
Chapter Seven

I think I look like one of the zombie's from Hotel Transylvania, because I undoubtedly felt like one.

I was supposed to be rushing off to my early morning class for a quiz, but I honestly couldn't find it in me to walk without dragging myself around because I just felt tired and drained, sluggish.

The reason?


It's as simple as that. I could say it was lack of sleep, but the root cause of that lack of sleep was Sienna. She was slowly trying to make life unbearable for me, I could just feel it. I couldn't feel it before because I thought she just didn't like me, but the small devilish smile she gave me when my alarm woke me up this morning was nothing I could overlook. I don't believe I hate people, but after last night, I was pretty close to it.

Sienna's friends minus one left well past 1am when I was already struggling to keep my eyes open. At least I was glad I could got back to my bed and sleep...only, I couldn't.

I entered the room and God knows if I could bleach my eyes with holy water, I would.

I was standing at the doorway with eyes blown wide in shock and mouth open,my jaw was seconds away from touchdown.

The boy from earlier with the sandy blond hair and tattoos dressed in all black was sitting on her bed and she was kneeling in front of him, between his spread legs, and she was...I would never unsee this.

I shook myself out of my frozen state and run out like the floor had caught fire.

The sleep had disappeared, at least for a while.

By the time it was three, I was still walking in front of the door trying to fight off sleep and get that horrid image of what they were doing out of my mind.

By four, I had had enough. I walked in and the place was quiet. I sneaked in and sat on my bed, ready to sleep. I closed my eyes and right before I could slip into sleep, I heard a soft moan, then another and another and...the rest of the loud sexual noises kept me up tossing and turning until daybreak, and when I'd slept for what felt like seconds, my alarm went off.

A scalding shower and...I can't recall what happened after later, I was headed towards my lecture hall, I had a 7 am class and it was 6:35 already, how I'd manage to get into class on time, I had no idea, not with how sluggish I felt.

I continued to drag myself to class when I was suddenly shoved in the shoulder, hard. It's a miracle that I didn't fall straight onto my ass.

I groaned and rubbed my shoulder, looking up at the one who had shoved me only to find Jason looking back at me like I'd grown two green heads or surprise there.

"Apology accepted." I grumbled and turned to drag myself the rest of the way.

"Okay now hold up Rosette." His voice was too loud this morning, I frowned and turned. The movements were draining what little energy I had left. He looked me up and down with the same expression of disbelief.

"Take a picture already so I can leave."

"What the hell happened to you?" He completely ignored me.

"I'm auditioning."


"Yes, I want to be one of the zombies in Hotel Transylvania. Now leave me be." He huffed, rolling his eyes and holding my hand so I wouldn't make a move to leave again. At this rate, I'd definitely be late for my class.

"This isn't one of your novels Rosette. No body says 'leave me be' anymore." Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. I could hardly care about my choice of words, I just wanted to get to class, get it over with and go to bed, for real this time.

"Can you just let me go Jason? I have a class, please" I whined, trying to pull my hand away, but he held on tighter with little to no effort on his part, it was like a feather was trying to break free from his grasp. I huffed.

"What do you want?!"

"Take this, should breathe some life back into you." He handed me a paper cup, a coffee cup. As tired as my brain was, it could still function enough to know not to go near that outrageously bitter beverage.

"Uhh no, I don't drink coffee. It tastes awful" I shook my head and instantly regretted it. It felt like I was shaking my brain around inside my head and it was rattling around, hitting every corner and giving an on-off-on sensation. Lack of sleep is the worst thing ever.

"Don't give me that, Rosette." He growled at me, forcing the cup into my much smaller hands. I frowned and hesitated before lifting the cup up to my mouth. "That's it, drink up." I did, but if I threw up, it'll be all over him...and with no regrets.

I was surprised though because there was no way I'd be throwing up.

It tasted wonderful. Sweet and creamy

I pulled back to make sure it was actually coffee. He must have noticed my surprise.

"Yeah, sugar and cream would do that. Now drink it all up and go to class." I obeyed, and after taking the empty cup from me, he led me towards my class and disappeared down the hall.

By the time I got settled into class a few minutes late, I had started to believe in magic. I was awake and bustling with energy that wasn't there before. Coffee induced energy that I never would have known about sans Jason. A small smile graced my lips as I wondered if I should thank him.

I didn't really know how I was supposed to thank him though, and for all I knew, he could have asked for something outrageous like Sienna and her friend's late night affairs, or even...

I gasped out loud. Not loud enough for the lecturer to hear, but loud enough for those in my immediate vicinity to turn and look at me. I blushed and apologized.

I had completely forgotten about Jason asking me to come to his football game, and thinking about it, that was the only way to thank him.

Right after the lecture, I was hurrying out of the class. However, right as I made a move out of the door, Virginia, a girl who usually sat close to me or at least near me held on to my hand, stopping me. She had huge round red rimmed glasses, and if that wasn't nerdy enough, she was the shortest girl I'd ever met, reaching just around my chest. She had straight brown shoulder length hair that looked like and actually matched her boring exterior, and her eyes...even her brown eyes were dull.

The only good thing was her figure. Luckily she wasn't fat, or that would have completed the look. She was the quiet type who seldom said anything in class, and when she did, everyone had to strain to hear her. I'd never talked to her or even anyone for that matter, but here she was clutching my hand like a lost child holding on to the only adult they could find in a crowded amusement park.

"Uhh hi." I said, but it came out more like a question than not. She immediately tore her hands away from mine.

"Yeah, hello. H-hi hel-lo." I stared at her in question. My brow lifting and arching on its own Accord. She immediately blushed, her dull eyes downcast.

"Did you need something Virginia, I'm in a hurry." Impatience laced my words even though I wished I was acting more patient with her. She obviously didn't like this situation, I couldn't agree more.

"Yeah, you dropped this." She held out what looked to be my phone. I frowned.

I could swear I put the phone in my bag, and unless there was a hole in the bag that I didn't know about, then the phone shouldn't be outside the bag.

Either way, I pushed my suspicion to the back of my mind, murmured a thank you and took the phone from her, rushing out of the class. I was definitely going to stow this whole occurrence away until I could stew over it later.

I hurried down the hall all the while checking the where and when details of the game on the school's page. From what I could see, it wasn't against another school, just two different departments, STEM and surprisingly Business and Accounting.

My department was having a game and I didn't know, probably because I wasn't interested, and I still wouldn't be, not even after this game which I was just going to go because I was invited, it was definitely not going to be a regular occurrence, no way.

I found out that the game was at three and since it was still early, I thought I'd go to the dorm and get some rest.

Fortunately, the dorm was empty and once I'd shed my clothing and dressed in some comfy shorts and tank top and then finally set my alarm to two, I was soon sleeping like I should have last night and then some.

I woke up fully rested to the sound of my alarm alerting me that it was two. I'd slept peacefully and undisturbed for close to five hours. And I loved it.

I took a quick shower that left me feeling like a new creation, and looked for simple clothes. I held my hair up in a ponytail and continued to hold it together in a single braid. Then I picked out blue jeans and a purple tee with the inscription 'Let's Go!' on it. I added sneakers, and I was ready to go.

The field was easy enough to find and at 2:43, I wasn't too late, at least not after he quick detour I'd taken to get my stomach filled. I may not have been a football fan, but I thought I'd have a good time.

The players were already on the field and the bleachers we're not empty by any means. Everyone was in the football mood, and that felt great. Reminded me of all the times my father and brother had spent quality times screaming at the TV while I tried to block out the noise in my room. I smiled at the thought while I found an empty seat near the front.

The players were on the field,half of them in white and blue jerseys and the other half in white and green. I looked closely and spotted Jason in a white and blue jersey with number 6 behind it. I didn't know what exactly it meant,by I didn't dwell on it too much, rather I looked who he was talking to so animatedly and my heart stopped short. The food I'd eating earlier threatening to spill put out of my stomach through my mouth.

Jason was talking to none other than the other reason for my sleepless night, the sandy haired boy with a sleeve of tattoos, the same person who'd done unspeakable things to Sienna and given me a sleepless night, and he looked to be good friends with Jason.

I had a good feeling about this game, but now, I was more than ready to bail.

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