
"You are so Shameless!"

Embarrassed was the word Kyla could use at that exact moment. She didn't know how to explain being found in bed almost naked with an engaged man right beside her.

“Who is this babe?” The woman shrieked pointing her fingers at her with a murderous look wearing her face.

Liam cleared his throat confused at how he would explain the situation. It was like the woman with the pale green eyes kept crossing paths with him.

“It's not what you think sweetheart,” Liam stated but was stopped midway as a slap landed on the weak woman on the bed. Isabelle had gone on top of her literally pulling her hair out.

Liam quickly pulled his violent fiancée who kept kicking in the air trying to get a hold of Kyla.

“Isabelle, get yourself together! What's the meaning of this?” Liam asked, holding her midair.

Isabelle huffed angrily looking at Kyla as if she were some poisonous venom.

“Did you think sleeping with my man makes you special!” She shrieked trying to get out of his hold and attack Kyla again.

Kyla had never been that scared as she tried to wiggle out of the woman's grip. If anything she needed to be headed to work, it seemed she was already late as it was.

“Sorry, I need to go, thanks for saving me last night,” Kyla said looking around for something that could cover her better as she quickly ran out of the room calling for a ride.

She couldn't do anything to defend herself as she knew all too well the woman was somehow justified in her actions. The last thing she wanted was another drama in her life.

Tapping her fingers on her thighs impatiently, Kyla felt frustrated about the traffic. She would probably be late to work which was never an option for her. Kyla felt her head still spinning from the events of the early morning.

Nothing could be worse than waking up in an engaged man's bed. She shook her head still in shock as her mind drifted back to how the man's fiancés acted.

She breathed in relief as she saw the company building come into view. Looking at the time, she walked through the corridors smiling at the few employees she met along the way. Lucky for her, it was a busy place; hence everyone seemed to mind their own business.

Kyla sneakily got into her office releasing a breath she didn't even know she held at how lucky she was to come in unnoticed.

“So it's true Kyla!” A voice behind her stuttered her, making her turn around quickly. There he was Mr. Marvin Cooper, her boss and also one of Blake's Business associates and close friend.

“Hello Sir," Kyla stuttered her eyes low as she inwardly cursed how horrible her day had turned out to be.

“Don't 'Hello Sir' me Kyla! Blake called in and told me you had been acting out of yourself lately and might neglect your work anytime, but I didn't believe him at first,” Mr. Marvin said, biting his lip angrily.

“But look at you now, Kyla you know you're my best employee which is why I can't afford to have you misbehave, you know that right?” he asked, his tone low as if negotiating a deal with her. The tone of his voice made her feel nearly breathless.

Kyla nodded in reply as she swallowed a big lump that seemed to be stuck in her throat. Her boss had never been this angry at her but since he was her ex-husband's friend then that would be the only explanation for his change of mood. God knows what Blake called to say.

“Good, and since you know that then, pack your things and leave here this minute! You're fired!” He ordered his eyes burning with an anger and cruelty that she had never seen before.

Kyla felt her breath hitch as reality hit her, she had finally lost everything she valued most. It felt as if the universe was laughing at her pain.

“But Sir, it's just this once please give me another chance,” Kyla tried to plead for her job. Her heart filled with determination to do anything possible to keep her job.

She had to fight for one thing in her life, just one maybe she would be lucky enough to keep her job.

Marvin Cooper grinned at her evilly, remembering Blake's story of his ex-wife cheating on him with other men. An idea popped up his mind as he smiled at the pitiful woman who was under his mercies. desperation in her eyes.

“Mmmh lemme see, there's something you can do to help me reconsider giving your job back,” he stated, caressing his chin with his fingers.

Kyla's eyes sparked with hope, "anything you want Sir, but please don't fire me." She pleaded feeling ashamed of how her life had turned out, how did she come to the level of begging so shamelessly? She pushed the proud thought at the back of her mind, focusing her mind on the positive side of things.

Her boss moved towards her form which was leaning on the wall, grabbing her by her waist before he shamelessly licked her neck.

“Well, I heard you love warming other men's beds, why don't you let me have a taste, babe,” he said, his voice coming out husky. Kyla tried to wiggle out of his hold as her mind and heart blackened with disgust, her voice lost in her throat.

“Stop resisting woman! Stop pretending you don't want it,” He said, his callous hand roughly grabbing her ass.

“What are you doing? Let me go, you monster!” Kyla cried out gathering all her strength to knee him in his crotch, causing him to release her abruptly groaning in pain.

“You bitch! Today I must have you!” He shouted holding her hand as he pulled her towards him.

Kyla saw red from anger, she would take any insult in the world but not sexual harassment. The man she thought she knew well despite working for him for three years had turned out to be a despicable person.

“Let go of my hand you monster, or I'll report you!” Kyla threatened, trying to pull her hand out of his grasp but made no progress.

Marvin smirked at her useless threat as he pulled her even closer, holding her by her jaw.

“And who do you think the police will believe? A promiscuous woman or a renowned businessman?” He mocked making Kyla's eyes grow wide in realization. Just how much had Blake told him for him to spill such vile words at her?

“Now stop wasting my time and let's get this done with whore!” Her boss said placing his lips forcibly on hers as he roughly bit her lips.

Just then the door opened suddenly, but Marvin wouldn't let her go despite her muffled protests.

“You shameless wench!” Blake's angry voice said his words filled with disgust.

As if he had waited for the moment, Marvin threw her away like trash before looking at her in disbelief.

“How dare you seduce me to keep your job! Blake, is this what you have been dealing with? A whore for a wife?” Her boss shouted his voice full of shock.

Kyla didn't need to lift her eyes to know just how all this appeared to be like. She stood there helpless tears running uncontrollably out of her eyes. Is this what her life had turned out to be? She felt her heart break into pieces from the humiliation she was facing, she wouldn't pray that on any living soul.

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