
Chapter 14 - Austin

I wanted to get ahead of any possible issues with Suzie. After sleeping on it, I woke up knowing one thing for sure if Suzie finds out Denise was at my place from anyone else, I am dead. 

So I got up early and went to a local bakery to get a couple dozen donuts and a large carafe of fresh-brewed coffee. Don’t judge. Werewolves have a high metabolism

As a kid, Maxton would stop at Pearl’s Bakery if he was in charge of carpooling Stephen, me, and a couple of other kids to the pack middle school. So I’m sort of banking that he still has a soft spot for it.

While getting the donuts and coffee, I kept a running conversation with Suzie in the pack link. And fuck, she’s adorable. 

I knew what she was doing, distracting me with that comment about still being in bed. Okay, so that probably wasn’t her initial plan when we mentioned it, but she didn’t discourage me from trying to guess what she wears to bed.

I am about ninety percent sure my first guess was correct. There might be a nine percent chance that my second guess is accurate. And there’s that very slim one percent chance she sleeps naked.

I’m not lucky enough for that to be true. But that’s fine. Suzie can sleep naked when we live together. I prefer that line of thought anyway.

‘You realize you’d need to move out of your dad’s house to live together.’ Jax pointed out.

‘I’ve been saving up to get an apartment closer to work. I haven’t looked.’ I shrugged.

‘More like you’ve been dragging your feet.’ Jax scoffed.

‘I don’t want to leave dad alone, okay? I move out, and what’s he got left? A house full of memories of mom.’ I pointed out.

And that shut him up. I don’t want dad to be alone. I feel if I weren’t around, he’d have let himself go. I don’t mean just sitting around in the same clothes for days. I mean, let go permanently. 

I’ll worry about my dad’s stability later. Right now, I’ve got a mate to see. I know she’s new to having her wolf and access to the pack link, but does she honestly think I can’t multitask? 

I handled our conversation while getting the donuts and driving to her place quickly. I smiled when Maxton opened the door, knowing Suzie was still caught up in our mind link conversation to realize I was here.

“Austin.” Maxton arched an eyebrow.

He doesn’t seem surprised to see me, so he must know what I am to his daughter. He seems confused about why I’m here this early.

“Hi, Maxton. Is Suzie still upstairs? You know what, don’t worry about it. I can follow my nose.” I stepped inside, passing the two boxes of donuts and carafe of coffee into his hands.

“Wait? What? Where are you going?” Maxton furrowed his brow as I started heading to the stairs.

“To see my mate. Enjoy the donuts. Bavarian cream is still your favorite, right? Got three in there with your name on it.” I explained, continuing up the stairs.

He didn’t follow me, so he isn’t going to try and intervene. And given I could hear him stuffing his face, my bribe worked. Of course, that only got me past Maxton.

I had only just gotten to Suzie’s room with a rather lovely view of her shirtless. Okay, the shirt was pressed to her chest, so I only saw side boob. 

But I was still right. This girl is predictable, at least on some things. She wore her dad’s only college tee with fleece Hello Kitty pajama bottoms.

As Edit grabbed me by the scruff, I was quickly reminded which parent Suzie takes after, and I don’t just mean in their gift. Edith and Suzie have an unpredictable temper and blunt manner.

“Morning, Edith. How’s it going? I brought coffee and donuts.” I greeted Edith with a smile despite the pain she was causing me. 

“That’s nice. Then you can go downstairs and have some. No boys in my daughter’s bedroom.” Edith snorted, forcing me away from Suzie’s bedroom door.

I was lucky she didn’t shove me down the stairs. With her strength, she could have sent me flying down them. I don’t think a fall down the stairs would be in my best interest. 

“See you downstairs!” I shouted. 

“Go take your shower and get dressed. We’ll deal with your mate until then.” Edith assured my mate as she shut her bedroom door.

I glanced back over my shoulder to see Edith right on my heels. Her expression may be the stern mother wolf protecting her pup, but there was amusement in her eyes. Well, at least my in-laws don’t hate me.

“How did you get past my mate?” Edith demanded.

I didn’t have to answer as we walked into the living room. I pointed to where Maxton was stuffing what I’m guessing was his second donut into his mouth.

“Maxton! You let him bribe you with donuts to sneak into our daughter’s room?” Edith demanded, hands on her hips.

I bit back a smile as Maxton’s eyebrows went up, and he had to hurry to finish his mouthful to answer. I grabbed one of the raspberry jelly-filled donuts and plopped onto the sofa.

“Technically, I wasn’t sneaking into my mate’s room. She was aware I was coming over. It’s not my fault she can’t multitask.” I pointed out before taking a bite of the donuts.

“See. Suzie knew he was coming. He arrived, handing me the donuts and coffee, and went up. Was I supposed to tackle him? And drop his offering?” Maxton questioned as if dropping the donuts and coffee would have been a tragedy.

“He almost saw her naked and was asking about her nipples.” Edith narrowed her eyes.

“To be fair, she’s seen me naked.” I pointed out.

And that narrowed look has turned to me. Guess that wasn’t the right thing to say.

“We’re werewolves, Edith. Nudity is part of life. Suzie has known me her whole life. She’s seen me shift to my wolf and back as recently as last night for her training.” I sighed.

“Hey, Maxton, mind giving me a cup of coffee?” I asked, nodding to the carafe

“That is entirely different, Clement Austin Shelton. Seeing someone naked when they shift is on a different level than seeing them in the privacy of their bedroom.” Edith pulled out the big guns using my full name.

I clenched my jaw, hearing the name Clement. I have started to loathe that name these past six years. There is a reason I don’t go by it. And yet here Edith is throwing it back in my face.

I took a deep breath, slowly letting it out because the last thing I need is to let that Clement attitude out. Last night with Denise was enough.

“Edith, I would appreciate it if you didn’t use my full given name.” I remained calm as I stood back up.

“Allow me to clear up some things for you. First, you’re not my mother. Don’t try to be. So you can cut the lecture.” I narrowed my eyes.

It is too early in the morning for this shit. But it’s best to get this all said now and clear the air. 

Based on the hurt in her eyes, I struck a nerve. She was friends with my mom, but even if my mom didn’t live long to raise me into who I am, I don’t need someone showing up all these years later attempting to mother me.

“Second, you can also take your gender bias double standard and shove it. If this were reversed, you wouldn't be having this conversation if Stephen’s mate went to his room.” I pointed out.

“And yes, I’m well aware that they’d already marked each other by the time you met Amelia. But I know you well enough to know you’d have not thought twice about someone seeing Stephen naked.” I added.

“Lastly, I’m not just anyone. I’m not one of Suzie’s dumbass friends looking to sneak a peek. I’m her mate. It is me if anyone should and will see her naked in private.” I concluded.

I’m fully prepared to get knocked the fuck out. Even if I didn’t go full Clement, I’m sure enough of my asshole side shined through. 

It won’t be the first time a Walterson has punched me. And given Suzie is my mate probably won’t be the last. Shit, I will bet money Stephen will deck me when we see each other, and he finds out I’m with his sister.

I could see Edith wavering on how even to handle me. Maxton had shoved another donut into his mouth, probably to avoid conflict, and well, he loves those damn things.

“Okay, that’s enough of the glaring contest. To your corners.” Suzie interrupted, clapping her hands.

My head turned at the sound of her voice. Fuck me, is that what she was going to wear to school, or is that just because I’m here? 

A white off-the-shoulder blouse paired with a black skirt that sits mid-thigh with her long hair down in curly waves and only a little bit of make-up from what I could see. She doesn’t need make-up.

I hope the outfit is for my benefit and not the dickheads she goes to school with. Jax growled at the thought that dumbass Stan would be ogling her at school later.

The urge to tell her to put more clothes on was there, but I shoved it down cause controlling someone’s wardrobe is an asshole move my grandfather would use. I will not ever be like him. I won’t treat Suzie the way he does grandma.


Ahh, the sit down with the in-laws. I love Maxton, just stuff his face and avoid taking sides.

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Comments (8)
goodnovel comment avatar
Lovelyne Arzu
I am Maxton, Maxton is me lol
goodnovel comment avatar
Michelle Barrett
Crista was 18 when she met and mated Alec who was 50. There are definitely much larger age gaps in Bryant’s stories.
goodnovel comment avatar
Angie Harris Baumgardner
Aurelia was only 16, and Logan was older than Austin is.

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