

Daphne's POV

I flicked my eyes open, taking in my surroundings before trying to get memories of what had happened again, but my brain was muddled, yelping out in pain, I placed a hand on my temple, robbing gently on it hoping that it would alleviate the headache that I was feeling, but it didn't help as I tried to shake the fog which had clouded my mind.

With my mouth open, I swallowed when I saw my clothes littered over the room. I stood up abruptly, taking a look at my face in the mirror.

The throbbing headache I felt earlier intensified, and I couldn't get rid of this sinking feeling in my stomach that seemed to pull me down with it, my makeup was smeared, my hair a mess and when my gaze wandered to the dresser, the memories came flooding in, slow at first, but they came in, harder later on.

“You shouldn't have done that” I grunted, feeling disgusted at myself.

I had thrown caution to the wind just to pay Jaden for what he had done to me and now that I was faced with what I had done, I was having regrets about it, but it was done, and now I had to move on with the remaining shards of my life, not letting anything weigh me down.

A ghostly smile appeared on my face when I thought of how I had moaned last night, shamefully I didn't want it to end because I had one of the best nights last night.

I picked up my clothes which were littered everywhere, and placed them on, not wanting to stay a minute longer than I already have.

“Last night never happened” A voice uttered behind me, I twirled around, my hands still on my dress when I saw that face, that same face that had talked all naughty with me telling me how much he missed me.

“We were never supposed to meet, like how exactly did I take an interest in you when you are not even in my class?” He spat out harshly at me, his words piercing tiny daggers into my heart.

I stood still clenching my fist, not wanting to believe that this was the same person who was with me last night.

I glanced irritatedly at his hands which he had stretched out to me, with a confused look on my face.

“I wouldn't want a woman as loose as yourself to bear a child for me” I scoffed when his words hit me hard.

I snatched the pill he was holding out of his palm.

“And who told you I would like to bear a child for you?” I questioned angrily, and I was satisfied when his eyebrows knotted with anger before snatching the bottled water which was at room temperature from his hold.

“Have you checked?” My eyes wandered to the length of his trousers, which had kept me moaning and screaming all through last night. I blinked, trying to get the image out of my head, but I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried to.

“If you can make a woman pregnant?” I tilted my head to the side when he glared at me in anger.

He was wearing a sweatshirt and gray joggers, one that made his manhood dangle.

“Get a hold of yourself” I chide myself before snapping out of my daydream.

“Here” I shoved the bottle into his hand, opening my mouth wide enough for him to see that I had taken the pills.

. “To think that last night was one of my best nights” I muttered under my breath as I picked up my bag, which had been placed on top of the dresser.

“You weren't the one I imagined last night”. The silence that followed was haunting as I played back to last night.

He had called me Mama countless times last night, and I was so stupid to think I was the one who he was referring to. I shook my head at how stupid I was before holding my bag, my grip tightening on it when I gazed at his face.

“That is great because neither did I imagine you were the one who I was with last night, you acted as just a stand-in for the person” I retorted sharply before trying to walk past him, but he held my wrist, shoving something into my hands.

“This is for last night, for all of your troubles, I am hoping that you wouldn't tell anyone else about it or else, whoever you tell, will have to go down, with you” his voice was cold, devoid of warmth and when I glanced at the hand which was wrapped firmly around my wrist, I knew at that moment that he wasn't something to trifle with, but neither was I someone who could be threatened.

I ransacked my bag, bringing out a hundred-dollar bill and throwing the money he had handed me on the ground.

“ Then take this, Mister, as your payment for a well-done job last night” I smacked his face with all of my might, shoved him aside, and headed straight toward the door.

A smile crept on my face when I saw the shocked expression on his face, turning around to take a last look at him before turning the door knob clockwise, I yelled at him.

"If we cross paths, may the heavens take away your balls'' he shot glares at me, and I was sure he wished that I could drop dead from them, but that wasn't going to happen, I winked at him before shutting the door.

“So cruel,” I whispered while standing in front of the door. I let the tears that I had been holding in since he said hurtful words to me, out, not restraining myself.

I clenched my fist tightly while mumbling words of encouragement to myself. My emotions were high, and I knew that I had to be positive. I needed that.

“What is he doing here?” Jaden glanced around, trying to make sure that he wasn't seen.

“Don't tell me he is cheating on his new partner also?” I was intrigued, intending to find out what exactly was happening, when I saw his gaze fixed on the room I had walked out of.

"Shit” I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, hiding behind a pillar as he banged on the door angrily.

He was going to make a mess when I wasn't even there, what exactly was going on? He had broken up with me, and he had told me clearly that I was the bane of his life, what exactly was happening now?

I flinched when the door was pulled open, and he tried to shove whosoever had walked out aside, but he was pushed back. I gritted my teeth before walking away. It was none of my business what those two scumbags did to themselves, they deserved it anyway.

I grunted when I stood outside the hotel, pouting my lips. I had given that stranger the last money I had on me and now, I had to trek home. Luckily, home wasn't far away, and I was there in five minutes.

“Where the hell have you been?” Irene bombarded me with questions immediately after I had pushed the door open, throwing her hands up in the air.

“Jaden broke up with me” I announced to her, before collapsing on the cushion.

“Hell no! He didn't, tell me wherever he is, and I am going to pay him back forever thinking of hurting you”

A gleeful smile appeared on my face, but it left as fast as it came.

“ And I had a one-night stand with a total stranger to spite him and the stranger told me to my face that he never wanted anything to do with me” I sat upright, my shoulder hanging low and tears streaming down my face.

“ Why am I so unlucky, Irene?” Tears flowed ceaselessly down my cheek as she patted me gently on my back, letting me lean on her.

“Now, how about we drink ourselves to a stupor?” I rolled my eyes at her because this was the Irene I was used to.

“Aren't you going to scold me for what I have done?” I pouted my lips at her while blinking severally.

“I will be silly to do that” she stood up heading toward the kitchen while walking over with two glasses and a beer.

“To the single life, we have now and to more heartbreaks to come”

“What are you saying?'' I yelled out at her but burst out in laughter when I saw the look on her face.

“Then to more one-night stands” I squinted my eyes at her when she attempted to run away.

“You have a parcel” she directed her eyes at the table, I squinted my eyes, before wiping off the streak of tears on my face and walking there

“ What the hell is this!" I shrieked out as my heart flipped over.

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