
Her life took a turn

Daphne's POV

“This is the fifth time you are retching, are you sure you aren't going for that test? The test kit is over there on the sink, you know?” She tried convincing me, but I wasn't having it.

“ He made sure I took post pills before leaving his hotel room, Irene,” I reminded her, while turning on the faucet, letting it run for a while before splashing water on my face.

“ Yes, you did, but just to be on the safe side, how about you take it, at least to dispel whatever thought I am having”she screamed back at me.

“ I am not still taking the test, so come off it” I walked sluggishly toward her while pouting my lips.

It has been four weeks since I last saw Mr. Stranger and somehow, he left a lasting impression on me. I couldn't quite fix my hands on it. If it was the sex or the way he had insulted me afterward, but still, I just couldn't.

“Stop daydreaming” Irene snapped her fingers at me, while I was staring into the dark oblivion, going through one of my many flashbacks.

“I am not” I denied, staring at her.

“Oooh, then tell me why you have those on your cheeks?” I squinted my eyes at her before running toward the mirror.

“Irene” I growled slowly when I noticed that there was nothing there.

“You look so cute whenever you do that, and you always know that I enjoy teasing you” she had a bowl of her favorite snack in her arms as she glanced at the TV in front of her. I strolled back to her, barely trying to keep my balance before settling on the cushion beside her.

“Hand it over” I gestured at the control beside her, intending to change the channel when I saw him, sitting majestically in his seat, with a blank expression on his face, the control slipped through my hand, hitting the floor.

" What is wrong with you?” Irene inquired when she saw that I was glued to the television. I could remember that voice everywhere, regardless of where I was. I would be able to.

“He is the one” I pointed straight at the TV to her.

“What are you talking about?” Irene asked, fixing her gaze on me.

“The man I had a one-night stand with” I answered, not knowing what to do.

“That cannot be, he is known as the beast and if he is truly the one who you had a one-night stand with, I am glad you took that pill,” she let out a breath of air, utterly relieved when I stood up, running into the toilet yet again.

I blinked when I stared at the mirror, my lips trembling and my hands shivering, my gaze wandered to the test kit which was lying beside it and I picked it up with my heart in my hands.

“ You have a call,” Irene's voice interrupted me.

“ It will be Jaden, do not pick it up'' I yelled back at her.

I clenched the test kit in my hands tightly, getting ready to use it. My heart hitched as I waited for the result after peeing on it.

“Noooo” I screamed out, before collapsing to the ground, there was no way this was happening, not to the beast. He was known to be ruthless, anyone but him, I pleaded.

“What is it?” Irene asked, almost winded and she flinched when I stretched out the test strip at it.

“I am pregnant for the beast, this cannot be happening to me” I yelled out until I couldn't feel my lungs anymore.

I yelled, yanked, and pulled at my hair. I was at a loss for what to do. He had bought me pills and I had taken them, so I didn't think of taking another.

“Not him please” I screamed out as I hugged myself, tears flowing ceaselessly down my cheek, this wasn't the life I had imagined for my child, not one with the beast, who was rumored not to have a heart, who everyone hated.

“How did this happen?” I wondered, stunned, staring blankly at Irene, who kept yelling at me.

“You have to get yourself together” she yelled at me, but I wasn't thinking straight, not now.

“Daphne” she yelled before slapping me hard so that I could feel the sting afterward.

" You aren't the first to get pregnant….”

“With the beast's baby,” I reminded her, cutting her short.

“ You have heard about him, how ruthless he is, and how he is rumored not to have human compassion, how exactly did I get into such a mess?” I wondered out loud.

“ He told me he didn't want me birthing his child, he called me a loose woman, his eyes spoke of the hate he had toward me, and it took all of me not to cower in fear, Irene I am scared” I admitted sincerely to her while fidgeting.

“ Then you have to flee” she suggested, making me glare at her.

“That isn't possible, and you know it, there was no way I was going to flee, where? How? It isn't even possible” I stared straight at her, my hands straying to my stomach.

“Who rules over this city? Who oversees this city? Who calls the shot in this city?” All of my restraints crumbled as I stood up. There was no way I was going to sit in here and listen to whatever it was that Irene had to say.

“I do not care, I never wanted this, Irene, I didn't want this” I pointed my tummy at her while screaming.

“ But the child wants you, Daphne, the child wanted you and that was why you couldn't get rid of it” my hands turned limp as I tried to process what I had just been told.

“Irene” I cried out, as she yanked me to herself, patting me gently on the back.

“You will be fine, Daphne, you can go to my mother's house or your grandmother's house, and you know she will take care of you, I will come after you immediately I clear whatever it is that is holding me back here,” I grunted softly, bobbing my head at her.

“I will be waiting for you, Irene, I will be waiting for you to come over” I needed her to reassure me again, I needed to know that I wouldn't be doing this alone, I wanted her by my side. At all times.

“I will be there before you know it” her words came through, soothing my nerves, and we walked into the room together, I gazed at the ceiling as she packed my belongings.

“ Here, I will bring over the rest when I am coming,” she handed me a little suit pack, before nudging me at the door. I laced my hands with hers, not ready for the new life that I was going to have, but I knew that I had no choice.

Everything seemed to be happening so fast, that it was going to take me time to get used to it. I required time to process all that was happening to me because I wasn't supposed to be doing this all along.

“Make sure you place a call to me when you get settled in” Irene reminded me as we made our way out of the room, heading outside.

“I will, “I smiled faintly at her, gazing into the sky which shone brightly.

“The child” she patted my stomach gently while gazing at it.

" Has to be protected at all cause” she reminded me while squeezing my hands tightly.

“Get in” she pulled open the door to the back seat of the cab which she had halted for me before shutting it gently.

I sniffed as I watched her waving me off until I was out of her sight.

“I promise never to abandon you, and I am going to give you the best life even if it means washing dishes,” I whispered, staring at my stomach with determination coating my tone.

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