
44: Luckiest

Life is really just this playful that you have no choice but to win.

You can't get the things you wanted easily. You cannot just wish and dream of it. You cannot just imagine of it and stay still. "This art is beautiful. I love it," Talia said while holding the frame of a paint. Kiel stood before her and peek to what she is referring.

"Yeah, it is," he agreed and nodded his head. "It really is beautiful, just like you."

Talia chuckled and tapped his shoulders. They continued to wander around the mansion. It is silent because it was already midnight. Talia cannot sleep and so as Kiel so they just decided to go outside and take a short walk. "How long will you stay here, though?"

They faced the wall where the images of the Zanea's were hanging. All of their family members are there, including the grand of their grand's. Kiel heaved a sigh and stared at Talia's face through the picture frame.

"I will be leaving by tomorrow," Kiel answered. "I can not stay here."

Talia tilted her head towards him and nodded twice. "Yeah, I understand. But will you come back for me? Will I see you again?"

"Of course, Talia. We will meet again. I will visit you here."

"How about me visiting in your home?" she suggested, the side of her lips rose. "I miss your family, Kiel. Especially Margo. I have not kick her ass off for giving me this scar." She then pointed the area of her neck where there is a scar caused by the wound Margo gave to her.

"Oh, sure. Everything you want, my love."

"You are leaving?"

They both looked from where the voice came from and saw Axel wearing his pajamas and hair is messy. It was like he just woke up, or the conversation of Talia and Kiel woke his system up. "Axel," Talia uttered his name and smiled. "I am not leaving. I am just visiting their place."

Axel groaned and shakes his head. "But you are still gonna leave us."

"For the meantime," Talia said, trying to explain Axel about it. "When I will visit their place for half a day, that does not mean leaving you, okay? Did you have a nightmare or something? You look terrified."

"No, Talia," Axel refused. "You are still leaving. You know that we are afraid of losing you again, right? You just came and we cannot afford to –"

"Hey, Axel," Kiel interfered. "Calm down, okay? I will get you some water."

Axel and Talia watched Kiel to walk away from their place. Talia heaved a sigh before she faced her brother, now giving her a different look. "Axel, I am not leaving, okay?"

"No, you are," he still insisted and gritted his teeth. "You are not leaving, Talia. You are not. You stay here!"

"Have you dreamt of something bad?" Talia creased her brows and walked near him. She was about to touch his face when suddenly, Axel pushed her away, causing her to hit her back against the wall that caused the frames to almost fall in the floor.

Talia's eyes widened in horror and looked at Axel with disbelief. 

"Axel, what is happening to you? You need water. Come on!" Talia forced herself to get up and was about to hold his hand but again, he pushed her away. "Axel -!"

"No!" he exclaimed and held the collar of Talia's shirt. She raised both of her hands, surrendering. "You are not leaving, understood?"

"Hey, what happened –" On the other hand, Kiel went back to their place with a glass of water in his hands. He stopped when he saw what Axel is doing to her. He let go of the glass, it hit the floor and got broken, causing a sound in the hallway. "Hey, Axel! What are you doing?"

Axel looked at Kiel that is running towards them. He pushed Axel so he can let go of Talia who is gasping in surprise.

"What do you think you are doing, huh?!" Kiel looked at Axel who is lying on the floor, weak. "You are hurting your sister! Don't do that again!"

"Hey, c-calm down," Talia gasped and tapped his chest. "I am fine. We should get him water. I think he had a nightmare and is none of himself."

"Are you alright?" Kiel cupped her face.

"Yes, I am." She nodded and looked at Axel again. He was still lying, trying to get up. They froze when they saw a blood in his elbow, it is flowing and does not stop from flowing. "Axel!"

"Come on, let's bring him to the hospital!" Kiel said and guided him to stand up. Axel can barely open his eyes. "Talia, you should get the car ready."

"We should tell this to them," Talia said while shaking. "Axel is hurt, Kiel. We bring him to the hospital once we inform someone."

"We will bring him to the hospital before we inform them, okay? He is losing lots of blood!"

They have no choice but to stop the bleeding first and bring Axel in the car after. While they were heading in the hospital, Talia reached her phone and with shaking hands, she called Eman. It took minutes before Eman got to answer the call.

"Whoa, midnight, prin –"

"We are bringing Axel to the hospital," Talia said, not letting Eman to finish a sentence. She glanced at Kiel who is driving and Axel in the backseat, now sleeping. It was just that Axel is afraid of blood.

"W-What? Why?!" Eman now is panicking with the news he heard. "What happened to him, Talia?"

"Ask me questions later, Eman. He kept on bleeding. Come here if you would not mind." After saying that, Talia cut the call of and heaved a deep sigh then leaned against her seat. "What the hell happened to him?"

Kiel hissed. "Calm yourself down, Talia. He is not going to die, okay? We will bring him there."

She closed her eyes and shook her head. "This is my fault, Kiel. His elbow got cut off by the broken glass. He misunderstood it... He does not understand..."

"Talia," said Kiel. "This is none of your fault. There is no one to blame right now. He is out of himself."

While they were on their way, Talia kept on convincing herself that it is not her fault. But she just cannot think of it that easy. She was shaking when she sat on the chair, waiting for an update from the nurse who is taking care of her brother.

"Hey, are you guys fine?" Eman came, gasping. "Where is Axel? How is he? What the hell? What happened to him?"

Kiel was about to answer him when a nurse came. The nurse said that Axel is just fine and nothing severe. He just wounded himself with the glass and lose bloods. Kiel caressed Talia's back when he heard her sobbing.

"This is my fault," she muttered and shook her head multiple times. "This is all my fa –"

"No one is at fault, okay?" Eman cut her off. "This is no one's fault. Talia, he is already fine. You can calm yourself. He just usually had a nightmare that can make him lost his mind."

Talia looked at him with her teary eyes. "What do you mean?"

"It is midnight. He has a nightmare, Talia. He always go out to calm himself. Why did you end up with him, though? You guys are not in your room?"

Kiel nodded his head. "We were wandering around. We talked about Talia visiting our house and then he just came up, illusioning. I caught him chocking Talia and –"

"What?" Eman stopped Kiel from talking. "He choked her? He did that?!"

"Hey, Eman," Talia called him. "He is out of himself, okay? He did not mean to hurt me. Besides, I am just fine – ah!"

Talia groaned when she felt pain in her back. "Yeah, right. You are not hurt," Eman said sarcastically. "Wait, your hands..."

Kiel reached for Talia's hand. They then noticed a piece of glass planting on her palm. Her hand were full of blood because of Axel's and they were not expecting that she is wounded too. "Come on, we need to check her up!"

"No, I am fine," she opposed and sighed. "This is just nothing. Don't worry about me."

"No, you have to be checked!" Kiel insisted before he called for nurse.


"How are you feeling?"

Talia woke up with a hand caressing her forehead. She opened her eyes and with her blurry sight, she saw Trist hovering over her. Worry is evident in her eyes as their gazes meet. Talia tried to talk but it seems like something is blocking her throat.

"You are awake," Kiel appeared in her sight. Talia smiled to the both of them and when she tried to get up, they stopped her.

"You can't, Talia," Kiel said. "Stay still, you have to get some rest."

Talia chuckled in sarcasm. "I am not in pain, okay? My hand just got a small wound and yet, here I am, in a decent room like I had a severe disease. Where is Axel by the way?"

"He is resting as well," said Trist. "You have to rest if you want to see him. Eat, Talia. You have to feed in your stomach."

"I am not even hungry," Talia insisted. "I am fine, okay? I have to see Axel."

Trist sighed. "Talia, you have to get some strength. You have lost blood, too. Axel is fine, we are taking care of him."

"Then why are you here?" Talia asked Trist, creased brows. "Who is with him, Mom? Look, Kiel, you, and Eman is with me. Who is with Axel, huh?"

"Tal -" Kiel shut himself off when Talia glared at him. Talia forced them to let her go so she could see Axel. She wants to know who is with him and how he is. She just can not sit still and wait for an update.

"I have to see him, okay? Let me," Talia said while looking at them. "I have to. Kiel, go with me."

Kiel has no choice but to just follow her so he could lead the way. They walked through the hallway. Talia looked so fine like she was not a patient. She also lost blood yet she can't stay still.

"It's fine, Tal," Kiel said while they were on their way. "Axel is back to his senses now. You both need a rest -"

Talia faced Kiel with her greeted teeth. "Can't you understand me? I am fine as fuck! I have to see Axel so please, shut up! You can just - sorry, I am sorry." She panicked when she realized her words. Kiel smiled at her.

"It's fine. I will get you to him, don't worry."

While Kiel lead the way, Talia stared at his back. She thought Kiel would be angry or annoyed at her for saying those, but then, she remembered. Kiel is very understanding to her. His patience is endless when it comes to Talia. Only it will end if she crosses the line, of course.

Talia smiled mentally. I am the luckiest woman for having him.

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