
38: The Truth


Zed called his uncle, Deguzman. He just finished to talk to Talia. He is currently in the backyard garden of his uncle's house and he saw the man walking out of the gate, heading to his car like going somewhere. Deguzman looked at him with his brows knotted big time.

"They are calling me," Deguzman simply said and went inside his car. Zed followed him getting away of the place, confused. He doesn't know who he is referring to but he has a tiny idea about that person. He just heaved a sigh and looked at his phone he is gripping on. His shoulders were sagged, disappointed and in disbelief.

"Talia," he muttered under the air. "I am so sorry," he added, guilt is evident in his voice. He has to shake his head and remind why he is doing this. He need motivation that does not involve to the woman, Talia, because he knew, he is fucked up by himself.

He headed inside the house of his uncle and relaxed himself. He has to cool down. While closing his eyes, the face of his very best friend appeared. He beamed in faint when he saw Talia laughing with him while they were eating in the kitchen together.

"I am so sorry for loving you," he said, talking and is staring at her face mentally while the moment they were together is still in his mind, flashbacking. "Love is a killer, indeed."


"Wew! Living in the same roof, huh?"

Hanz Xiro appeared and leaned his back against the door of Kiel's room. He stared at his brother sleeping with Talia. He could not help but to chuckle bitterly. Now, he is seeing his twin being so in love and smitten. He is happy that finally, his brother found his own happiness and a woman to love, but he did not expect that it will be her. That it will be Talia.

"Damn, bro. She is a good catch but," he paused, disappointed. "Just good luck."

"What are you even doing here?" 

Hanz not knowing that Kiel is still awake, he laughed when he heard his brother asking him about his presence. Kiel is still closing his eyes, hugging Talia that is still dozing up to sleep. Not to mention that she is hard to wake up.

"Bro, you are fucking in love," Hanz teases him. "After Karen, you found the real one. I never see you this happy. Even with Karen. You are more comfortable with baby Talia."

When Kiel heard his brother calling his woman "baby Talia", he immediately opened his eyes to shot a glare to him. "Where the fuck did you get that word?"

"Well, he is your baby."

"Exactly, mine. So don't call her that way."

"Damn possessive. You are too corny when in love. Anyway, dad wants to see her. Bring her later at eight. Family dinner."

Kiel just nodded his head in agreement and let his brother leave his place. He looked at Talia that seems like never bothered with the small noises he and his brother made. He kissed her cheeks first before he got up. He then looked at the time and found out that it is already three in the afternoon. He checked his phone first and saw that he has lots of missed calls from his father, Xavier. He just shrugged his shoulders off, thinking that he called because of what his brother said. About the dinner with Talia.

His family know about her because Kiel keeps on talking about her in their house. He just can't stop from mentioning her anytime, not to mention that he is in love as hell. His father, Hanz and his sister, Margo, keeps on teasing him about Talia, but then, his mother, Moria, doesn't even like an inch of her.

"I'mma prepare food." He bent over to kiss Talia's cheeks. She groaned a little and yawned. Kiel thought she would wake up but then, she just continue to knock out. He let out a soft laugh and kissed her again. He went out to go to the kitchen and prepared for Talia's food.

Kiel was amidst of getting the cookies he baked from the oven, he heard Talia calling him. "Kiel?" she called in a very low tone, obvious that she just woke up. "H-Hey, did you left me alone?" Her voice was from inside the room. Kiel almost panicked because Talia seemed afraid of the thought of him leaving her.

He ran towards the room and got inside to see Talia. Talia's eyes then widened when Kiel went in. She hugged her unconsciously and almost cried. "Shush, I'm here, I'm here."

Talia hid her face in his chest. "I thought you left..."

"I will never," Kiel whispered and caressed her back. "I was just baking in the kitchen. I'm sorry for leaving."

"It's fine," Talia said and looked up at him. "But hmm, you bake? I can smell it."

"Yes, wanna taste some?"

They went out and headed to the kitchen. Talia was shock to see cute cookies in the table counter, and wait, there are also cupcakes. "Wow, I didn't know you bake."

"Hmm, yeah. I just do this rarely."

Talia get a cookie and tasted it. She automatically smiled and gave Kiel a thumbs up. "It is so good," she commented. "How do you do this, though? I thought you don't cook?"

"Yes, but I bake."

Talia laughed with that remark from him. She did not know that that is possible enough in her perspective. She bite on the cookie again and sat on the high chair. She is just wearing a thin oversized jacket from Kiel's closet and it is making Kiel to love the sight. "I love it when you wear my clothes."

"Yeah, I also do. It feel comfortable."

Kiel finished baking after minutes. He prepared a milk for his woman and sat in front of her afterward. He smiled seeing her enjoying the cookie and cupcakes he baked for her.

"Won't you like to have some?" Talia looked at Kiel when she noticed that he was just staring at her, not eating and drinking milk.

"I am fine," Kiel said. But when Talia extended her right hand with a cookie, he opened his mouth to eat what his woman is offering. They both smiled to each other as they chewed. Talia then went back to feeding herself.


"I feel like you want to tell me something. What is it?"

After sitting for almost an hour, Talia went up and wandered around Kiel's unit. He is following her way and was like he wanted to say something he cannot completely utter caused by nervousness. Kiel knew that if he tell Talia that his father, family wants to see her, she will freak out.

"Kiel?" Talia looked at him with brows creased, now warning him because he was not answering her.

Kiel let out a light sigh. "Dad wants to see you. Dinner in the house."

Talia stopped from walking to look at him with her eyes widened. Yes, this is what Kiel is expecting from her, she will be surprised because of the sudden word. "T-They know me?" Talia was more surprised with the thought.

"Of course, Tal."

"Wait, why are they inviting me? I mean, your dad? Why is he inviting me at your house for dinner?"

Kiel did not think twice to answer her. "He wants to see you."

"Then maybe we will just meet in a restaurant? I am afraid of your family, Kiel."

"You do not have to be afraid, hmm? I am here. I got your back, baby."

"But hey, were not yet together," Talia said, realizing it. "Why would he request for a meet when you are still my suitor? I did not say yes, yet."

Kiel lips parted, now getting ashamed and he found it funny at the same time. "Yeah, I just remember. I will decline the dinner."

Talia went near him to encircle her arms around his neck. Kiel hover down to press their forehead together. "Don't."

"But –"

"I love you," she cut him off and stared at him in the eye. "I love you, Kiel."

Kiel was taken aback when he heard that word again from her. The last time he heard that "I love you's" from her were the day when he last saw her. That brought him a little trauma because he think that that is the way of Talia saying farewell.

"Y-You were not leaving, right?" Kiel assured, making Talia to laugh.

"I am not," she said and kissed him of his lips quickly. "You are now more than my suitor."

"And that means we're in a relationship now?"

She nodded as an answer to Kiel's question. His heart jumped in so much joy before he gripped on her waist and kiss her on her lips passionately. They both love the soft lips of one another pressing together.

"I love you so much, baby," Kiel whispered as he let go of her lips. They both smiled and seek for air. Talia rested her head on Kiel's chin while they were both gasping. "I will never forget this day."

"It's Friday," Talia uttered and closed her eyes. "This day... Friday is the worst day for me, and you changed it just now."

"Your parents died at the same day, right? Friday. I am sorry, Talia."

"No, no, don't be sorry. You made me hard to forget Friday's."

When seven in the evening struck, Talia and Kiel prepared themselves for the dinner. Talia wore a simple yet elegant dress, a crimson, a V-cut line in the neck that is quite glittery. While Kiel on the other hand wore a tuxedo for formality.

"You are so beautiful," Kiel commented when he saw Talia's fullness. He scanned his eyes through her body and bit his lower lip, feeling butterflies in his stomach. "Fuck it, Tal."

She laughed as a tease. "It is the first time I wear elegant dress."

"Then you should wear often. You are so beautiful, oh god..." Kiel even looked up to stop himself from hugging Talia. He might ruin a design on her dress, it looks fragile. "I love you so much."

"I know, baby."

He went near her and kissed her forehead. Talia is wearing light make up. He could not just smack her anytime he wants. "I love you."

"I know, I know. Thank you."

They both laughed because Talia should answer him with "I love you", too. But she ended up saying thank you. After they prepared, they went out and went inside Kiel's car, ready to take off and see his family in the dinner.

"I am nervous," she said while they were in their way. Kiel put his hand above her thighs and caress her to make her calm and feel comforted.

"I do not want you to feel that way, Talia. My family are nice, hmm? Well, except Mom. But for sure, she will like you once she see you in person. They will love you."

"What should I do? Uh, they might hate my personality or something."

"You don't have to do anything. Just be yourself."


After twenty minutes of driving, Kiel stopped his car in front of a mansion. Talia has to stop herself from getting so amazed because she doesn't want to look ignorant. She just saw mansions like this one in the movies and she did not expect to see one right now, and heck, her boyfriend is living here. Her boyfriend's family own this.

"You are so lucky," Talia commented while Kiel is unbuckling her belt. "How does it feel like to live in a wealthy family? You can get anything you want."

Kiel chuckled. "If you were in my position, you just wish to live normally."

That really is. When you are rich, you wish to live normally, not wealthy as what you are. And if you are poor, you wish to be so rich. Everything has a hidden reason and not everything is perfect. None is perfect. Each of us has struggles getting through life, obstacles that is hard to pass through.

Kiel guided her to get off of his car. They then walked towards the gate and went inside. He did not park his car inside for his family not to notice them arriving. It's a surprise.

As they stopped in front of a big door, the maids open it from inside and the huge mansion welcomed them. Talia gripped on Kiel's arm while he was holding her in place, right hand in her waist. "This mansion is so gorgeous..." she whispers.

Kiel leaned over to whisper on her ear as they started to walk inside, heading to the kitchen area. "I will build you more than this if you love to."

Talia smiled. "I just want a simple one."

"Yeah, I also do."

They has not arrive in the kitchen yet, but a beautiful woman blocked their way. Margo is planting a warm smile on her lips as her sight darted to Talia. "Hey, gorgeous! Welcome home!"

Talia's lips parted in surprise, not expecting to see her. Kiel then whispered to her that she is his sister, Margo. Talia let out a nervous laugh and looked at the woman. "T-Thank you."

"I am Margo by the way, your sister. Anyway, Talia, you look so good. So, let's go in the kitchen? They are already waiting for you guys there!" she clapped her hands excitedly and get Talia's hand from Kiel.

"I... I am Talia Her –"

"I know right!" Margo cut her off with a laugh. "I love to call you Tali if that'd be fine."

"Hey, be careful with her -" Kiel provoked his sister when Margo dragged Talia gently towards the kitchen. The two woman chuckled at him and even shook a head. He is being protective like he should.

"I am happy to finally see you," Margo said while holding Talia in place. As they stopped in front of the huge table, Margo clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. That is when Talia froze out of fear.

The Ramirez family is there, looking at Talia who can't even greet them out of upset. There are all six of them in the table, Hanz who is grinning like an idiot man, their father Xavier, the mother Moria. And their three cousins, Finley, Hiro, and Hera.

"G-Good evening..." It took Talia to talk after almost a minute. She bowed her head a little and show them a smile, a faint one. She felt Margo gripping on her hands, motioning that she is just there so no need to get nervous.

"Hey, hey! Good evening!" Hanz ruined the silence and stood up, clapping. "Hello, baby Tali. I am your handsome brother."

Talia forced a laugh to Hanz's remark. If they were just not here in front of her boyfriend's family, she should have been rolling her eyes to Hanz. Then, Xavier stood up, clearing his throat.

"Welcome to the home of Ramirez, Talia Hernandez. Please, have a sit."

Talia did not move, no, she can't move. She did not expect this. That some of the Ramirez will treat her better. Well, it was just the mother of the Ramirez who hates Talia. Kiel held her waist, moving Margo away from her. He then gently dragged Talia to their perspective seat. Her sitting beside Kiel and Hanz and next to Hanz is Margo, facing the three cousins and the parents in the left and right up.

"Thanks," Talia whispered to Kiel and sat silently. She is forcing a smile like what she is used to when feeling awkward. But then, all of them were shocked when Moria stood up harshly and went off of the area without any word. They looked at one another.

They then stopped when Finley let out a loud laugh all of a sudden. "Hey, Talia. Don't mind her. Anyway, I am Finley, Kiel's cousin."

And the other two, Hiro and Hero introduced themselves to Talia. After that, Xavier get their attention. "Let's all start the dinner."

"H-How about her?" Talia asked in monotone, referring to Moria. Xavier then shook his head.

"She is fine. Don't mind Moria. Feel at home, Talia. We are nice to get along with."

Talia has nothing to do but to not really mind Moria but she cannot help think about her. They started the dinner and just like what Xavier said, they are fun and nice to get along. They are so open to talk to, which made Talia to love their family.

"This is the first time Alexandro became too crazy of love," Hiro said and chuckled as a tease to his cousin. "You know what? Whenever we talk, he can't help to mention your name. He said, you are so beautiful and -"

"Shut up," Kiel cut Hiro off with a glare. They all laugh because he looked pissed. "You guys are betraying me."

"Well, that is the truth," Margo commented and looked at Talia, then she said something that seems like a whisper that even put her palm in his side mouth. "He is smitten."

Talia can't help but to laugh because of their personalities. They are too good, indeed. She thought that this dinner will be kind of boring and intense since she is socially awkward, and especially that Moria left the dining table, mad and annoyed.

The dinner went so smooth. Talia did enjoyed and she loves to come back here, hoping for another meet up for them to get along more and more. She does not expect this, actually. To meet Kiel's family like this. It is just making her to fall more to him, every seconds that struck, her feelings get deepened just by staring at the man smiling and looking at her full of heart.

"Did you enjoyed?" Kiel asked Talia as they went to the garden for a small walk and to get some fresh air. The place is huge and there are lots of flowers planted. Even if it was already evening, the colorful flowers can still clearly seen because of the moonlight and light bulb around.

"Of course, I did," Talia answered, now staring at a small and perfect three. There are light attached in every leaves its parts. It was so good in the eye. "This is beautiful..."

"We made that back when we were ten," Kiel said and looked at what she is staring. "The tree is still strong and healthy."

"Wow, that is already fifteen years old, then?" Talia was amazed.


They went near the three and Talia could not help touching it. She was too amazed and Kiel loved to see her reaction. They spent their time in the garden, admiring the flowers, tree, the plants.

Not until they accidentally glanced at the window of the second floor of the mansion. They caught Moria staring at the both of them. Moria went off for them not to see her. She was just silently walking around and she heard their conversation from the garden area, out of curiosity, she took a peek to the two.

Kiel and Talia looked at each other. They then both shrugged, smiling. Moria was just staring at them but that made Talia's heart to flatter in joy. "You think she is already cursing me to death?"

Kiel chuckled to what she said. "Nah, she is not."

They bid their goodbye to Kiel's family and went off. They already have to go home, it was almost late in the evening already. As they went inside the car, they noticed a black van not far away from their area. They just shrug it off and Kiel started to drive off.

"I love your family," Talia said to break the silence between us. She looked outside the car and smiled bitterly. "I hope I had the same as yours."

"Sorry to hear that," Kiel uttered while he is focus on driving and is focused to listening to Talia at the same time. "But you know, you already have them. They are now your family."

"Really?" She felt a tug on her chest. Not a tug of sadness, but a tug of so much happiness. She is lucky - they are both lucky together, both lucky to each other.

"My family, your family," Kiel said as a matter of fact.

"I am sorry if I cannot make it mutual. I have no family to introduce, to show. But if you -"

"Hey, you shouldn't feel that way, babe. I've meet your parents already, though."

Her eyes widened and she looked at him with disbelief. "H-Huh? You visited their grave?"

"No, I met them many years ago. Your parents' and mine were business partners."

Talia was taken aback, not expecting that. "K-Kiel, what do you mean? Why didn't I know about this?"

"Now I am telling you. If you think you are poor and not wealthy enough, let me tell you this. Your parents is wealthier that the Ramirez, Talia."

"Huh? Kiel, come on," she laughs nervously. "I am knowledgeable about our financial status back then. Since I get to know things, we were just living simply. Poor and lack of money."

"No one told you this and no one can't. They are not your true parents, Tal."

Talia can't react to what Kiel said. She just found herself stunned and frozen. What does he mean? Talia is already full of question in mind and she wants it all to get answered.

Kiel then added a sentence. "Your parents you know took care of you because your biological parents hate the thought of having a child. I am sorry."

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