Blood Rose

Blood Rose

By:  justPraye  Updated just now
Language: English
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When small town girl, Rosette, finally leaves her little town to study at Seattle, she realizes that life outside is much different from her sheltered life and family complete with romance novels. But when between juggling schoolwork and her job, she falls in love with the perfect man, she soon discovers that even love is different in the outside world, and what she believed from her novels was a far cry from the reality of love.

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8 Chapters
Chapter One
"Packed and ready to go." My dad said, patting the hood of the car as the last of my boxes were packed into the back of the worn out red pickup truck. His voice lacked its usual enthusiasm, and he sounded sad even though he was trying his best to sound happy for me, excited. It's not that he wasn't...well the whole family wasn't excited, it's just that...I sighed. Ever since my acceptance letter from the North Seattle College came in, there had been this blanket of sadness over the whole family. They wanted me to stay and go to a local college, and then help them on the strawberry farm, or at least use my degree in Business Administration to run the shop, and I honestly didn't want that. I wanted more than strawberries and little shops, a small town with a handful of people that you see everyday, I wanted more. I didn't know what I was going to meet out there in Seattle, but I knew I wanted it, and I was ready to go, my mind was made up. "Promise me that you'll be fine, Rosie." my
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Chapter Two
The problem with moving to a new place when you know no one and are expecting someone is the annoying brick called anticipation residing in your stomach layered with cements of skeptism. I was laying on my made up bed after packing all my stuff, making my side of the dorm room honey to me and taking a shower. The walls were white washed, and while my roommate's side of the room was covered in posters of some boy band, my side was clear, I had some of my novels neatly arranged beside my bed, beside them was a framed picture of my family at the farm, and a digital clock that doubled as an alarm in the shape of a strawberry. Then nothing else. My sheets were white with little pink flowers, and everything about my side was neat and tidy. I liked my space neat and tidy all the time, but that's not all, I wanted to make a good first impression. Something my roommate will appreciate, I hoped she would like me, or at least she wouldn't have issues with me. She certainly didn't have i
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Chapter Three
Over the next few days, I went everywhere I possibly could on campus, I didn't want to get lost especially on my first of class come Monday. After orientation, I would go around and find out where different things and places where. After my in campus tour, I begun to go out of school. It was weird, the difference between my home and school, it was like two different worlds. There were so many people around, and even more different things to see and do. It was refreshing and addictive. Had I not been out looking for a part time job, I would have spent much more time exploring. But I needed to get looking. By the end of the week, I'd secured a spot for myself in a bookshop not too far from school. I was elated, I guess Lizzy's dream was coming true, just in a different form and place. The owner, Mr. Henry Potter (funny as that sounds) was a jolly old man who had the bookshop overflowing and had no help around the place because people thought the bookshop creeped them out. For some re
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Chapter Four
I was nervous, wringing my arms in front of me and straightening my white shirt all over again. I woke up early today and got ready for my first class. My hair was held up in a neat bun, and I was wearing a neatly straightened white shirt with form fitting jeans paired with black flats and a black handbag. I looked good on the outside,but inside was a different matter all together. I was a nervous wreck, my stomach was all tied up and in knots, and...yeah, it wasn't pretty.I was just standing in front of the double doors of the lecture hall,hoping I can rewind and be back in bed. I just didn't know what to expect. Everything was so different from things at home, and I didn't know what to expect.I'd never had a panic attack before, but I was certainly seconds away from one now, and even though it was a little chilly, it seemed I was going to break into a sweat. I wasn't even sure I was breathing right at that point.I turned, ready to bolt and go take care of my nerves before openi
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Chapter Five
He was sitting at the front desk, nose deep in brows furrowed, was that my book? Rude. I just studied him as he sat there reading my book. He was indeed handsome, and while he didn't look too old, he was also wasn't so young. Probably somewhere in his thirties. He kinda reminded me off one of the male protagonists from my romance books, lots of money, matured, handsome, true his word, because he definitely stayed when he said he would, and we'll... I didn't know him yet, so I couldn't tell who and what exactly he was. I took a step forward and suddenly his eyes snapped up to look at me. I like his eyes, like melted chocolate. My mouth watered, even though I'd just consumed a whole meal and my drink was still in my hand. He stared at me with a lazy smile on his face, and I think I went weak in my knees. I should have hoped he gave me a guilty smile for going through my stuff and reading my book, but my knees almost gave way under me for that lazy smile that just looked glo
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Chapter Six
"Mom, you don't need to worry about it, I'm studying, I promise. Besides, it's not like I'm having any extra curricular activities or anything, aside school and work, I have nothing to do." I whined to my mom over the phone, she was constantly telling me to focus on my studies and not give my attention to anything unnecessary including my storybooks, her words, not mine. I sighed, it's been twenty minutes since we started talking and I was all in for giving an excuse and hanging up. I shut that thought down though, it's still only been a few weeks since I left, not even a month. If I started doing this now, then by the time I go a year, I wouldn't even be calling home at all. She was just worried, I just left, and my mom has always been a tad bit overprotective, coupled with what happened with Felix, it was just a normal reaction, nothing extraordinary. Suck it upWe spoke for a few more minutes before she had to go check on her stew and hanged up. I almost told her to save some for
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Chapter Seven
I think I look like one of the zombie's from Hotel Transylvania, because I undoubtedly felt like one. I was supposed to be rushing off to my early morning class for a quiz, but I honestly couldn't find it in me to walk without dragging myself around because I just felt tired and drained, sluggish. The reason? Sienna.It's as simple as that. I could say it was lack of sleep, but the root cause of that lack of sleep was Sienna. She was slowly trying to make life unbearable for me, I could just feel it. I couldn't feel it before because I thought she just didn't like me, but the small devilish smile she gave me when my alarm woke me up this morning was nothing I could overlook. I don't believe I hate people, but after last night, I was pretty close to it.Sienna's friends minus one left well past 1am when I was already struggling to keep my eyes open. At least I was glad I could got back to my bed and sleep...only, I couldn't.I entered the room and God knows if I could bleach my eyes
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Chapter Eight
Unfortunately, I didn't bail like I wanted to, I stayed for ninety minutes and watched boys pass a ball around and occasionally put it in a net while people cheered and yelled. And throughput the game, nothing triggered my gag reflex more than watching number eight playing well and being all friendly with number six. My personal brand of hell. After the most excruciating ninety minutes of my life, the game finally ended and I was all but out of here, even as the cheers went on because the white and blue team won with Jason scoring two out of three goals. It was a team I suspected wasn't the Business and Accounting team if the looks of disappointment on some of mates' faces was any indication, that meant that Jason belonged to the STEM department.I was out of my seat and far from the cheering fans before long, and I knew deep down that I should at least wait for Jason, or let him know I made it, but with how friendly he was being with number eight, I could tell that they were good
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