
53: Rid of Him

Jillie’s POV

I woke up to bright blinding lights. I put my hand in front of my face. As I sat up, I groaned, feeling the hammering in my head. I attempted to bring my hands to my temples but stopped short when I noticed there was an IV in one of them. I looked around the large room, which was done in bright yellow. I saw Jarren off in one of the corners talking to someone. I tried to speak, but my throat was extremely dry. I saw a cup on the stand beside the bed and grabbed it. I drank it all in one gulp, but it did little for my desert-dry throat.

“Jarren.” I barely croaked out.

His head turned to me, and he was at my side within a split second, his hand taking mine. He held it securely in his. I opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off.

“Don’t talk; take it easy.”

Another cup of water was extended to me, and I looked at the person the hand belonged to. He looked to be about the age of my dad. He had ash blonde hair and luminous gray e
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