

Amber got startled when she heard someone opening the door of the room where she was in. She immediately stood up straight and wiped the tears from her eyes.

The moment the door opened, she met those blue eyes again. Her heart started beating so fast while she was watching her bidder close the door behind him. He was still wearing the same suit he was wearing a while ago.

"Take the robe off," the man suddenly spoke as he sat on the couch.


Matthias looked directly into her eyes without any emotion on his face. "I said, take the robe off. I want to see you wearing the lingerie."

"C-Can we turn the lights off first, p-please?" Amber asked.

"No. Take the robe off, now." he commanded irritatedly as if he would kill her if she won't obey his orders.

Amber gulped as she slowly took the robe off with her shaking hands. She has never had any romantic relationship with any man in her entire life. No one has ever seen her body.

Nothing changed with the expression on Matthias' face. He still looked emotionless despite staring at the beautiful woman standing in a lingerie in front of him. How many women did he sleep with already, anyway. There is nothing new to him when it comes to seeing women in nakedness.

"Come here," he ordered again.

Amber covered her body with her hands as she obeyed what Matthias told her. Matthias stood up and that was when Amber realized how tall he was. They were only a few inches away from each other and she could feel her body trembling even more.

She was about to take a step back, but Matthias suddenly put his right hand around her waist and pulled her close to him.

Her heart started beating so fast as she stared at Matthias' eyes. For some weird reason, she saw something in him that she couldn't explain.

Matthias didn't waste any time, he immediately claimed Amber's lips as if he was a hungry predator ready to eat his prey alive. Amber tried to push Matthias away from her when she felt his tongue forcing its way inside her mouth, but Matthias didn't let her win. He bit her lower lip which made her resign.

Amber didn't know what to do, she hasn't kissed anyone in her life. She could taste something sweet in his mouth. Something that slowly made her drunk. 

After a few minutes, she just saw herself lying on the bed with Matthias on top of her, sucking and nibbling her neck. 


She tried pushing him away, but he was too strong. 

Matthias claimed her lips again as he started taking off the suit that he was wearing. 

Amber's eyes widened when she saw Matthias Greek God-like upper body with its six-packs abs. When she saw that he was already unbuckling his belt, she looked away. 

"C-Can we turn the lights off first, please? This is the only thing I would ask from you..." she almost whispered. 

"I would not take any request from you. I already paid for your service, so all you have to do is to fulfill my desires." Matthias replied as he tossed his belt to the floor. It didn't take for him to be fully naked on top of Amber. 

Amber felt something hard poking on her stomach as Matthias placed himself on top of her again. She knew the man wouldn't listen to her, anyway. He already bought her, that means he can do whatever he wants with her. All that she could do is to let him do it until he gets satisfied. 

"Open your eyes and look at me." Matthias ordered when he noticed how Amber was closing her eyes. 

Slowly, she opened her eyes. 

"I want you to see everything. Don't close your eyes until I say so."

With those words, she felt like a robot being controlled by someone. She wanted to complain, but she couldn't do it. She knows one complain and she will lose everything. She will lose her sister. 

"Do it now, please. I already want to go. Do it now, please..." she pleaded. 

"I said don't fucking order me. I will do it as a please. You are nothing but a pet here."

Before Amber could even speak again, Matthias crashed his lips into hers. He was so aggressive Amber didn't know how to respond. He cursed when she accidentally bit his lower lip too hard. 


Amber couldn't help but let out a moan when she felt Matthias' palm gently massaging her left breast. 

He didn't leave her lips even when he ripped her lingerie apart, immediately revealing her naked body. She was about to cover her private parts with her hands, but Matthias was too quick to grab both of her hands and pinned them above her head using only his right hand. 

"P-Please, t-take it easy on me please... T-This is my first time, please..." she pleaded with tears filling her eyes. 

As if he didn't hear anything, Matthias grabbed Amber's right breast and started sucking on the other like a hungry baby. 

"Ahh...." she moaned again as Matthias continued on gently biting her nipples alternately. 

"Spread your legs." he whispered when he moved away. 

Amber's heart started beating fast even more when she heard that. 

This is it. 

She is already going to give her virginity to a stranger. 

She closed her eyes as she slowly moved her legs apart. 

"I already told you not to close your eyes unless I say so." Matthias whispered as he placed himself between Amber's legs. 

Amber squirmed when she felt the tip of Matthias' shaft on the opening of her hole. There was a heat pooling in her stomach. 

"Ahhh!" she moaned when Matthias continued on inserting his length inside her.  "P-Please! D-Don't---ah!"

Showing no mercy at all, Matthias didn't take too much time before he began moving in and out of the beautiful woman beneath him. 

"Ah....ah....P-Please! Stop! It hurts!" she pleaded once more. 

But Matthias chose not to listen to her and continued on making himself satisfied. He fasten his movement, making Amber cry even more. When he didn't get satisfied, he even placed her right leg on his shoulders and continued moving while grabbing on her breasts. 

This would be over soon, she thought to herself.

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