
Chapter 13 - Suzie

Today has been a whirlwind of changes. Hell, the last twenty-four hours have been a trip. Last night, I shifted for the first time, and now I’ve also found my mate. I still don’t know how I feel about my mate being Austin. 

‘Why are humans so difficult?’ Kayla scoffed. 

‘Excuse me?’ I arched my brow. 

‘You heard me. Why are humans, or I guess just you, so difficult? This isn’t rocket science. It’s actually really simple. He’s our mate. Therefore, we should be with him.’ Kayla sighed. 

‘It’s not that simple. You don’t know what Austin was like.’ I frowned. 

‘WAS!’ Kayla shouted, making my head hurt. 

‘What he WAS like! I don’t give a fuck what he WAS like. And I know exactly how he used to be. Remember, I can access all your memories from before I awakened.’ Kayla rolled her eyes. 

‘People don’t just change personalities overnight.’ I countered. 

‘It’s been YEARS! Our mate has focused on improving himself, of making himself a better man for YEARS!’ Kayla insisted. 

And I hate that she’s right. Because it’s not like it was only a few days or even months ago that Austin was still going by Clement and acting like an asshole. 

“That isn’t a sudden shift. That is a gradual change. A change Austin decided to make. You heard him in the car tonight. He got a wake-up call after returning from war and decided to be better.’ Kayla continued her rant.

‘And now we get to be the ones who benefit from his change. We get to be with the man he has become. And we will be the ones that get to see him continue on this path of self-improvement and perhaps grow and improve with him.’ Kayla finally shut up. 

‘Okay, enough with the wolf sage rant. I get it. It’s hard to let go of the past, even though I want to.’ I sighed. 

‘I mean, I saw the change in him while going to physical therapy. And I thought there was something between us, but when I dared to make my feelings known, that bimbo was all over him. And yes, I know he said they weren’t together, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t get together.’ I sighed. 

‘Don’t worry about his past. Be that his former attitude or any lovers. We may not have been his first, but we will be his last, and that’s what matters most. So give him a chance, or I’ll make your life miserable.’ Kayla warned. 

I rolled my eyes, tuning her out as I rolled over in my bed, trying to fall asleep. Not the easiest task. It annoyed me because I usually fall asleep pretty quick. Instead, I laid there awake for I had no idea how long, contemplating what I would do about Austin, us being mates, and then dealing with telling my brother. 

‘Suzanne.’ A voice called out in my head. 

‘Leave me alone, Kayla.’ I grumbled at the intrusion.  

‘I didn’t say anything.’ Kayla grumbled right back. 

‘Not your wolf, honey.’ A masculine voice chuckled. 

Honey? Who the fuck? I know it’s not dad, and Stephen is too far away to link me. So who the hell could that be? 

‘You’ve not used the pack link yet?’ The male voice sighed. 

Oh, crap, the pack link! That’s right. Now that I have shifted, I’m in the pack link.  

‘Um…no. Who is this? So I know who I’m going to kill later cause this is super intrusive of some rando packmate.’ I growled. 

‘Rando? I’m not sure how offended I should be that you can’t place my voice.’ The voice chuckled. 

I was trying to place the voice. But honestly, I was drawing a blank at first. But the chuckle clicked in my head. 

‘AUSTIN!?’ I exclaimed, sitting up suddenly in my bed, pulling my blanket to my chin as if he was in the room. 

‘Bingo. Now that we’ve got that covered. You have school today, right?’ Austin questioned. 

I groaned, running a hand over my face before looking at my alarm clock. I have over an hour before I need to head to school. Austin woke me up before my alarm. Dick. 

‘Um… yeah, I have school. But I don’t even have to leave for another hour.’ I rolled my eyes. 

‘Good. I’ll be there in ten.’ He informed me. 

‘What? Wait? Ten minutes? I just said I don’t have to leave for an hour! I’m still in bed!’ I exclaimed. 

He is out of his damn mind if he thinks I can be ready to go anywhere that isn’t the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal in ten minutes. There is no way I would be prepared to see him or leave the house in ten minutes 

‘Is that so? Wearing anything interesting?’ Austin taunted. 

I gasped, blushing at what he was asking and the one he was asking it in. Thank the Goddess that the link doesn’t let him actually see me. 

‘I… I am not telling you what I am wearing, Austin Shelton.’ I snorted. 

‘Hmm… let me guess. I’m rather good at this.’ I could practically hear him smirking. 

‘I don’t think telling your mate you’re rather good at guessing what women are wearing is a good way to start the day.’ I huffed. 

‘I meant at guessing in general. But down, girl. No need to get your hackles up.’ Austin sighed. 

‘Now then. As I was saying. I’d say there are three options. Most likely, I’m going to say a worn oversized t-shirt, probably one of Stephen’s or maybe your dad’s. And you have it paired with… fleece Hello Kitty pajama bottoms.’ Austin continued on with his guessing game. 

I blushed brightly because, damn it, he’s right. I’m wearing Dad’s University of Portland tee from his college days and a pair of fleece Hello Kitty pjs. 

But he doesn’t need to know that! 

‘You are ridiculous. I don’t even like Hello Kitty.’ I put up what I think is a good front. 

‘That might be true. I mean, last time I was at your house, you were like ten, and your room was very pink like Pepto Bismol threw up all over, and your bed had Hello Kitty bedding.’ Austin teased. 

I grumbled, looking around my room. I had retired the bedding, but I hadn’t painted it. I like pink, there is nothing wrong with that.  

‘Creepy that you remember the details of a ten-year-old’s bedroom.’ I sighed. 

‘Maybe, but it was my mate’s bedroom.’ He countered. 

I rolled my eyes, getting out of bed, figuring if I stalled him long enough, I could have my outfit planned and maybe get a shower in before he arrived.  

‘Now, if you are going to deny what I’m sure is the truth. You could have grown up and started wearing more revealing pajamas.’ He pondered. 

‘So could be wearing pajama shorts and a matching tank. And it’s cold this morning, so I would guess nipples are pronounced if you’re in a tank top.’ Austin carried on. 

I blushed, glancing down at my chest. Of course, you can’t tell anything through this shirt, but I know it’s cold and that my nipples were well aware it’s cold. But more than that, they seem to know Austin’s talking about them. 

‘Ugh, you are such a dumbass.’ I grumbled. 

‘Hmm. Well, that just leaves the final option. I’m not thinking it is right because I don’t see you sleeping naked while living at your parents’ house.’ He casually stated. 

‘OH, MY GODDESS! You are deplorable.’ I shouted. 

“I said I don’t think it’s the right one. I mean, I’m all for you sleeping naked. But you can save that for when you’re in my bed.’ Austin answered smugly. 

‘Wow. You’re already assuming I’ll ever be in your bed, let alone be naked in it?’ I scoffed. 

Okay, so that was all bravado. I’m so glad Austin can’t see me because I’m as pink as my bedroom walls. 

The fact he’s thinking of a future, even if he’s focusing on the physical side of it. I like it. I like that he’s thinking of that future and wants that. And I’d be lying if I said the thought hadn’t crossed my mind. 

‘Because you haven’t already thought about it. You keep telling yourself those lies, honey. Maybe you’ll even buy them.’ He taunted. 

I rolled my eyes and started to take my pajama shirt off to go into my bathroom. I’m still hoping I’ve distracted Austin long enough that I can at least shower, and then maybe my parents can delay him while I get ready. 

Oh, how wrong I was. Maybe I’d have noticed Kayla jumping around with excitement if I had been less focused on the mind link conversation with him. Or caught the scent of fresh-cut grass, garden herbs, and wildflowers drifting under my door seconds before my bedroom door was suddenly opened. 

I am not proud of this, but I screamed like I was auditioning for a horror film, clutching my shirt to my chest to hide my breasts. Austin was in my doorway, laughing with a smug look on his face and a dark desire in his eyes. 

“I told you I’d be here in ten minutes. You aren’t very good at multitasking while mind linking. It’s okay. You’ll figure it out over time.” He chuckled. 

I was blushing brighter as his gaze drifted down from my face, taking notice of the shirt clutched to my chest and then down to my fleece Hello Kitty pajama pants. I wish a hole would just open up in the ground and swallow me whole. 

“I see I was right the first time. Want to drop the shirt, and we’ll see if I was also right about your nip….” He didn’t get to finish the sentence. 

Letting out a yelp, he was dragged back by the scruff in the inescapable death grip of my mother. Austin is apparently not most males. Most males would be pissing themselves, submitting to her strength.


Haha, these two are something else.

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Comments (4)
goodnovel comment avatar
Karina Vazquez
How did he get in all the way to her room? He is fast and determined
goodnovel comment avatar
Gawds I love her mom haha
goodnovel comment avatar
Brilliant!! .........

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