
My first win



I smiled at the memories, watching spread the cards again over the table. I had no plans to lose but I confirmed my credit card in my purse before the game even started. Everyone looked at me with watchful eyes as I was asked to shuffle.

I picked it up and displayed the only shuffle trick I knew. After my mom died, only cards kept him sane. We played for hours. We were best friends in the game but whenever I got my hopes up and thought he was finally feeling better, he drew back into his shell as soon as the cards were away from his hands.

I could play cards a lot better now, but I was no closer to my dad.

I called myself back to the game as I laid the cards I had shuffled. I lifted my head to see keen eyes watching me.

“Where did you learn to play cards? I heard from behind me. “Did Alexandro teach you?” it was Nina. I might have lied and agreed if it was someone else, but I liked Nina enough to be honest with her.

“No, I learned this before I met Alexandro. My father taught me.” I replied smiling. “Wait. Who am I playing against?” I asked, changing the topic.

My competitors turned out to be Portia and another familiar face. Just before we started, someone came and placed his hands over the cards. I couldn’t understand why, but I knew it was him even though he had his back to me.

“Russo.” Portia snapped. “What’s wrong with you?” She scolded, trying to take his hands off the cards, but Nina stopped her calmly from her seat behind me, where she sat and watched us all. She gave me the mother eagle vibe, where she sits and watches everyone take tests and measure their skills, only helping out when situations are likely to get out of control.

“Let him play.” She commanded. Portia's face fell and her eyes turned angry, but she let go of Russo and someone gave space for him on the table.

There was one thing that didn’t change whenever I had a card in my hands. My cravings for victory. Not just for the money, but for the respect it commanded.

Russo seemed to be the impatient sort. He looked like the kind who had good skills but let his impatience get the best of him.

The game was no ordinary card game. Men like this wanted to gamble and win. We drew stakes after a thorough explanation of the amounts they represented then the game officially began.

Portia and I communicated with our eyes and agreed on one thing. We wanted Russo out of the game. It didn’t take long to get him to lose and give up. He might have held his ground if only I had tried to push him off, but he definitely could keep up with attacks from both sides, except if he had a fortune to lose.

The rule of the game was winner-take-all. At first, I eased my hand and studied Portia, I had been even while we played against Russo.

She was smart and very calm while playing. Finding her weakness was hard but finally, I figured it out. She was easily distracted.

“I’ve never heard of Russo till I saw him today, who is he?” I asked. Now that I thought of it, I remembered that Russo had not been at my wedding or on the guest list.

Portia's lips were a grim line and my eyes didn’t leave the cards even as she replied. “He’s just one harmless joke, goes around making trouble and then begging your husband to get him out of it.”

I was a bit surprised to hear that Alexandro King would help someone like Russo out of trouble but the tear on his lips made me wonder if Alexandro King had done that. Did he beat him up after helping him? The thought made me cringe. I pushed Alexandro King out of my thoughts.

I aimed to distract Portia, but it seemed like Russo was an insignificant topic to her.

“How well can you shoot?” I asked, I remembered Nina had said she had taught Portia everything she knew.

A small smile grew over her face and for the first time that night, she looked away from her card and looked up at me. “You don’t want to know.”

A cold shiver ran through me.

“No one I’ve ever aimed at survived.” She said. “That should give you an idea.”

Russo might have been out of the game, but he didn’t leave the table. “Portia went to the roof of the house the moment she discovered her husband had been shot. She killed half of the Russians from that position. They didn’t know what hit them.”

I knew living like this wasn’t so safe, but did that mean I also could be attacked anytime? I didn’t sign up for death when I married Alexandro King. Looks like I would have to learn how to shoot as well. And also be good at it.

I got a glimpse of Portia’s hand and used the knowledge to win. I might have cheated a little, but these people weren’t totally honest either.

I won my first game. But I doubted I would win any more to come, so I subtly declined other offers to play and went to sit at the table with Nina again, but there another competition met me.

“How well can you drink, Emily?”

“Well enough,” I replied I couldn’t hold my liquor and just one night with Chloe wasn’t confirmation that I was now a good drinker.

“You won the game, so you have to take three shots.” The tray was placed before me.

I probably should have argued and rejected it, but the temptation to drink and test myself was a bit strong and took all three shots.

Then I danced. The energy probably came for the drinks, but every man whose wife came in a ball gown and had been separated said I owed them a dance as they couldn’t go to the other side filled with more fabrics than people.

I danced with every one of them. Soon, I felt like a member of this family. These people didn’t love each other, or they just didn’t know what love is. Yet they stretched a hand of help to each other and laughed at each other’s jokes.

They watched out for each other, and in one way, they all seemed to be fond of Alexandro King. And that fondness had been extended to me.

“There would be a pool party at the end of the month. I hope you attend.” Nina said at the end of the party. “I heard you can’t swim, but it would still be nice if you come, and bring Alexandro along.” She urged.

I couldn’t even keep him by my side, how do I bring him to a party? I smiled and promised to do my best. When we all came out of the door, I saw Baxter waiting for me on the other side.

I was about to walk to him when Russo’s voice stopped me, “Shouldn’t you be on your honeymoon? Why is your husband with another woman?”

I didn’t look back at him, pretended I didn’t hear. But the words burned my heart.


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