
Bloodbound Desires
Bloodbound Desires
Author: SarwahCreed


"Fuck! I'm going to be late again!" I exclaimed, frustration dripping from my words like the sweat trickling down my forehead. My heart pounded like a drum, each pedal stroke a desperate plea to defy time itself. The city streets morphed into a chaotic kaleidoscope of lights and sounds, blurring together in a disorienting frenzy.

Tonight, the stakes were higher than ever, and the weight of responsibility bore down on me with an unforgiving force. The club where I toiled tirelessly was undergoing a profound transformation, its ownership changing hands. Robert, the previous owner, had shockingly decided to sell it. The club, once a cherished family heirloom, was being passed on like an abandoned relic.

I couldn't help but reminisce about the days when Robert's brother reigned supreme over the club, exuding a passion and dedication that filled the air like a contagious energy. But with his untimely demise, Robert's love for the club seemed to wither away alongside his sibling. A profound sense of grief had swallowed him whole, turning his once fiery spirit into a mere flicker of what it once was. I couldn't fathom the depths of his sorrow, but I understood the way loss could twist a person's heart.

With my arrival at the club, drenched in sweat and lamenting the lack of twenty extra minutes in my morning routine, the reality of my tardiness sank in. My legs trembled from the mad dash through the bustling streets, while nerves prickled at the thought of facing the new owner. The club's entrance beckoned like a portal to a realm of pulsating music and hypnotic neon lights. I sprinted towards the locker room, exacerbating my already sweaty state.

There, amidst the flurry of preparations, I found her. Nora, my confidante, my partner in both mischief and support. She stood before the mirror, frantically brushing her dark locks, as if her life depended on it. Her eyes met mine, and she couldn't help but let out a tut of disapproval.

"You need to get a new alarm. Late again, my friend," Nora scolded, as she hugged me and gave me a big kiss.

"Not now, Nora. I'm really not in the mood for a lecture, especially when I'm in desperate need of a shower."

She raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Alright, alright. But let me tell you, you better shower up, girl. You don’t smell good and you’re sweatiness nearly messed up my make-up.”

She playfully waved her hand in front of her nose, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes, brushing off her teasing remark. Ignoring her, I dashed towards the shower, fully aware that time was slipping through my fingers like sand in an hourglass. The water cascaded over my heated skin, briefly washing away the grime of the day. In that fleeting moment, my mind raced through the countless tasks awaiting me—studying, working at the club—it was a delicate balancing act that threatened to topple at any given moment.

As the steam dissipated, revealing my reflection in the foggy mirror, I confronted the length of my dark hair. With purposeful movements, I twisted and secured it into an elegant bun, allowing a few rebellious tendrils to frame my face. Each detail, carefully chosen, was an opportunity to prepare for the night that lay ahead—a night filled with secrets, possibilities, and the enigmatic allure of the unknown.

I stole a final glance at the clock, its hands ticking away with infuriating nonchalance, when suddenly Nora burst into the room, breathless and wide-eyed. Her words spilled out in a rush, barely coherent yet brimming with excitement.

"Eva! You won't believe what just happened!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with anticipation.

Caught off guard, my curiosity piqued, I couldn't help but ask, "What's going on, Nora?"

"You know that new boss we were all worried about? Well, turns out, he's a vampire!"

My eyes widened in disbelief, and I couldn't contain my laughter. "A vampire? Seriously, Nora? You've got to be joking!"

Nora shook her head, her conviction unwavering. "No joke, Eva. I saw him. Fangs and all! And let me tell you, he's hot. Like steaming, sizzling hot!"

She fanned herself dramatically, her eyes shining with a mix of excitement and absurdity. I couldn't help but play along with her wild imagination, indulging in the comedic possibilities.

"Well, in that case," I said, a mischievous twinkle in my eyes, "I better be extra punctual tonight. I wouldn't want to be on the menu for our charming vampire boss."

Nora rolled her eyes, her lips curling into a playful smirk. "Oh, please. Like a vampire would bother with a snack when he's got a buffet of unsuspecting partygoers to choose from!"

We shared a moment of laughter, the tension dissipating into the air like mist.

This was the reason why I loved Nora so much, she always managed to take the edge of me, and make me laugh. Vampires didn’t exist, we both knew that. We weren’t little girls that believed in such crap! One thing we did believe in was having a better life than the one we had in the orphanage and doing something great with our lives.

For now, it meant we were working in a club, but we knew it was temporary. As I got ready, I rummaged through Nora's box of makeup delights, applying as much as I could to enhance my features. With my face complete, I felt prepared to begin my shift, and so did Nora. We hoped that the night would prove worthy to our new boss, convincing him to keep us on. I couldn't help but worry, as a change in ownership often resulted in a change in staff. However, I was determined to prevent that, especially not tonight.

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