
Born again: Revenge for my mate
Born again: Revenge for my mate
Author: Blue ink

Married with nightmares

Ashley walk into the room slowly with her head down. That is the instructions she was given, anytime she comes through the front door, her head most be bowed. She fidget with her finger nervously because it's been long they invite her into the family room and anytime they do that? It's either she will get beaten up or scolded and body shamed.

Sitter on the couches is her mother, father and four brothers but there sit a stranger to, Ashley looked up slowly to see who. Her heart almost jump into her mouth because the man seated had always been after her, wanting to get into her panties but she always escape.

"On your knee" she heard her eldest brother said and she did as told while still questioning herself on what the man is doing there. Right at the last couch, she could see her fault brother, the youngest who is eighteen years old looking at her pitifully but at the same time merciless because their parents dare not see that pitiful look on him.

"Wh... Why am I here" Ashley manager to asked on her knee while looking at her finger, been chubby and ugly couple with the fact that they hate her, she can't deal with it. So anytime they call for her, her eyes is always welled up in tears.

Ashley's mother stood with a disgusted face, her eyes filled with disdain as she gazed at her daughter. "Ashley, you're getting married," she announced, her voice dripping with malice.

Ashley's heart sank, her mind racing with questions. Who was she marrying? Why was this happening? She dared not ask, knowing her mother's wrath would only worsen.

Her mother's gaze never left hers as she continued, "You're marrying Gabriel, the man who's been...interested in you for some time now."

Ashley's eyes widened in horror as she glanced at Gabriel, who leered at her with a sickening grin. Her brothers snickered and guffawed, their cruel laughter piercing her soul.

"Why?" Ashley managed to stammer, her voice trembling. "Why do I have to marry him?"

Her mother's expression turned even more repulsive. "You're lucky he's willing to take you, considering your... appearance and all."

Ashley felt a stinging sensation in her eyes as tears began to well up. She knew her family had always despised her, but this was a new low. Her mother's words cut deep, and the laughter from her brothers was like a knife twisting in her heart.

Gabriel, the man she was being forced to marry, was a monster. He had a reputation for being ruthless and cruel, and Ashley had heard whispers of his mistreatment of women. The thought of being tied to him for the rest of her life was suffocating.

As her family continued to taunt and belittle her, Ashley felt a spark of defiance ignite within her. She refused to go down without a fight, no matter how small. She looked up at Gabriel, her eyes locking onto his with a fierce determination.

"I won't marry him," she declared, her voice steady despite the fear coursing through her veins.

Her mother's face turned red with rage. "You will do as you're told, Ashley! You're nothing but a burden to this family, and this is the best you'll ever get!"

Ashley's brothers jeered and catcalled, their cruel words raining down on her like a storm. But she stood firm, her heart pounding in her chest.

In that moment, Ashley knew she had to escape. She had to find a way out of this nightmare, no matter the cost. Little did she know, her fate was already sealed, and the journey ahead would be filled with pain, heartbreak, and ultimately, rebirth.

Gabriel's grip on Ashley's arm tightened as he dragged her out of the family room, his eyes blazing with anger and desire. She struggled to break free, but his hold was too strong. Her heart raced with fear as he pulled her into his car and sped away from her family's estate.

The silence between them was oppressive, heavy with tension. Ashley knew she had to think fast, to come up with a plan to escape this monster. But for now, she was trapped.

As they arrived at Gabriel's mansion, Ashley's anxiety spiked. She had heard whispers about his cruel treatment of women, and she knew she was in grave danger.

Gabriel pulled her into the house, his hands roaming over her body as he pushed her against the wall. Ashley's skin crawled at his touch, and she tried to push him away. But Gabriel was too powerful, too ruthless.

He sneered at her, his eyes glinting with malice. "You think you can resist me, Ashley? You're mine now, and you'll do as I say."

Ashley's fear turned to defiance. She spat in his face, and Gabriel's expression twisted with rage. He raised his hand, and Ashley braced herself for the impact.

The blow came hard and fast, sending Ashley crashing to the floor. She curled up, trying to protect herself from the rain of punches and kicks that followed. Gabriel's anger was unrelenting, and Ashley's screams were drowned out by the sound of her own heartbeat.

When Gabriel finally stopped, Ashley lay there, broken and battered. She knew she had to escape, but for now, she was at his mercy.

As Gabriel dragged her to the bedroom, Ashley's mind raced with thoughts of rebellion. She would find a way out, no matter what it took. She would fight back, and she would survive.

The next morning, Ashley woke up with a start, her body aching from the brutal beating she had endured the night before. She slowly sat up, her head spinning, and looked around the unfamiliar room. The opulent decor and lavish furnishings only served as a cruel reminder of her new prison.

As hunger pangs began to gnaw at her stomach, Ashley mustered the strength to get out of bed and make her way downstairs. Her legs trembled beneath her, and each step felt like a Herculean effort.

When she finally reached the grand foyer, she spotted a maid bowing low, her eyes fixed on the floor. Ashley's instincts told her to be wary, but her growling stomach won out. "Food," she croaked, her voice barely audible.

The maid scurried off, returning with a tray laden with breakfast delicacies. Ashley devoured the food ravenously, her hunger momentarily eclipsing her fear and pain.

As she ate, the maid, whose name was Sophia, hovered nearby, her eyes darting towards Ashley with a mix of sympathy and wariness. Ashley sensed that Sophia was not like the others, that there was a hidden kindness beneath her reserved exterior.

"Where...where am I?" Ashley asked, her voice still husky from the night before.

Sophia's gaze flickered towards the door, as if checking for eavesdroppers. "You're at Master Gabriel's estate, milady," she whispered. "Please, be careful. He...he has a temper."

Ashley's eyes narrowed, her mind racing with thoughts of rebellion. She knew she had to find a way out, and Sophia might just be the key. But for now, she had to play along, had to pretend to be the obedient bride Gabriel expected.

As she finished her meal, Ashley made a silent vow to herself: she would survive this nightmare, and she would find a way to escape. And when she did, she would make sure Gabriel paid for every ounce of pain he had inflicted upon her.

Sophia's gentle voice broke into her thoughts. "Milady, would you like to take a walk in the gardens? The fresh air might do you good."

Ashley nodded, a plan beginning to form in her mind. She would use this opportunity to explore her surroundings, to find any possible means of escape. And with Sophia by her side, she might just have a chance to outsmart her captor and break free from this living hell.

Gabriel stumbled into the mansion, his eyes glassy and his words slurring. Sophia, who had been tidying up the living room, froze as he lurched towards her.

"You stupid girl," he growled, his voice thick with alcohol. "You think you can disobey me? You think you can feed her behind my back?"

Sophia cowered, her eyes wide with fear. "P-please, Master Gabriel, I was just trying to—"

Gabriel's hand shot out, striking Sophia across the face. She cried out, stumbling backward as he continued to rain blows down upon her.

Ashley, who had been watching from the doorway, felt a surge of horror and guilt. She knew she had to do something, but her body still ached from the previous night's beating, and she feared Gabriel's wrath.

As Sophia crumpled to the floor, Gabriel turned his attention to Ashley. "You think you're so special, don't you?" he sneered, his eyes blazing with drunken fury. "You think you can manipulate my staff and get away with it?"

Ashley retreated, her heart racing, as Gabriel advanced on her. She dashed into the nearest room, locking the door behind her and curling up into a ball.

The sounds of Gabriel's rage and Sophia's cries for help echoed through the halls, making Ashley's blood run cold. She knew she had to escape, but for now, she was trapped.

As the hours passed, the silence outside her door was oppressive, heavy with tension. Ashley knew Gabriel was waiting for her, waiting for her to emerge so he could continue his torment.

But Ashley refused to give him the satisfaction. She stayed curled up, her mind racing with thoughts of rebellion and escape.

As night began to fall, Ashley heard the sound of footsteps outside her door. She tensed, expecting Gabriel's wrath to continue. But instead, Sophia's soft voice whispered through the door.

"Milady, I've brought you food and water. Please, you have to keep your strength up."

Ashley's heart swelled with gratitude towards Sophia, who had risked her own safety to help her. She knew she couldn't give up, not now, not ever.

With newfound determination, Ashley began to formulate a plan. She would wait for the right moment, and then she would make her move. She would escape this hellhole, and she would make sure Gabriel paid for every ounce of pain he had inflicted upon her and Sophia.

The darkness outside her door seemed less daunting now, for Ashley knew she had an ally in Sophia, and together, they would fight back against the monster who had imprisoned them.

"You know you are the first friend I made" Ashley said. Sophia stare at her and shook her head.

"I'm not your friend" she said. Ashley smiled.

"I have only one friend then," Ashley said.

"My wolf, Hailey but she had been out for a while" Ashley said inwardly calling Hailey but she didn't answer. Sophia nodded.

The next night, Ashley already used three days here. The past two nights had been peaceful since Gabriel is not around. Ashley and Sophia are seated in the room laughing when Gabriel barged in drunk and angry.

Chapter 1 (Continued): The Unwanted Bride

Ashley's laughter died on her lips as Gabriel stormed into the room, his eyes blazing with drunken fury. Sophia, who had been sharing a moment of joy with Ashley, was suddenly grabbed by the neck and hurled across the room. She crashed to the floor, her body limp and still.

Ashley stood in horror, her mind frozen in shock. She couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. Gabriel, the monster who had already inflicted so much pain upon her, had now taken the life of the only person who had shown her kindness in this hellhole.

Ashley rush over to Sophia's body shaking her as blood keep gushing out of her head. Ashley's face was full of tears. She shiver when Gabriel began advancing towards her. Ashley shiver while holding Sophia in her arm. She doesn't know what Gabriel is capable of right now and it seems he is sobber now. He crotch down to her size with ruthless eyes.

"You are mine alone!"

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