

"Please welcome, our CEO, Mr. Matthias Westwood!"

Everyone stood up upon seeing the handsome man walking up the stage. He was wearing a well-tailored charcoal suit which perfectly matched his looks. He has a dark slicked back hair, thick black brows that seemed to furrow everytime. His eyes were ocean blue that could melt any woman he would stare at.

"Isn't he so handsome?" one of the women in the audience whispered to the woman beside her.

"Truly he is. But I have also heard that he's quite a player. He changes woman so quickly like changing his clothes. Well, I can't blame him though. He is truly a greek god. Plus, he is super wealthy."

"You're right. I have heard that, too. But, who cares? I would be more than willing to have a one night stand with him."

Despite his good reputation as a CEO and one of the most successful self-made billionaire in the country, Matthias is also well-known for his addiction with women. For no specific reason, he gets tired of every single woman he gets to sleep with. He never had a serious relationship either.

"When is the next auction?" Matthias asked Paul, his secretary, who instantly figured what his boss was talking about.

"It's two days from now, sir."

He sat comfortably in his chair as he reached for his phone above his black oakwood desk.

"Make sure I would find something worthy of my money there, Paul."

"Understand, Sir."

"By the way, make sure to send the woman to room 306 later at nine. Make sure she wouldn't be late and tell her about the rules. I don't want someone who would cause any inconveniences. You know me, Paul."

"Very well, sir."

Paul Denmark has been working as Matthias Westwood's secretary for five years. Within those years, he was able to memorize his young boss. Matthias is known for being a cold and aloof CEO. He is the man of his craft, but the people around him doesn't like him that much although that doesn't bother him.


"Looks like you're having a good time with women. A lot of women. Aren't you afraid of getting your image ruined?" George Westwood, Matthias' father, said to him as soon as their dinner started.

It has been their family tradition to have dinners together every last day of the month. Most of the Westwoods are businessmen, so in that way they would still be able to know about each of the member's life.

Matthias put his cutlery down and gazed at his father. Even George gets terrified whenever his soon looks at him that way.

"I am a good businessman. People care about my work and not my personal life. How about you, aren't you afraid to ruin your image by having an affair with another woman?"

Everyone in the room was taken aback by the words Matthias just uttered. His parents divorced when he was just ten years old because his father had an affair with another woman.

"Well, at least I didn't leave. Look at us, still having dinner together. Where's your mom again? Oh, she's there, marrying her new husband for the second time. And guess what she didn't even invite you, did she?"

"George, enough of that." Emerson Westwood, Matthias' grandfather said.

Matthias stood up. He didn't even bother looking at any of the people there as he left. As he got into his car, he tapped the steering wheel so hard that the veins on his hand were already showing. Whenever he remembers what his mother did to him, he can't stop but feel mad.

He could still clearly remember how he pleaded for her to stay for him, but she just ignored him and left without ever reaching out to him again. It was as if she was also blaming Matthias for her broken marriage with his father.

"Sir, the auction is about to start in thirty minutes."

"I'm on my way there now," said Matthias before ending the call.

Going to auctions has been his favorite past time, especially when he needs a way to ease his mind and forget about his unfortunate past.

As soon as he stepped out of his car, two men opened the door of the hotel for him.

The hotel was an exclusive one. A place average people couldn't enter. There were many securities surrounding the place, proving how private it was.

"Sir, let me guide you to your seat." his secretary greeted him.

Inside the auction room were mostly wealthy businessmen. Matthias sat down together with his secretary and immediately focused his attention to the stage since the auction was already about to start.

It wasn't an ordinary auction.

It was an auction where people won't bid on items, but on women.

"And our first woman for today is Marigold. Our starting bid would be $50,000."

A woman with a curly blond hair wearing a red lingerie stood on the stage. Paul kept on glancing at Matthias, waiting for him to signal him to bid for him, but he didn't.

"Alright! I guess Mr. Henry Paulmann will be the one to take Marigold home with a bid of $340,000! Let us now proceed to our next flower!"

Many women have already stood on the stage but none of them got Matthias' attention.

"And for next flower, may I present one of our fresh one, Rose!"

A woman wearing a pink off-shoulder dress stood on the stage. Her hair was in a messy bun and just by looking at her, Matthias could tell she is a virgin.

"Our starting would be at $200,000!"

Many men started to bid higher than the other ones until it reached $1,000,000.

"$1,000,000! Going once, going twice...."

Suddenly, by the signal of his boss, Paul raised his number. "$2,000,000."

Everyone was too stunned to speak, even the woman on the stage who made eye contact with Matthias for a few seconds, but averted her gaze right away.

"$2,000,000. Going once...going twice.... $2,000,000 it is! Rose is now sold by Mr. Westwood!"

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