
41: The Zanea's

"Who are you?!"

Kiel woke up with that scream outside their room. He went up quickly in nervousness and saw that Talia was not beside him anymore. His eyes widened before he ran out to see Talia and Zanea. He then caught them facing each other. Talia was in shock and horror at the same time, while the grandmother Zanea was silent staring at her beautiful daughter.

"Talia..." Kiel called, making them to look at him. He bowed his head to Zanea first and went near Talia to kiss his woman. He is gasping because he rushed to go outside and is nervous at the same time because Talia's yell woke him up.

"Why is she here, Kiel?" Talia asked him. She did not have a clue that the old woman is her grandmother. She just see her as a stranger or maybe, Kiel's family she did not recognize.

Kiel and Zanea looked at each other first then Kiel nodded his head, letting Zanea to explain everything herself. Talia has to calm down and listen to Zanea for her questions will be answered. Zanea heaved a deep breathe and stared at Talia directly at her eyes.

"I am Vionna Zanea, your grandmother," Zanea stated, making Talia to froze. "I am here to fetch you, Talia. You have to go with me. I will keep you safe."

Talia was dumb-silent for a moment before she shook her head, lips were parted in disbelief. "I... I am safe here."

"You are not," Zanea insisted. "I will bring you to the place where you belong. You go with me and stay away from this man who causes you danger. Go back with me. You will have a better life with –"

"Please," Talia cut her off and looked at Kiel with her teary eyes. He was just silent staring at them. Talia then turned to Zanea and clicks her tongue. "I won't go anywhere without him. I will never be leaving him."

"Talia –"

"Why are you doing this?" she looked at her with creased brows. "Why it seems like you care about me? Why are you here?"

Zanea was stunned for a moment before she heaved a sigh and massaged her temple. She might be old but not looking so. Also, she look so better and her beauty never fades. "Who says I don't care about you?"

"I mean, my parents hates having a child –" Talia stopped from talking when Zanea touched her palm. She hold her hand and stared at her thoroughly.

"But I do love," she said. "I love you, Talia. They did not hate you. They was not just ready to raise you. I was about to get you from them, but, it is too late. They already handed you to a couple for them to take care. God knows how much I want to get you from them, but I did not have the power to. That time, I was just sort of a slave who can't save her own granddaughter..."

They did not talk as Zanea continues, "They regret giving you to them but they have made their decision already. And now, they built their family. They live happily with their three sons. That is why I am getting you, Talia. You have to be with them. There, you are safe."

"I..." Talia clears her throat. "I don't have to be safe, Vionna. I am safe with –"

"You are not, okay?" she caressed her cheeks. "He is no good for you. Let yourself be free, Talia. You can go back to him when you are really meant for each other. For now, you have to go home."

Zanea was about to stood up, but Talia insisted, "Wait, why do I have to go home? I am safe with Kiel and they don't need me. Your family is having their good time. I don't need to go there and just leave Kiel with the fight."

"Talia," Kiel called her and shook his head. "This is for your safety –"

"No, it is not!"

"Listen, I am no good for you. Going with her is a good choice. I can fight with myself and I will do anything to save you and keep you safe. She is right, your life will be more in danger if you stay with me –"

"Even you?" Talia stood up and looked at Kiel with a different look. "You are shoving me, are not you?"

"I just want your safety –"

"I don't want to leave you, okay?!" Talia yelled and gritted her teeth. "I am not going to leave you! I am with this battle! I have a role to play! The enemies also wants me, they all want us! You want me to leave you when you need me the most?! I am not that kind of person, Kiel! For Pete's sake!"

"Look, Tal," Kiel sighed, trying Talia to understand what they are saying. Talia understands it, but she just cannot accept the fact that Kiel is a danger for her. That she has to leave him because he is no good for her. "This is for the better. This is for you and you should listen."

"Why?" Talia raised a brow while clenching her jaw. "Do you have a plan that you are not telling me? You want me to leave because? Tell me. If I am convinced, then I will leave. I am kind of easy to talk."

Kiel gulped and looked at Zanea first. He then shook his head. "My only plan is to keep you safe and make you away from this danger," he simply said.

Talia nodded her head multiple times. "That is what you want?" Kiel nodded to answer Talia's question. "Great. Then I will leave as you wish."

Kiel was about to hug her when Talia walked pass through him. He and the Zanea looked at each other, finding it weird. Talia is just feeling sulky and annoyed at the same time. She promised to him that she will never leave him no matter what happens, especially this time that he needed her the most.

Their strength is each other but Kiel is shoving her away.

"I will bring her back to you whenever she is ready," Zanea said and tapped his shoulders. "This is for good, Alexandro. Do the right thing. She is always with you."

Kiel just nodded his head and watched Zanea follow Talia heading to their room to pack her things. As soon as Zanea entered, she saw Talia weeping silently and is putting her clothes in a bag. "Talia..." she called, standing behind her.

"Why did you came?" Talia asked, sobbing. "This will not going to happen if you just let us be."

"This is for good."

"Good?" Talia chuckled and wiped her tears away. "Does getting hurt is the new definition of good?"

Zanea shut herself and just let Talia to let out the pain. When they leave the unit, Talia just stared at Kiel for three seconds and say nothing. She left him without any word and that broke the both of them. They are just hurting each other.


"Where are we heading to?" Talia asked while she is sitting in the backseat, Zanea in the passenger's seat and a driver driving. They are already minutes driving in the road and Talia could not help but to ask.

"In the house," Zanea answered while looking straight in the road. "You will see your parents, your family."

Talia's lips parted in horror. "What?"

"Yes, we are heading to your own family. You will be living with us, call me Granny Via."

Talia nodded her head and sighed. "What should I call my parents?"

"Mom and dad," Zanea answered. "They are expecting you to come. Your mother is Trist and your father is Ysmael."

Talia was amazed hearing their names. "What about my brothers?"

"The eldest, Ysiah, Eman in the middle and the youngest is Axel. They are your brothers and you should get along with them. Do not worry, Talia. They are good, well, except the grumpy Eman. But I am sure you guys will be good siblings."

"What if they would not like me?" Talia asked, now doubting herself. Zanea looked at her through the rearview mirror and clicks her tongue.

"They will, my baby Talia. They are your boss, I know."

"Why? How old are they?"

Zanea smiled. "From eldest to youngest, 22, 20 and 19."

Talia nodded her head, trying to think of something. She then let out a bitter laugh and looked down at her hands. "So, they were just ready having children after they gave me three years after? Nice."

"I'm sorry," Zanea muttered, almost a whisper in the air. "I understand your pain, Talia. If I just save you."

"But what do you mean about what you said earlier? You are sort of a slave?"

Zanea chuckled. "I worked as their helper. They did not know that I am Trist's real mother. And when they found out, they treated me like a queen."

"Wow, that's great. How I wish they also treat me like a princess."

Zanea just smiled at her.


"We are here."

Talia looked up at the huge mansion. From outside the gate, she can already see its beauty and how lovely the place is. She did not expect to end up here, living. All her life, she just live simply with her adoptive parents. She had ordinary life and she is fine with living. Everything is fine not until someone killed them.

"Beautiful," Talia whispered. The car went inside the gate and it stopped in the garage. Zanea guided Talia to get out of the car. They reached the front door with a fountain in front of it. Talia can't help her amazement.

"This is your home now," Zanea said, smiling. Then the door opened. They went inside and stopped when they reached the dining hall. It seems like Talia is frozen in the freezer when her eyes landed to her biological family.

Trist and Ysmael facing each other in the head of the table and their three sons sitting in the left side. They all looked at Talia as she arrived. Their faces cannot be read but it is evident that they are happy and amazed to see Talia standing in front of them.

"Everyone," Zanea stated. "Talia Zanea, the eldest."

Talia gulped and bowed her head a little. She is just wearing her leather jacket, jean and a boot and it seems like her outfit does not fit the event. She forced a smile at them. Then, Trist stood up, staring at her daughter, lips were shaking and eyes full of joy.

"My daughter..." Trist whispers and hugged her immediately. Talia was hesitant to hug her back but when she feel like she misses a mother, she hugged her back with the same intensity. "I miss you so bad, my Talia..." Trist started to tear up.

Ysmael also stood up and caress Talia's head. He smiled at her, making her feel that she is welcomed with warmth. Eman and Axel also stood up to look closer with their eldest sister. It was just Ysiah who seemed not to care, he was just staring at his food and gripping the utensils he is holding.

"Hi," Eman greeted and smiled at her. "I did not expect to have such a very beautiful sister. Welcome home, Talia. We are very glad to see you."

"T-Thanks," Talia smiled. They invited them to sit. Zanea sat beside her, though. Now, they are facing the three sons. Talia was in front of Ysiah that is now looking at her with a different look.

"I am not happy to see you," Ysiah said all of a sudden. The family creased their brows except Talia who is still smiling. "Now I understand why they loathed a child back then. You are not good enough –"

"Ysiah!" Ysmael warned him. "Don't throw your feelings towards you sister -!"

"She is not my sister!" Ysiah yelled.

"Ysiah," Eman called him. "She has nothing to do with you. Let's just enjoy the dinner –"

"Why are you guys acting like you like her here? Not to mention you are just forced because Vionna asked to!"

"Ysiah," Trist uttered and looked at him. "She is our daughter and we love her. Don't ruin this dinner, can you? You are such an embarrassment to your sister."

That made Ysiah shut. He just glared at Talia who did not erase her smiles. But inside, she is hurting. But then, more of them are happy to have her and it was just one who loathes her. She should not settle for less because she know her worth.

They had dinner silently. She already expected this, though. She imagined being with them awkwardly. After many minutes, Vionna cleared her throat and sipped on her water. "Talia, you have your room beside Ysiah's."

Talia nodded her head, did not know what to say or should she say anything.

"I will guide you later. For now, get along with your brothers. But you might be tired too much, rest first."

Just like what Zanea said, she rest in her room. She wandered her eyes around and took a bath first. She dried her hair before she rest her system. When she woke up, it was already morning, sun rises so bright.

Yes, this is her first time waking up without Kiel beside her.

She sighed as she felt a punch on her chest. "Hey," she muttered, staring at the ceiling and is like talking to Kiel. "I miss you."

She smiled and shook her head.

"I wish I have bid my goodbye better. I am sorry if I am mad with you yesterday. I love you so much, Kiel. Don't ever forget that. I will always love you."

"How corny."

Talia went up quickly when she heard that. She looked at the door and saw Ysiah standing near the open door, clenching his jaw and is looking at her. "What are you doing here?" Talia asked, confused.

"Mom's order," he sighed. "Get up, Breakfast is ready."

After saying that, he left. Talia just bit her lower lip in disbelief. That man is a pain in the ass. Talia has to bear of him being so grumpy. This is her destiny and she must face it. And also, he is her brother. He might not treat her as one but she should have a good and great revenge – that is to love him as her brother if he hates her.

After getting ready, Talia went down and see them in the kitchen. She joined them having a breakfast. Unlike last night, Talia's parents started a conversation with her. And as usual, Ysiah is silent again.

"What should I do now?" Talia asked. "Where should I work?"

"In the farm," Ysiah mocked.

"Shut up, dude," Axel fired him and looked at his sister. "You will go with us later in the company. You will be working with us, Talia. Are you fine with that? Your work is just light and we will not make you do hard works –"

"Spoiling her, huh?"

"Again, Ysiah," Ysmael hissed. "If you have nothing good to say, shut your mouth."

"Yeah, right," he said and rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, are you good with it, Talia?"

"Yeah, sure. Of course," Talia smiled at Axel. "I love to work and not just to sit pretty."

"As you should," Ysiah interfered again.

"Shut up, Ysiah," Eman cut him off.



While Talia is walking in the garden of the mansion, Eman came and walked with her. Talia looked at him first and continued to walk slowly. "Hi. You doing here?"

"Just want to have a talk with you," Eman shrugs his shoulder and smiled. "I am glad you came, Talia. I have been waiting for this day. Granny used to tell us about you and yeah, we are so eager to see you."

Talis chuckled. "Well, except Ysiah."

"Yeah, just don't mind him. He is just that grumpy because of small things."

"Like what?" She looked at him and raised a brow.

"Because of love? He is bitter. And also, he is jealous of you because granny likes you more than him."

"That is hilarious," Talia said with a laugh and shook her head afterward.

"Yeah, it really is. Just don't mind him. Anyway, you remember my name, right?"

"Of course!" Talia said. "Who would forget the name Eman? You are a nice man. I bet many women were chasing after you. Wow, I have a handsome brothers."

"And we have a princess," Eman uttered and smiled. "You are a perfect woman, sister. If I am not just your brother, I've already court you."

"Oh, man," Talia hissed. "I miss my boyfriend," she added in a whisper. Eman looked at her with wide eyes and laughed after.

"You have a boyfriend? Wow! You did not tell me about that! Who is he?"

Talia shrugged her shoulders and sighed. They stopped in a bench and sat there. Talia then stared at nowhere. "A Ramirez. I bet you know them?"

Eman nodded his head trice. "Yes, I know them. So, who's the lucky Ramirez? Xiro?"

"The hell? That Hanz? He is pain in the ass. I am in love with Kiel."

Eman's eyes widened and chuckled. He did not expect that from her. They are not familiar with Kiel Alexandro but of course, they know every Ramirez. They just don't interact often. "I see. He is so lucky, then. He got a princess."

Talia hissed and played her shoe in the grass. "I regret for leaving him without a proper goodbye," she said. "I wish I can talk to him again."

"Hey, there is social media where you can reach him."

"I want to talk to him personally," she told him. "I used to be his secretary. I work for him. But I did not know that he has feelings for me. He chooses me to be his secretary so I am always around him. And that's it, your sister gave her all to him. He deserves all of me but I don't even know if I deserve him."

Eman went silent when Talia's voice turned sad.

"He is a good man," she added. "And yet, I left him. I left him without a word."

"He will understand," Eman said. "You can still talk to him, Talia. It's not that you are trapped here and we forbid you to talk to anyone. You have your freedom."

"Yeah, thanks."


"When will we go there?" Talia asked while they were sitting in the couch of the living room. It was just her, Axel and Eman. They are now getting along and Talia won't deny, they are a good man. She is already comfortable around them.

"Hmm, tomorrow," Axel answered while eating popcorn. They were watching movies and Talia can't focus because she has many things in mind. "You were too excited, sister."

"Who wouldn't?" Talia hissed. "I love to see my workplace."

"Well," said Eman. "We will introduce you to everyone tomorrow. You should be ready. You will be the boss."

"What? Why?" she asked, confused. She did not want to be a boss and she never wish to be. "I just want to be a simple worker. No family involved."

"Worker, huh?" Ysiah appeared all of a sudden. "Then your wish is my command. You work tomorrow as an employee. Make sure to work fine."

"Ysiah?" Eman stood up, surprised. "What the hell are you doing? You will make her work as an employee? Are you out of your mind? She will be a boss! She will be your boss!"

"It's her wish to be employee," Ysiah said simply. "I am just being too good, Eman. Don't defend that woman. Don't fool yourselves. No one wants her here."

Talia raised her brows in subtlety. "Why are you hating me?" she asked. Eman and Axel was a bit shocked when she talked to him casually. "I did nothing to you. Jealousy, huh? And bitterness."

"You know nothing," Ysiah clenched his jaw and glared at her. "You should shut before I get you out of this house."

"You can?" Talia stood up and sighed. "Look, I am your sister and I don't want to fight with one of my brothers. I just don't know why are you throwing your bitterness towards me and why are you jealous of me? Jealousy means of being better and being more of you."

Ysiah turned his palm into fist. Eman and Axel just stayed still, did not know what to do because they know, no one can tame Ysiah and Talia is just good to play. They know that she is just challenging Ysiah and is playing with him. Nothing to worry about.

"Who says I am jealous of you?" Ysiah raised a brow, the side of his lips were rose.

"You heard me," Talia hissed and snapped her finger. "I don't want to live with someone in the same roof having a quarrel."

"Then you should leave."

"Why should I?"

"Because you are nothing. You are useless and no one wants you here."

"Really?" Talia squinted her eyes on him. They both stared at each other. Talia's were amused while Ysiah's a glare. "What if I tell you that I kick asses?"

"I don't care," he immediately responded. "What if I tell you I kill dumb people like you?"

"I don't care either."

Ysiah sighed and extended his right hand towards the woman. "Fine! We're cool."

Talia chuckled. "Afraid, brother?"

"I am not. Are you accepting my offer of peace or not? Faster before I change my mind."

"Of course," Talia reached his hand and shook their hands. "We're cool, Ysiah my brother."

Talia smiled mentally. What a family.

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