
Accidental mix-up

Liam Storm couldn't help but feel puzzled at the strange woman's behavior. She ran out of the house after collecting her clothes, without any word of argument to defend herself.

She was so different from her, he closed his eyes remembering how his long gone girlfriend was, she was never a calm person, she was more of Isabelle's type. If only the terrible accident hadn't taken her away from him, maybe they would be married, the thought alone made his heart sting.

He shook his head, pushing the painful thoughts behind as he focused on the new intriguing woman that seemed to have slowly sneaked into his mind. How he wished she could have access to his life too and be a part of it. Liam smiled as he thought of how composed she looked as she apologized, her calmness or whatever it was piqued his interest in her.

His phone rang, pulling him out of his thoughts as he sighed seeing the doctor name on the caller ID.

“Hello, doctor? Are there any changes in my results?” Liam asked, a hint of hope in his voice. He had been undergoing treatment to cure his impotence, but there was no good news yet.

"Sir, I'm calling about the last IVF procedure we were to perform,” the doctor stated, her voice having a hint of uncertainty.

Liam felt tense, praying inwardly that it was still viable as it was his last hope. “Is there anything wrong? We're coming in two days time for the procedure,” he stated, knitting his brows confused.

“Well that's why I called Sir, there has been a mix-up somewhere and one of the doctors accidentally…”

The rest of the information felt like stories to his ears, mix up? Accident? The two words repeated themselves in his mind.

“How could there be such recklessness at the hospital?” His voice boomed through the phone angrily.

The doctor hesitantly replied, fear evident in her voice, “we are doing our best to locate the woman who…”

Liam could not listen to her explanation anymore, it felt like her every word delivered a hammer blow into his heart.

“I'll be there tomorrow! Then you can tell me whatever you're saying,” he replied, his voice lowly and calmly dangerous.

Liam slammed his fist on the table before his, scattering all the paperwork that lay on the table. If anything this was Isabelle's fault, if she hadn't canceled the appointment then maybe, just perhaps he could have had the good news in a couple of weeks. He needed a strong drink, if not he felt like he would go crazy.

Meanwhile, Kyla dragged her tired and humiliated body towards her aunt's door, as she wiped the last of her tears.

Her heart felt divided as she waited for her aunt to open the door. She couldn't help but wonder if Doc Liz was at the hospital because that would be the only explanation as to why she was not opening the door.

Kyla quickly searched for her spare key, smiling in triumph as she found it, where her aunt always kept it. She knew Doc Liz would never drive her out being her late mother's sister, she loved her like her daughter.

Kyla stepped into the house, feeling her world swirl around at the turn of events. She required a cold shower to numb her, if not make her forget all her troubles. Tears unconsciously rolled down her eyes until there seemed to be no more to be shed. She promised herself not to cry for the negative things in her life. She deserved to be at least happy for herself.

As she closed her eyes, a pair of ocean blue eyes clouded her mind enveloping it like a soothing drug. Her mysterious savior, still a puzzle to her.

Too lost in thought, she almost jumped in shock as her phone pinged with a text message. Surprisingly, from Amber, they had been talking and had turned out to like each other a lot. Kyla smiled, seeing her new friend inviting her to the club to have fun.

“Mmmh, go gal, you deserve this,” Kyla smiled to herself as she picked one of her flowery dresses from the closet.

She was grateful that she practically lived at her aunt's from time to time when visiting. Most of her clothes were still there.

Dazzling lights hit her face as she stepped into the club, loud music almost deafening her ears. Kyla never experienced this much, as her mother passed away while she was twelve, her father never allowed her to go out when she grew older, and it got worse when he remarried. The only person who had that freedom was Stella, which was clear favoritism as they were about the same age.

Amber waved at her excitedly from a distance, looking white exposed in her outfit.

“Hey Amber, I guess this is what you guys call fun?” Kyla stated, chuckling softly as she looked around shocked at all types of dancing on the dance floor.

Amber chuckled, tapping her shoulder, “yes ma'am, I can't believe you have never been to such a place?”

Kyla laughed pushing her hair slightly back, “I've never really had that many chances except when I sneaked out with… “ Kyla paused, remembering how Catherine helped her sneak out and party.

But to think she would betray her like that? It was unimaginable. “…but here I am, I'm going to drink all my pain away,” she said, gulping down the tot that Amber was having.

“You know, I felt great working for you ma'am, you are the nicest boss ever,” Amber said her voice slurred. It was clear she had had quite some drinks before Kyla arrived.

“Drop the ma'am, we're practically besties now,” Kyla stated, chuckling as she felt her mind getting light and worry free.

“Can I tell you a secret, Kyla?” Amber asked, her eyes filled with care and concern.

“Sure Amber, fire away,” Kyla responded, signaling for more drinks. She needed to drown all her worries and sorrows.

“Well… It's just that I actually used to work for you to prove my father right, he always said I can't do anything well, so I needed to prove him wrong, and I got a job,” Amber explained, watching Kyla's face intently.

Kyla felt her eyes grow wide in surprise at Amber's words, if she didn't tell her, Kyla would never know. Amber was such a hardworking special lady.

“Look if you need anything in this hard time, tell me Kyla, I'll support you,” Amber said, her eyes filled with concern.

Kyla nodded, feeling her head losing track of any worrisome thoughts.

“I don't know what to say Amber, but thanks for always being there, it looks like now you'll have to employ me, as I just lost my job,” Kyla gisted, chuckling.

“Don't put it that way, but I'll make sure I ask dad of any vacancies at the company or my boring strict brother,” Amber said, the last part filled with boredom and a hint of anger.

Their conversation went round and round as Amber rumbled nonstop. Kyla looked around at the VIP area where a few men were sitting having their plus one on their arms.

However, at a far corner, a man sat silently gulping his drink as if he were drowning his sorrows too. His actions made Kyla feel some kind of connection as she could relate what he might have been going through.

“I'll be right back Kyla, enjoy yourself,” Amber excused herself, only for Kyla to turn to the shock of her lifetime

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