
35: Secrets

"You said that?"

"N-No, I did not!" I wagged my head multiple times out of shame. I mean, I really said that but I do not have enough guts to admit that to him, again. I meant that, once. "Kiel, look –"

"No, don't be too defensive. I understand you."

I bit my lower lip and looked away. "Understand?"

"I know that you love me," he said and I know that he is currently smiling the way he said it. I just let out a sigh and did not talk to him anymore. I just went off out of his office and good thing he did not stop me. He know that I need some time to be alone, especially this time, in our current situation.

"Oh, hi, Talia!" Dani waved her hands at me while she is in the reception. I waved back and smiled. I then went in the elevator. I want to go to the garden outside of this building. It is silent there and I know it will give me a good time to be out of myself.

Upon arriving in the garden, I looked around because I might see someone. Good thing no one is around. I sat on the nearest bench while lots of flowers and small trees is around me. Fresh air gushed in my being and it flew the strands of my hair with them. My lips formed a smile before I clipped my hair in my ear.

"How wonderful," I whispered through my breathe and closed my eyes inwardly. But then, I just had a short time to relax myself because someone just appeared.

"Oh, hi. Nice to see you here."

I looked at the man who walk towards my area and stopped in front of me. My brows creased in confusion because he is too familiar to me. What is he doing here? "Hi there. Ramirez, right?"

I stood up and handed him my right arm for a handshake.

"Yup. Hanz Xiro Ramirez."

I nodded my head and smiled at him. "Talia Hernandez."

"Yeah, I know you. I have heard lot of things about you, but hey, don't worry, it's the good ones."

I laughed because of his humor. "Have a sit?"

We both sat in the bench. I can't believe that he is here now, talking to me casually like I do. I acted like I did not investigate about him being a suspect to my parents' death and it turns out that it was his brother as the culprit.

"Hmm, so, can I ask?" he asked while we were staring at the grasses.

"We just see each other just now, that is kind of mean."

"Oh, come on," he chuckled. "Dara left and I already know that it was because of you. Not that I see you as a bad person. I mean, you are too good. You are good for my brother."

"Woah, you know about it?"

"Of course. I am his brother, Talia. I know everything about him."

I nodded my head multiple times in approval. He knows everything, huh? That also means he know that his brother is a killer? Hmm, how amazing. He love Kiel so much that I am seeing no bitter in him. Forgive and forget, that will never get into my vocabulary.

"Good then."

Silence swallow us for a moment before I sighed.

"Do you know who his fiancée is?"

"Why do you ask?" He sounded curious because of my sudden call. I did not notice myself saying those words but anyway, I already let it out.

"I just want to know about it."

"She is Karen Mendez. Do you want to hear a story?"

"Yeah, say it out."

I saw using my side view that he leaned on the bench. "There is one day that a woman is walking in the parking lot, having a call to her phone with someone special. All of a sudden, someone came to stab her in her heart. She died and everyone wants revenge."

I was amused because of his story. Long story being short. "That is how she died?" I asked even though it is already obvious that he is referring to her, to Karen Mendez, Kiel's ex-fiancée.


"Who killed her?" I couldn't help but to ask.

"I can't say it," he refused to tell me which made my brows raise.

"My parents, aren't they?"

He seemed shocked when I said that but ended up nodding his head. "Yes, they were."

"And you want revenge. You killed my parents in return."

"Talia -"

"That's the truth," I cut him off and forced a smile. "You killed my parents. I want you to rot in jail, but how? Justice is poor when it comes to us who is also poor."

"I did not kill them," he said, now getting insulted.

"I did not say that "you" killed them. I am referring to your family."

"Oh, Talia. Come on. They have nothing to do with this, okay? We did not kill your parents because we're not a killer."

I chuckled in sarcasm and looked out him with my disbelief look. "You think I will trust someone like you? I know the truth, Mister Ramirez. I know it and you can't change the fact that your family is a killer."

"Seriously? You're saying this?"

"Why not?"

He slowly shrugged his shoulders off. "You are acting like everything is fine, that killing is normal."

"Like I should, Mister. That "thing" is very normal to you."

He just shook his head in disappointment before he stood up from his seat. He then nodded his head slightly before he walked away from my place. I just followed his with my eye and as he was gone in my sight, I hissed.

"You can't take my words?" I muttered in disapproval. "Nice acting, though."

"Hey, where have you been?"

"Just there, in the garden," I answered Kiel since he asked. I sat on the sofa in a mini harsh manner and looked at him. I am chewing a gum and is looking at him with annoyance. He raised both of his arms, as if surrendering something because he was feeling strange to the look I am giving him. "What?"

"What?" he asked back, now confused. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. I stared at him more, now with a weird look. "What are you thinking, babe?"

"Do not call me that," I fired.

"And why?"

"Because I am not yours."

He smirks. "Not yet."

Uh, this man, really. He can be playful, serious and naughty at the same time. Probably perks of having this work and being so flirty at the same time. I admire him because of that, though. Especially that he is kind of choosy and loyal.

They say, you are willing to change yourself for the person you love.

Hmm, I see.

"You know what, Tal?" He walked near me and stopped. "Go with me later, at night."

My brows arched. "Why? Where are we going?"

"In the house. I will introduce you to my parents."

"Kiel," I called, warning him. "I do not have the guts to face your parents, even your family. Just, stop it. I do not want to –"

"Talia, not that I am forcing you but why? Why do not you want to see them?"

"No," I wagged my head and looked down at my nails. How should I tell this to him? He misunderstands me. "I am not the one who do not want to see your parents, okay? It was just that they might hate to see me around. Like you know, they might dislike or even hate me," I added awkwardly, forcing a laugh which results me to shake my voice. I am nervous.

"What made you think that?" he furrowed his brows and examined me. "Tal, you don't know them yet –"

"Yes, that is what I meant, Kiel. I do not know them yet and I am not aware of their personality and their likings. I am coward, I admit. I can't face them. Sorry."

He bent his back to cup my face. "It's alright, Tal. If you don't want to, I will not force you. But let me tell you this, my parents are good and I am sure that they will like you because you are pure."

I stared at his face while my heart were beating loudly that I have thought he heard the tugs inside my chest. He pressed his lips on my forehead making me to close my eyes to feel his soft and gentle kiss.

"I'm sorry," I whispered and help his hand that is still cupping my face. "I am so coward, Kiel. I hope you understand..."

"I understand. I will always understand," he whispered back, now lips is inch away of my forehead. I looked up at him while my eyes were getting teary. No way, I will not cry this time.

"Thank you..."

He smiled and caressed my cheeks. "Everything for you, Talia. Maybe I will just bring you home later? And oh, if it's fine, we will stop nearby a restaurant and have dinner first."

"Nah, let's have dinner in Zed's unit."

He stopped for a moment, taken aback. "Your friend? That man yesterday?"

"Yes, why?"

"What do you mean? You are living with him?"

"Yes?" I said in confusion. I am not even sure if I should say that! I am hesitating because as of the moment, he look like a predator haunting for a prey.

"In one unit, Talia? Really?"

"What's the matter with that, Kiel?"

"Foe fuck's sake, why are you living with him?"

I bit my lower lip and almost laughed in irony. "I don't have my own unit, okay? I don't have home. I do not know where to live and Zed suggested me to just share his unit with me. He is my friend, Kiel. He is helping me since the day we met."

He heaved a sigh and darted a glare on the wall. Seeing him angry like that makes me quiver. "Talia, you must have tell me that!"

I almost jumped in horror when he yelled. If I could just hid myself away from him. "Kiel..."

"The thought of you living with that man makes my blood boil as fuck. Damn it, Talia! Leave his place before I kill him!"

My eyes widened in horror when he added that. Pool of tears started to form in my eyes and I do not know what to do anymore. Should I just stay still and listen to his raging yells? Or should I run away from him because he is making me upset as hell?

"Talia, leave him," he said and looked at me thoroughly. "You don't know him."

"Kiel..." my voice broke. "Kiel, stop... Y-You were the one who don't know him... He is my best friend."

When he saw my tears fell, he was like he just came back to his senses. He ran after me and hugged me tightly. I want to run away from him because he made me too afraid of him but then, I feel like I need comfort. I need him to remove the feeling he gave me.

"I'm sorry," he muttered and brushed my hair using his palm. "Tal, I'm sorry... I did not meant to raise a voice."

I did not talk and just hid my face in his chest. I can't stop myself from sobbing because of a hint of pain peeking in my chest. I did not expect this to happen... Kiel makes me feel many emotions, may be good or bad.

"Forgive me," he added and kissed the top of my head. I did not talk while he keeps on apologizing to me about what happened. I want to tell him that it is fine even though it is not, but I cannot let out a voice.

"Hey, what happened to you?"

I did not answer Zed's question and I just went straight to my room. I buried my face in the pillow and closed my eyes there. I did not have any tears to let out anymore because I feel nothing already but loneliness.

"Hey, Tal! Come on, open the door!" Zed knocked the door. I locked it so he would not enter inside. I just took a nap, not minding him worrying about me.

I want to be alone.

I woke up when I heard a ring from my phone. I just stared at the screen and did not bother to answer it. It was Kiel calling and I am not planning to talk to him right now, at least. I have to distance myself from him for the meantime.

The call ended. I was about to close my eyes when he called again. I reached for the phone and turned it off. I need peace.

I did not went out of the room for an hour already. I do not want to think about it but the word that Kiel said... He said that I do not know him. What does he mean? He must have been joking. I know my best friend for years and I know everything about him. Does he want to ruin our relationship?

Well, if he will, I will ruin "us" first. I do not want that the man like him will just ruin the friendship I have been treasuring since day one. I treasure Zed the most more than anyone else, even him. 

Zed is more important to me. And I cannot afford to lose him, I do not have the heart to.

"Hey," I greeted Zed when I went out of the room one morning. He is having his tea and he seemed shock to see me already.

He smiled. "Good morning, Tal."

"Yeah," I just nodded my head. I went to the counter to make a sandwich and coffee.

"How's your sleep? I made your breakfast but you came too long. I feed it to the dog."

I chuckled. "It's fine. I am not hungry, though. I just need a food and feed this stomach."

"Hmm, I see."

Silence swallow the both of us. I love him more because he respect my silence. He did not bother when I want to be alone. He did not knocked on my door for the past days but prepared for my food and put the tray in front of the door of my room. Yes, he is doing that. When I feel hungry, I will just open the door and the food will welcome my sight. He cares about me and I appreciate him, so much.

"How are you doing, though? How's the trip inside your room?"

I sat on the high chair and looked at my coffee, smiling and shaking a head. "Just fine, I guess."

"Not to mention Sir Ramirez visiting you all day."

My eyebrows shot when he said that next. Really? He has been visiting me everyday? Why? I mean, how come? He has work and he is just wasting his time for me. I am not worth it and he is just tiring his self.

"Why?" I looked up at him, confused and curious.

"To see you, obviously. You did a very great job, Talia. You made him crazy for you."

"Yeah... Thanks."

He stared at me before he laughed like he remembered something funny. I darted him a glare, making him to shut his mouth and even zipped it with his thumb and index finger pressed together.

I took my breakfast silently. I could feel Zed glancing at me anytime, as if when his eyes get off of me, I would disappear like a bubble. How cute of him, though.

"Zed," I called him minutes later. I sipped on my coffee and looked at him.


"We're not hiding secrets, right?"

My question made him to stare at me. We stared at each other for half of a minute and I can say that that was insane. His eyes is telling me something I cannot clearly point out.

He sighed. "I am sorry, but... I am."

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