
Dead and found

Sunshine pack

"Shut up!" Damon snapped and turned his back at Delilah who looked away while rolling her eyes.

"Get out!" Damon said surprisingly calm, Delilah waited for a while before walking out of the room. Damon sigh.

"Brother!" Elena, a little girl of twelve rush in with happy face while holding her school report. Damon pinch the bridge of his nose. Another problem.

He turned to her with a smile and carried her in his arm. Since the death of their father ten years ago, he had been trying his best taking care of both the pack and his sister. Elena is just two when their father died. Their mother died while giving birth to Elena.

"Okay, what did you have for me" Damon asked while combing hee messy hair with his fingers. Elena smiled, he liked when Damon does that.

"I have the first position in my class!" She said flaunting her report on his face. Damon dropped her on the bed, he took the report from her and went through it. He smiled proudly.

"I'm proud of you Elly" he said and peck her cheek, Elena chuckled while stretching her hand forward. Damon already know what she was asking about. He walk to his drawer and brought out an ipad.

Elena jumped on him excitement. Damon smiled as he handed Elena the iPad, knowing she had been waiting eagerly to video call her best friend, Jacob. As he watched her excitedly chat with Jacob, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and responsibility. He had been taking care of Elena since their father's death ten years ago, and it was a role he took very seriously.

But as much as he loved his sister, Damon knew he had other responsibilities to attend to. As the alpha of the Sunshine Pack, he had to ensure the safety and well-being of his pack members. And with the recent threats from neighboring packs, he knew he had to take action.

The next morning, Damon packed his bag and met with his beta, Killian. "We're heading to the Blaze Pack," he said, his expression serious. "We need to form an alliance with them if we want to protect our territory."

Killian nodded in agreement. "I'll drive. You can brief me on the way."

As they set off on their journey, Damon couldn't help but think about the weight of his responsibilities. He was not only the alpha of the Sunshine Pack but also the guardian of his sister. He hoped that this trip would be successful and that he could return to Elena soon.

The drive was long and tiring, but Damon and Killian finally arrived at the Blaze Pack's territory. They were greeted by the alpha, a tall and imposing figure named Ryker.

"What brings you to our territory, Damon?" Ryker asked, his voice firm but curious.

Damon explained the situation with the neighboring packs and his desire to form an alliance with the Blaze Pack. Ryker listened intently, his expression thoughtful.

"I see," Ryker said finally. "We'll need to discuss this with our pack members. But I think we can come to some sort of agreement."

Damon nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. This was a good start. Maybe, just maybe, he could secure the future of the Sunshine Pack and ensure Elena's safety.

Gabriel's mansion

Ashley seat on the dining staring at the food in front of her, a dog's food. Why is hee life full of people that hates? Why is her life so rough that she couldn't even find anyone to call a friend. Gabriel sat at the other edge chewing his food with great appetite. He is eating something of human way more nourishing that what was given to her.

Tears rolled down her eyes. It's not hee fault she's born chubby and ugly. It's not her fault she was created like this. What is her offense!

As Ashley forced herself to nibble on the unappetizing dog's food in front of her, the tasteless mush barely registering in her mouth, she couldn't shake the feelings of despair that weighed her down. This was her life now, a life where she was constantly reminded of her supposed shortcomings, a life that felt increasingly like a never-ending nightmare.

Gabriel, her husband, sat opposite her, his eyes fixed on her as he unabashedly devoured a meal fit for a human, contrasting starkly with her own meager and humiliating portion. The clinking sound of utensils against his plate seemed to echo through the spacious but cold dining room, heightening Ashley's feelings of inadequacy.

With tears silently streaming down her cheeks, Ashley couldn't help but wonder why her existence seemed cursed from the start. Born with features that she had come to despise, she had endured a lifetime of ridicule and rejection, leaving her isolated and friendless. The very walls of Gabriel's mansion seemed to reverberate with a history of suffering and unspoken horrors, each room a silent witness to the shadows that haunted her every waking moment.

As Gabriel's gaze bore into her, a mix of disdain and expectation flickering in his eyes, Ashley felt the weight of his unspoken command. She knew all too well what was expected of her, the unwavering rules that governed her existence within these walls. With a trembling hand, she tentatively picked up another spoonful of the tasteless swill before her, her heart heavy with a sense of resignation.

"It's not her fault she's born chubby and ugly. It's not her fault she was created like this. What is her offense!" The words echoed in Ashley's mind, a bitter reminder of the cruel whims of fate that had shaped her existence. She had long since resigned herself to the reality of her appearance, but the constant reminders of her supposed inadequacies cut deep, carving out wounds that festered with self-doubt and loathing.

Gabriel's presence loomed large in her life, a looming figure whose mere presence seemed to cast a long shadow over her fragile sense of self. In his eyes, she was nothing more than a possession, an object to be molded and shaped according to his whims. The marriage that had been forced upon her felt less like a union of hearts and more like a contract of servitude.

As Damon walked along the island's shore, the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks was a welcome respite from the weight of his responsibilities. He had always been a man of adventure, but the duties of being the alpha of the Sunshine Pack had limited his time to travel and explore the world. Killian, his beta, followed behind him, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a watchful gaze.

Meanwhile, back at Gabriel's mansion, Ashley was descending the stairs when she saw Gabriel stumbling in, drunk as usual. She tried to hurry back up to her room, but his voice stopped her in her tracks. "Stop right there, you ugly thing!" he yelled, his words slurred but laced with venom.

Ashley froze, her heart racing with fear. She knew what was coming next. Gabriel's slap across her face was like a familiar sting, one she had grown accustomed to over the months. But the pain never lessened, and the humiliation never faded.

As she ran upstairs, Gabriel chased after her, his footsteps heavy and menacing. Ashley's breath came in short gasps as she tried to reach the safety of her room, but Gabriel was too quick. He caught up to her, his fists raining down on her like a storm.

Ashley curled up, trying to protect herself from the blows, but Gabriel was relentless. He beat her until she rolled down the stairs, her body aching and her mind reeling.

As she lay there, broken and battered, Ashley wondered if this was all her life was meant to be. Was she destined to be a punching bag for Gabriel's anger and frustration? The thought was a bleak one, and Ashley's heart felt like it was shrouded in darkness.

But even in the midst of all this pain and suffering, Ashley refused to give up. She knew she had to find a way out, a way to escape the hellhole that Gabriel's mansion had become. And so, she lay there, her body broken, but her spirit unshaken, waiting for the day when she would finally be free.

The next morning, Gabriel went out as usual, only God's know where he always goes to buy that's none of Ashley's concern. She hurriedly black hee clothes with great difficulty. She walk out of the house then the compound. She began running but she didn't run far before she spot Gabriel's car coming. Her breath cease.

Ashley's heart raced as she saw Gabriel's car approaching. She had been so close to freedom, but now it seemed like it was slipping through her fingers. Gabriel pulled up beside her, his window rolling down with a soft whir.

"Where do you think you're going, Ashley?" he sneered, his eyes glinting with malice.

Ashley tried to run, but Gabriel was too quick. He jumped out of the car and grabbed her, dragging her back to the compound. She struggled and kicked, but he was too strong. He threw her into the house, slamming the door shut behind her.

Gabriel locked her in her room, the sound of the key turning in the lock echoing through the silence. Ashley sank to the floor, her body shaking with sobs. She had been so close to escape, but now she was trapped once again.

Days passed, and Ashley was barely fed or watered. Gabriel's visits became more frequent, his anger and frustration boiling over into violent outbursts. Ashley curled up in a ball, trying to protect herself from the blows, but Gabriel was relentless.

One night, seems Gabriel forget to lock the door. Ashley sneak out with bruise all over her body. She manage her trembling leg to the kitchen and fortunately she found a food there. She took it and hurriedly climb the stairs to her room but as always luck is not on her side. Gabriel come out of his room and sees her hold a plate of his food. He laugh.

"The gut of you to take my food" he muttered. Ashley's leg tremble more as he began advancing towards her. Ashley moved back forgetting she is just at the base of the stairs. The plate of food fell from her as she rolled down while screaming.

She is screaming in horror but Gabriel just stood there with a wicked smile. Ashley give up to the hand of death. She could have just die and end every of her suffering. She get to the end of the stairs while her body went limp on the floor blood gushing out of her head.

"I don't want to die" that's her last word before she give up to death. Gabriel walk slowly down the stairs and check her.

"Fuck! She is dead" he muttered. He carried her more likw dragging her to his car. He drove out of the house.

His car stopped at a cliff, he dragged Ashley out and began dragging her to the cliff. He push her down as her body rolled into the sea beneth. He sigh out loud then get into his car and drove away.

Right at the base of the cliff stood Damon and Killian. Damon suddenly heard a thud in the water and he stare over to the sea.

"Did you hear that?" He asked killian who nodded but shrugged.

"Probably the sea weaving" killian replied. Damon didn't believe and he moved closer. Immediately he moved closer and saw blood. His wolf that had been keeping malice with him for ovee three months now since he couldn't find their mate jump up and Damon could feel it. The bound.


"Mate" both Damon and Eric his wolf called at the same time his eyes flashing green. He jumped into the sea.

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