
Waking up with Him

Lost and desperate was what Kyla felt as she walked by the roadside, not sure what her destination would be. She felt like an outcast, her family rejected and threw her out, as her ex-husband did. Her mind swirling and filling her head with questions which no one could answer.

She had nowhere to go at the late hour, the only door she could knock was her aunt's place. 

Kyla felt her heart wring in pain as she thought of all she had been through. No one in her life appeared to care whether she lived or died. 

A car screening by the road, almost running her over, made her heart skip a beat.

Blake got off, looking at her in disgust, “so you would rather walk around like a whore than go back with me?” He accused, grabbing her hand roughly.

Kyla felt her inside shake at the murderous look on her ex-husband's face.

 “Let go of me, Blake, or I'll…” 

“Or you'll what, Kyla? Scream for help? While you're dressed like that, do you think anyone would bother to help you?” Blake criticized looking at her up and down.

 His look made her feel conscious of the flowery blue dress she wore that barely touched her knees.

“Blake please, you already ruined my life, what else do you want?” Kyla pleaded, praying inwardly that God sent a savior to help her.

“I want my child! Though it's from an unfaithful and ungrateful wench, I still want my child, Cate needs the baby!” Blake spatted out angrily, his eyes flashing with an unknown emotion as he studied her face.

“What?” Kyla asked as she muttered to herself. 

Was calling her words not enough that they even planned to take her baby if it was still there? How heartless could Cate be? The look of betrayal covered her face, looking at the man before her in disbelief.

"What happened to her pregnancy?" Kyla asked confused at why they wanted her baby.

"Thanks to you upsetting her she lost our baby now don't waste my time, Kyla, let's go!” Blake ordered, ignoring the tears that ran through her cheeks. Kyla couldn't believe how heartless the man before her was.

Kyla wiggled out of his grasp before landing a slap onto his face. 

“You killed our baby, and you want to rub it to my face?” She literally screamed at him, bearing out all the pain she bundled up in her heart.

She had had enough of his cold attitude and heartless nature that she couldn't tolerate.

Blake looked at her in bewilderment, shocked at her words. “You liar, you're lying, so I won't have my baby!” He accused knowing everything was possible with Kyla. According to him, she had turned out to be something evil; or more so, worse.

Liam drove past two people who seemed to be in the middle of an argument. The commotion, making him stop his car, driving back to see what was happening.

“… I don't have time for your lies, Kyla,” the male voice said as he appeared to be dragging the woman to get inside the car.

Liam cleared his throat, getting a murderous look from the man. 

“What's happening here?” He asked, looking at the woman who had her eyes lowered, but one could tell she was crying.

“It's none of your business, excuse yourself,” Blake responded in annoyance.

Kyla saw that as an opportunity to get away from Blake's harassment.

“Sir, please help me, he's harassing me,” Kyla cried out, raising her eyes to meet her savior. She felt like her prayers had been answered.

Liam looked at the woman, whose eyes seemed shiny from the tears still pouring from them. He approached her, stretching his hand to help her.

“Don't you dare you touch her!” Blake threatened hitting his hand away. Blake didn't see the woman clearly as it was dark, but he felt the instinct to help her.

“You're clearly mistreating her, I think I should call the authorities on you,” Liam pointed out as he removed his phone from his pocket. 

Inwardly smirking on seeing the man tense at the mention of authorities. Blake couldn't risk being labeled as a man who harasses women. He threw one last look of disgust at her face.

“We are not done yet Kyla! “ He threatened as he cowered away into his car, driving away.

Kyla felt her legs give out in fright, finally letting go of a breath she didn't even know she held.

“Thank you sir," she said, trying to see his face, which was almost impossible in the dark street.

Liam smiled at her but felt confused at what the young woman was going in the dark and that too, all alone.

“Where are you going? I can drop you off,” Liam offered the words out even before he could process what he was saying.

Kyla felt her head spin in dizziness as her body felt light all of a sudden. She thought she had the nice stranger call her. But she preferred to welcome the darkness that engulfed her like a warm blanket, promising a world without any worry.

Liam caught her falling body before she hit the ground, stunned at just how weak and scared the poor soul was, to the extent of becoming unconscious.

Birds chirped happily as Kyla stretched her body on what felt like silk? Satin? And a warm body near her? Her mind screamed at her as she tried to remember what happened. Her mind remembered a man who saved her from Blake. Did she sleep with the man who saved her?

 She shook her head in denial, quickly checking her outfit which was definitely tampered with, causing her to panic.

Looking at the man beside, she somehow felt her heart warm up. His features appeared to be excellent. His chiseled jaw, specially molded to captivate her eyes. She blushed at her over wandering mind, snapping back to reality.

Her feet accidentally bumped on the man who lay peacefully beside her.

Liam opened his eyes as he felt movement around him. He didn't remember Isabelle coming over, so who was laying beside him?

Turning abruptly to his side, his sight caught the most attractive, slender back of a woman. His head felt heavy as he remembered having drunk a couple of light drinks.

His mind searching for any memory of him bringing a woman back to his penthouse. Liam's face dawned in realization as he remembered the woman who was harassed by the road. 

He smiled as he remembered how she held him to her as he tried to leave the room. Liam realized he didn't even know when he fell asleep, as his heart and mind felt peaceful; as if at home?

Just then the front door opened as Liam heard a voice he was too familiar with to mistake it for another.

“Fuck!” He cursed loudly standing up as the woman turned to him, their eyes locking making Liam feel like he would pass out on the spot at the familiar set of eyes.

 “Ooh shit!” He cursed again this time feeling like his world had stopped for a minute to accommodate that moment.

And just then the door to the bedroom cracked open as they both heard a gasp escaping the intruder's mouth.

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