
39. Aurora's pain

"I don't understand what Kayden saw in you," Aurora snapped, her words cutting through the tension-filled air like a knife. Eleanor braced herself for the confrontation, her patience wearing thin as she prepared to defend herself once again.

Refusing to back down, Eleanor met Aurora's gaze head-on, her resolve unwavering despite the younger woman's hostility. "Let him decide that," she retorted coolly, her tone tinged with defiance. "Instead of showing so much interest in mine and Kayden's marriage, perhaps you should focus on your own. If you had spent as much time with Sebastian as you do criticizing others, I'm sure you would have had babies by now."

The words hung heavy in the air, the silence that followed punctuated by the weight of Eleanor's pointed remark. Aurora's eyes welled with tears, her composure crumbling in the face of Eleanor's unexpected jab. With a cold glance in Eleanor's direction, she turned on her heel and stormed out of the room, her emotions raw and unchecked.
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