

Amber thought her heart would explode from beating so fast. She was wearing a pink off-shoulder dress and stillettos which she have never worn before. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing a heavy make up that made her look like a completely different person.

"You're new here?" a red hair woman just her age asked Amber.

Amber nodded her head. "Y-Yeah..."

"That's why. Don't worry. After this, we're millionaires. The only bad side is, if our bidder likes us, they will surely make us their sex slaves. That is why you should pray your bidder wouldn't like your service."

Amber couldn't help but worry for herself. Her whole body was shaking just thinking about what she was about to do.

She never had a boyfriend before--she never had sex with anyone in her whole life.

She kept on hesitating and thought about backing out multiple times but whenever she does that, she remembers Amelie and their parents. She remembers how she promised to do anything for her.

"Rose, you're next!" the manager suddenly said to her.

Each of them were called in different flower names as if they were mere objects to be sold. Never in her wildest dreams she imagined to be in such place.

But there she is. Throwing her dignity away to save her sister.

Her whole body began shaking even more the moment she stood on the stage with all the wealthy men surrounding her.

"Our starting would be at $200,000!"

This is for Amelie. Amber thought to herself. She is now selling her soul to be able to pay their debt.

"I'm sorry, mom and dad..." she whispered to herself while tears were flowing down her cheeks.

The more the people around her bid higher, the more she felt low about herself.

"$1,000,000! Going once, going twice...."


The moment Amber raised her head to see who the bidder was, she met the eyes of handsome man sitting on the last row of the audience. He didn't have any emotion on his face, so Amber averted her gaze quickly.

"$2,000,000. Going once...going twice.... $2,000,000 it is! Rose is now sold to Mr. Westwood!"

Amber didn't know what to do. She just stayed standing on the stage until one of the even staff approached her and told her to go to her bidder.

"Oh my god, Amber! You surely got the jackpot! You're going to have sex with none other than Matthias Westwood!" one of the women said to her .

Amber didn't smile nor showed any emotion on her face. This is it. She is going to give herself to a stranger.

"Please, follow me." the man who was holding the number a while ago said to her as soon as she approached them.

She just nodded her head and followed him until they reached the parking lot. The man then told her to go inside the car and she did.

Her heart kept on beating so fast while they were inside the car. She wanted to run away, but it was already too late for that.

"Y-Your boss, is he not going with us?" she asked the man.

"He is on his way, too. He's just using his car. He would be in the hotel before we get there though."

"I-I understand..."

The hotel was surely an expensive one just by looking at how enormous it was. She saw huge crystal chandeliers hanging on the ceiling.

"Take a bath first and change your clothes into the ones placed on the bed. Boss will be here in thirty minutes. Make sure not to hide any sharp objects anywhere. Also, you may leave as soon as he is done with you or as soon as he say so."

"I-I understand."

"The payment will be sent directly to your bank account as soon as you're done."

Amber just kept on nodding her head like a robot.

As soon as the man left and closed the door, she fell on the floor and started crying.

She still couldn't believe she was going to have sex with a complete stranger. It was as if she was going to die.

She cried and cried like a child until she was finally able to compose herself again.

There is no point of backing out, she thought to herself. All she has to do is to disappoint her bidder, so he won't come after her again. After that, she will just forget about what happened and live happily with Amelie again.

She was also planning on moving to a different city to start anew. Continue working in the coffee shop while studying in the university.

She forced herself to think about the things she should look forward to, just so she won't be able to think about what was going to happen with her.

The moment she was done taking a shower, she stepped out of the bathroom wearing a white bath robe. She reached for the red lingerie that was placed on the bed and stared at it.

She has never worn such a thing before. It was a see-through lingerie that would make her look like she doesn't wear anything at all.

"That man must be a real pervert. Why would he ask me to wear this kind of dress? Wealthy men are really perverted," she mumbled.

Amber stared at her reflection wearing lingerie and she couldn't help but feel embarrassed. She looked like a real stripper.

Once again, tears started escaping her eyes.

She wore the bath robe again and sat on the bed. She just wants it to just be over already, so she could already go home.

By the looks of her bidder, Amber could tell he won't be interested in her once he finds out that she doesn't even have any idea on how to have sex with anyone. For sure she would just throw her away once they're done.

That's what me. usually does, anyway.

"This is going to end soon, Amber." she said to herself.

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