danger. If she could just learn how to protect herself, she would not worry Kiel that much. "But..."

Kiel anticipated to what she is about to say. "But?"

Talia gulped. "D-Do you use guns?"

Kiel stopped for a moment because of the sudden question. But what for he would hide everything from Talia? He is willing to risk everything for her. "Yes," he answered, not making it a big deal.

Talia's mouth formed an "o" before she looked away from him. She felt nervous but thrilled at the same time. "C-Can you train me?"

Kiel did not answer.

"You know, I want to protect myself and the people around me. I don't want it knowing that –"

"It is not safe for you, Talia," Kiel said and furrowed his brows. "You can not hold gun and I will never let you hold it."

"I will not kill," she said, sounding annoyed. "I will never kill, okay? I just want to train myself protection because I feel like I will just be a huge problem to carry."

"If you are, I am strong enough."

Talia gritted her teeth. "You are so annoying, Kiel. It will be more dangerous if I will not know how to fight –"

"You won't fight," Kiel cut her off again, deadly serious. "You will not fight, Talia. I will fight for you."

"The hell?" she cursed and glared at him. Kiel seemed like he does not care the way she look at him. "You can't just fight for me, okay? If you don't want, then I will ask someone to help me use guns, self-protection –"

"Fine," Kiel sighed and hang his hands on the air, surrendering. "I will train you if that's what you really want."

Talia smiled from ear to ear in triumph. "Really? When will we start?"

"Next year."

"Fuck you."

"Gladly," Kiel grinned. "You feel like fucking right now?"

"I am asking when, okay?"

"Alright, tomorrow."

Talia jumped in success and run towards Kiel to kiss him. She sat in his lap and took his lips passionately. "Thank you," she said, gasping. Then she kissed him again which Kiel gladly responded.

Talia grabbed a handful on his hair while Kiel's hands were wandering around her body. They both moaned when pleasure hit them. They started to take their clothes off and continued what they are doing wildly.

Talia woke up lying in a soft mattress. She stared at the white ceiling and bit her lower lip when she remembered what she and Kiel did lately. They did that in the kitchen, in the table rather. She then let out a chuckle when the table creak and it broke. The did not care, though.

She looked to her side. She did not see Kiel there. She just knew that he took a bath when he went out of the bathroom inside their room. He was just wearing his boxers and nothing else, and is currently drying his hair using a towel.

"Hey," Kiel smiled when he caught Talia staring at him. "You just woke up?"

Talia nodded her head. "Yes, babe. You look so hot anyway."

Kiel bit his lower lip and sat in the bed beside her. "I am hotter when I am inside you."

"Oh, shut up. Anyway, what time is it already?"

"Eight," Kiel answered and kissed her forehead. "Sleep well. I will bring you to the training ground tomorrow."

"Who owns the place?" she asked.

"My family."

Talia was amazed when she knew that. She just took a deep sleep since she is tired. She also has to gather her strength to start her training. She is excited and thrilled because this is what she is waiting for, to learn on how to fight for herself and protect her loved ones.

"You are smiling wide," Kiel commented while Talia is busy choosing for an outfit to wear. She just choose the leather jacket and jean, and a boot.

"Yeah, I am excited."

Kiel kissed her cheeks. "Don't be reckless, okay?"

"Yes, baby."

"Oh god," he looked up and gulped. Talia laughed and flicked her finger on his forehead. She then went inside the restroom so she can wear her outfit out. As she went out wearing it, Kiel scanned her body and bit his lower lip inwardly.

"You look so good," he complimented and stood up. He encircled his arm around her waist and kissed her on her ear down to her lips. "Can we do it first before going?"

"Hmm," Talia groaned and gripped on his arms. "We are going, aren't we?"

"This is just quick."

"Oh, okay," Talia answered, a bit moaning. Kiel cursed and went away from her, chuckling. "Come on, Kiel."

"I won't tire you before we get there."

"I thought you want?"

Kiel grinned at her. "I want you to beg."

"What a waste of time. Why can't you just fuck me –"

"Later, babe," he winked at her. "I will take you later after this, hard, and rough."

She bit her lower lip as she felt butterflies twirling around her stomach. She feel more excited for the latter. They went off of the place and Talia was even shocked when she notice bodyguards following their way. Kiel just explained it to her so she would not confuse herself.

"I am excited," Talia uttered while they were on their way. After half of a minute, they arrived in a huge building. They went inside and Talia could not stop her amazement because of how huge the place is.

Kiel held her hand. There are just few people in the place and in the ground floor, it was like the place is normal. But when you go to the second floor to up, there are many rooms for the training. There are for guns, arrow, knives, self-defense, martial arts, and many more.

And Kiel brought Talia in the room for guns and they saw Margo there, having her training. Margo smiled at Talia when she saw her. "Hey, hey! I did not expect you here!" Margo said and kissed her cheeks.

"I didn't expect you either," Talia chuckled. They helped Talia to prepare and proceeded to what they should do.

And that is when Talia moved into another parallel that is not the same as before.

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