
Missing Mrs. King

I got home tired and had a bit of a headache. I was starting to refer to this beautiful suite as home, I would miss it when I got home. Funny enough, as soon as I got in, I couldn’t sleep so I picked up my phone. I wasn’t drunk but maybe I wasn’t very conscious of my actions or the alcohol I had drunk earlier made me brave.

I went to my contact list and dialed Alexandro King.

“Hello, Cheater.” I greeted as soon as it beeped to signify, he had picked.

And that was the last thing I remembered.


She had to be drunk.

How could she not be?

I swerved as I noticed my favorite parking slot was free. A valet had offered to help me park, but it was my favorite car, and I wasn’t in a hurry. I had not intended to come back to the hotel till the end of the week but all I could think of was what mess Emily would put herself in. Then Baxter reported to me that she had attended last night’s party. I had not expected her to attend in my absence and was a bit worried, but when I heard Nina had attended, I felt better. She would keep the chaos to a minimum.

I did my best to keep her out of my mind, I had thought Alisha would be a good distraction, instead, Alisha kept questioning me, which made me think more of Emily.

Then the annoyance of not having her was annoying me. I am Alexander King. I didn’t have to wait for a woman I had married.

She should be on her knees, begging me to have her.

Then her call came in.

“Hello, Cheater.” I had to fight the urge to smile. One way or the other, news about my being with Alisha would get to her, which was the only reason I had kept Alisha with me. I hoped she would be jealous, instead, she said, “Do you know how delicious these drinks are? Did you personally order them? The fragrance is so nice. I feel like I’m in another world.”

Her voice was low and slurry, there was a bit of sexiness in it. Like she was talking about something intimate.

“What did you drink, Em?” I asked. Had she played a drinking game with the guys?

Instead of answering me, she continues in her slurry voice, “You see, I’ve concluded that I was made for this kind of like, being rich and comfortable. Not only that. Thanks for the credit card by the way.” She giggled. I had a link to her account, and I had noticed her spending, nothing too out of line but she was enjoying herself.

“You’re welcome,” I replied dryly. There was no iota of jealousy in her voice. Maybe she had never heard of Alisha, or I should just wait and see if she was only trying to keep in it.

“This room is so hot.” I heard her murmur, she was talking to herself. I heard the sound of a zipper and some fabric rustling, it made me wonder what she had worn. Had she revealed her cleavage like she did the other time?

“One more thing. Thanks for the phone. I love it. It has a very awesome camera too.” She giggled again.

I had seen her activity on social media and the bad joke. It would seem like the message was directed to me, but I later concluded she was shifting people’s attention off the fact that I wasn’t with her. I would be the bad guy if things turned sour.

“Really? Send me a picture.” I didn’t mean the words. It just came since she only saw the camera quality of a phone worth thousands of dollars and had crazy tech quality.

“Okay, extend my greetings to Alisha.” She said and the line tripped off. She bitch knew about Alisha but didn’t care. Nice.

As if In a queue, Alisha came in looking with her usual sexiness. There was a time she was everything I needed to lose tension but lately, she seemed to think she could control me or even had power over me. That had made her taste turned sour in my mouth.

She walked slowly to sit beside me and she nailed curled on my shirt. They were neat and black; I would have liked them if there wasn’t another image of black nails with purple edges in my head.

I wasn’t taking sides, but Emily rocked black better.

The image of her in our wedding dress rose again in my head, her hair, and nails. Those beautiful eyes.

I couldn’t help wanting more of her taste as the memory of her tiny tongue worked its way into my head.

Alisha undid one button. “I’ve missed you Alexandro.” There had been a time I loved how my name rolled off her tongue. “You haven’t touched me since you came.” She whined.

That had been her fault. Maybe if she had allowed me to simply fuck her while I was still burning from the fire Emily had set me on, things would have been different. Instead, she had gone on her knees and tried to give a blow job. It was like a stain on the image of Emily looking up at me with my cock in her mouth. I was still basking in that experience, and I didn’t want Alisha anymore. I hadn’t wanted her later that day, or even the next day.

Alisha and I went way back. I knew some people had expected to marry Alisha when the need for a wife came, but I wasn’t the only guy Alisha was going on her knees for and we both knew it. I couldn’t keep her under my thumb, and I needed a woman I had a tight rein on.

I couldn’t make a woman like Alisha Mrs. King.

My phone buzzed and Alisha's hands which were now on my bare chest with my shirt opened wide stopped.

I picked it up to see a picture message from Emily. All she wore was a small bra that exposed most of her boobs and hid her nipples. She seemed to be wearing something small beneath but a piece of clothing that looked like my shirt was sitting on her lap and she was sitting on our king-sized bed.

Her hands were in her hair, holding them up while the curls fell down her face. I couldn’t tell if it had been her intent or not, but she was as sexy as fuck.

What the fuck was I doing here. “Let go of me, Alisha,” I growled.

I had somewhere else to be.

“Alexandro!” She whined, raising her voice. It irritated me.

“If you need to get laid, I’m sure you know where to go.” Was my goodbye to her as I strolled out.

Now I pressed Emily’s suit door open and there she was.

Regard Awe

What else has guessed already that Alisha wouldn't be the kind to go down without a fight?

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