
Chapter 11 - Suzie

If I hadn’t seen his change with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it. The Clement Shelton I knew growing up was a total self-centered asshole.

But Austin Shelton is entirely different. Well, maybe not completely. He’s still kind of an asshole. But he’s not the same kind of an unredeemable asshole.  

“You shouldn’t have even been in that accident. That kid is a fucking moron. One for not paying attention while driving and two for even going up that mountain in those conditions.” Austin rumbled. 

“I chose to be in that truck. I knew it was a bad idea, but I did it anyway.” I pointed out. 

“Congrats, you’re stupider than your friends? Because it takes a real idiot to know something is a bad idea and still does it,” Austin rolled his eyes. 

“Oh, because you smell your own? I can make a list as long as my arm of all the stupid shit you’ve done that I bet money you knew was a bad idea.” I countered. 

“Doubtful.” Austin scoffed. 

“Oh, let’s see. When I was five, I remember you deciding to take a baseball bat and hit a hornet nest in a tree at the edge of the woods near the playground. You screamed like a little girl as you and all the boys scattered for safety. Stephen had to grab me and protect me from getting stung.” I recalled. 

I had him, and he knew it. I saw how his jaw ticked, and his eyes narrowed as I brought up one of the many highlights of stupid moments of his life. 

“I was thirteen. A young dumb pup.” Austin grumbled. 

“Uh-huh. What’s your excuse for the multiple counts of stupid moments when you were in Incubi?” I questioned. 

I was armed and ready to list them all. His annoyed expression wasn’t going to deter me either. 

“Don’t think Stephen and Amelia didn’t dish. I heard you grabbed Beta Zoe’s ass and spent time as a statue. I heard you insulted Alpha André not once but twice. Not to mention when you insulted Amelia, and Beta Zoe turned you to stone.” I listed them all off. 

I’ve touched a nerve, given how tight his grip on the steering wheel had become.  

“I’m aware of my mistakes. But I made them, and I own up to them. No one convinced me to do them. No one else is responsible. And the only person physically hurt by my actions, excluding the hornets, has been me.” Austin ground out. 

“Your little boyfriend got you and four others hurt because of his stupidity.” He growled when he said, ‘boyfriend.’ 

“Back up that train of thought. Because Stan is not my boyfriend.” I explained. 

‘You better make it very clear to our mate that the boy is absolutely nothing to you. Because I’ll make your life hell if you leave the impression that anything has happened with that gomer.’ Kayla threatened.  

“He sure seems to think he is. Walking in today with his arm around you. And not wanting back off even after it was verbalized you’re my mate.” Austin glanced at me. 

The expression on his face was still stern and filled with annoyance, but his eyes were different. He looked hurt by the very idea. 

“Around my shoulders. That’s a friend thing, and when I walked in, I was still mateless.” I pointed out. 

“And when Kayla scented you, I shrugged him away. Stan has never and would never have been my boyfriend. When I was a kid, I decided I wouldn’t date or do anything with a guy who wasn’t my mate.” I shook my head. 

“But you like him?” Austin arched an eyebrow. 

I rolled my eyes. Great unwarranted jealousy rears its ugly head. 

“He’s cute. Lots of guys are cute.” I shrugged. 

There goes that tick of his jaw. He doesn’t like the idea that I think Stan or anyone else is cute. He will need to keep that jealousy in check if this will work. 

“But none of them are you.” I added, putting my hand on his forearm. 

The sparks of the bond startled me at first. I closed my eyes, letting them surge through me before trying to convey calming energy to him through our bond. I smiled, opening my eyes to see he had relaxed. His lips had even turned into a small smile. 

“Uh-huh. Good to know.” He nodded, trying to play it cool. 

“So you’re telling me that you’ve never dated someone? Never even kissed someone?” He questioned, raising a blonde brow as he glanced at me. 

I don’t know if he’s trying to mock me or bait me. I do know that I don’t like either of those options. It pisses me off because I know he didn’t save himself for me.  

I’m well aware he had girlfriends even before he lost his leg. I don’t know how many he’s had since. Though that reminds me, I still want to question him about Denise.  

“I just said I haven’t dated, didn’t I?” I sighed. 

“Yes, but not dating doesn’t always mean abstaining from other activities.” Austin shrugged, glancing at me, still waiting for an answer. 

I rolled my eyes cause he was going to make me say this. Cause that’s just what I want to admit to him.  

“Fine. Suppose you want me to spell it out for you. I haven’t done anything with anyone. No sex, no touching, and no kissing.” I sighed as he parked his jeep in my family’s driveway. 

“So you’re telling me that it would be your first if I kiss you right now?” Austin questioned. 

I blinked, gulping as I looked at him and realized he was facing me. Just like earlier, when I came out of the changing room, we were practically sharing our breaths.  

Kayla was all in when it came to Austin. His scent of fresh-cut grass, garden herbs, and wildflowers engulfed me, overriding my senses. Kayla was practically purring, trying to nudge me forward. 

Just as his lips were about to touch mine, the house’s front door opened, the light from inside streaming out into the night. My head turned just in time, his lips pressing to my cheek instead as I looked at my father standing on the porch, arms folded and eyebrow raised. 

“I… I better go. Um, we can meet tomorrow if you want. And talk some more. We didn’t discuss everything in one car ride.” I hurried to grab my things, rushing out of the jeep before he could answer. 

I could feel his eyes on me as I rushed up the steps. I gave my dad a smile knowing my blush would probably rival the ripest cherry we’ve ever grown. 

“Hi, daddy. Bye, daddy.” I waved, rushing past him.  

I barely paused to take off my boots as I rushed upstairs to avoid questions. Of course, I wasn’t going to be so lucky. I heard footsteps following me, and the scent of my parents reached me, so I knew both had come to find out what was going on. 

“Suzie?” Dad questioned, knocking at my bedroom door. 

“What’s going on? Why did you rush up here so fast? Was training bad?” Mom questioned, apparently unaware of who drove me home. 

“I think the better question is why Clement Shelton drove her home and looked like he was about to kiss her when I stepped outside.” Dad huffed. 

I growled when he called Austin Clement and yanked my door open, glaring at my father. “HIS NAME IS AUSTIN!” I shouted as I corrected him. 

“Well, it got her to open the door.” Dad smirked and glanced at mom. 

I grumbled, folding my arms and kicking myself for falling for his stupid trick. He knows Clement had started going by Austin. He knows because Austin was my Physical Therapist.  

“Dirty trick.” I muttered, walking back to sulk on my bed, pulling my pillow up to my chest as my parents followed me. 

“Maybe, but it worked. Now want to explain what’s going on?” Dad sighed. 

“You know that you can tell us anything. I like to think we are an open and honest family.” Mom sighed. 

“He’s my mate.” I sighed. 

“Wait, did you just… did you say Austin is your mate?” Dad furrowed his brow, digging his finger into his ear like checking for clogs. 

“I didn’t stutter.” I rolled my eyes. 

“He was one of the instructors for tonight. When I walked into the training center, Kayla went wild, picking up our mate’s scent. And well, it led me to Austin.” I admitted. 

“I see. And what about Austin’s human girlfriend?” Mom questioned bluntly, charging forward and asking the burning question in her. 

She knew about my crush on him when I was still attending physical therapy. She also knows that I returned that day upset because of what happened with Denise and her saying they were going on a date. 

“He says they aren’t together. But I didn’t get to question him further to know what that means.” I shrugged. 

“We talked on the drive home. But it was more about his past and the reasoning behind him changing his name and attitude. Did you know his grandfather was such a prick?” I huffed. 

“Well yeah. Anyone who’s ever dealt with Dillon Shelton knows what kind of asshole he is.” Mom snorted. 

“Yeah, well, I didn’t. At least not to that extent. But after talking with Austin tonight, I can understand why he used to act that way. It was how he was being raised. Thank Goddess, he got some sense knocked into him in that Incubi war.” I sighed. 

“We’re glad he’s changed too. I don’t think we’d like you being with a jerk like Clement Shelton as a mate. You’re too willful for that, and it would crush us to see him take that away.” Dad sighed. 

“So what are you two going to be doing then? Your father owes you an apology for interrupting your first kiss.” Mom questioned, elbowing dad in the ribs. 

“It’s fine. I don’t think I was ready for it anyway. Austin is going to have to earn it. I’m not going to cave just because of the mate bond. So dad technically saved me. As for the rest. I guess we’ll talk more tomorrow.” I shrugged. 

“Are you going to tell your brother and Amelia?” Dad questioned. 

“Oh, Goddess, I hadn’t even thought about that. I mean, I’ll have to eventually. But right now, I want to wait. At least until after the baby is born. I don’t want to put any unnecessary duress on Amelia.” I sighed. 

“Okay, sweetie. We’ll support whatever you decide. And you know your brother will support you.” Mom smiled. 

“Even if he hates Austin for the man he was?” I arched an eyebrow. 

“Even then. Stephen will have to learn the man he is now and let go of Clement and all the bad behavior and memories that go with him.” Mom smiled, kissing the top of my head. 

“Now, why don’t you get some rest. It’s only been your second-day shifting. And I know that the first training session tends to be draining.” Dad suggested hugging me before they left me alone with my thoughts. 

Falling asleep was not going to be easy tonight. I had so much to think about. I need to figure out how things will move forward with Austin and how to handle the bad blood between him and my brother. Talk about a lot to put on a sixteen-year-old’s shoulders.


At least her parents aren't giving her trouble about them being mates.

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