
The Meeting.

Fiona's POV

The beeps from my phone pierced my deep sleep. I yawned loudly, stretching my weary muscles. The phone rang insistently this time. Hesitantly, I reached to pick it up.

"Hello, Fiona," his voice jolted me awake. I jumped down from the bed and put the call on speaker.


"I'll be sending the blueprint of the Brooks mansion. The party should serve as a distraction."

I pulled off the silky nightgown, revealing my bare skin. "Davis will be at the party. Everything will go as planned. If Jordan is hiding something important, it's closer than we think."

The line cracked a little. "Fiona, you need to curb your curiosity for now. Jordan doesn't like people getting too close. Sooner or later, you'll be asked to leave. Get close to Alexander; he's the heir now."

I grabbed a towel, wrapping it tightly around myself. "Fine, I won't do anything I'll regret," I said, clearing my throat and hanging up.

I wasn't going to listen to him. Besides destroying the Brooks, I needed to know why my parents had to die. But I couldn't help my curiosity about Alexander—was he as handsome in person as he appeared in photos?

I walked into the washroom, thinking hard about the best dress to wear to seduce a man. Something official yet seductive. I wasn't used to men, having spent my whole life alone, waiting for the moment I could infiltrate the Brooks' lives.

Lost in these thoughts, I stepped out of the washroom and sat at the dressing table. I ran a comb through my hair, letting it fall softly onto my shoulders. Then I walked to the closet and selected a short velvet gown with a small slit in the front, revealing just enough of my thigh.

A little makeup will do, I thought, applying just the right amount. I stared into the mirror a hundred times before finally leaving.

An hour later, I arrived at the Brooks' mansion. The place was alive with people going in and out, a spectacle of luxury as they alighted from extravagant cars.

As I walked in, my eyes navigated through the crowd, scanning the elegantly dressed women and the men in their exotic suits. The opulence was overwhelming, especially as I stepped into the main house, filled with young socialites. Unconsciously, I searched for Alexander but saw no trace of him.

"Hey girlie," a lady shouted from across the room. She looked stunning in a green sleeveless satin dress and emerald jewelry. She approached me with a puzzled look. "Who are you? I've never seen you here before. Who's your father? I thought I knew all the influential people in town." She bombarded me with questions.

"Actually, I'm a doctor at City Hospital. I'm here for work."

She burst into outrageous laughter, waving her hand dismissively. "I thought as much. I can always tell the poor from the rich," she teased.

I clenched my fists in fury, about to retort when someone interrupted.

"Sabrina," a voice said. As he moved closer, I got a good look at his face. It didn't take a second to recognize Alexander Brooks. He was strikingly handsome, with black curly hair partially covering his eyes, a well-defined nose and jawline, and an overall magnetic presence.

"Hey, baby," Sabrina clutched his arm, but he pulled away.

He turned to me, his gaze sweeping from my head to toe, then looked back at Sabrina. "What are you doing here?" he said in a harsh tone.

I walked to the end of the room, reading their lips as they spoke. They didn't seem to be a happy couple as in the pictures. I studied them for a while but got interrupted by a young lady.

"Have I seen you before?" She had a stiff look, with eyes whose color I couldn't determine.

She looked a little bit familiar but my memory betrayed me as I tried to think harder, maintaining my gaze on Alexander. "I'm sorry, I don't know you."

"I'm sure I've seen you somewhere. Well, I'm Emma Brooks, niece to Jordan Brooks, and you are?"

"Fiona Campbell," I quickly responded, praying she would leave soon.

"Okay, nice to meet you. Let's meet later," she said, moving away.

Sabrina and Alexander stood in the middle of the room. Then the music came on, and the disc jockey picked up the mic. "Hello everyone, welcome to the welcome party for Mr. Alexander Brooks. So it's an honor to have you here, after ten long years. Can we please have Mr. Alexander come up here?" he said.

I collected a drink from the waiter's tray, moving forward as I watched him walk up, a smile on his handsome face. I pulled the wine closer to my nose, receiving the aroma.

"So, Mr. Alexander, I understand you're a very busy person. Let's officially end this party with a dance," the crowd roared as everyone gathered.

Sabrina was about to move forward when Alexander's hand pointed to me. I turned to see if it was really me he pointed at.

He stepped down from the podium, stretching his hand towards me, which I took without hesitating. My eyes met Sabrina's, who stood there in awe, fuming as the DJ turned on romantic music.

Alexander pulled me closer as he clutched my waist, making my breasts press hard on his chest. He looked into my eyes, wearing a look that wasn't a frown nor a smile.

He wasn't that bad of a dancer as he moved to the rhythm, spinning me around to fall in his arms.

"Your eyes annoy me," he broke the lingering silence, "they say much and nothing at all."

I took two steps back, placing my hands on his shoulders as I swayed my waist. "Don't you think they have a story to tell?"

"I would love to hear your story, Miss..." He stopped as he tried to remember my name, which be obviously didn't know.

"It's Fiona Campbell," I smiled, whispering into his ear. "Is that an invitation?"

He chuckled, spinning me around again. "Should we call it that? How about you call me?" He pulled me close, slipping a card into my purse.

I smiled a little. "I'll think about it, Mr. Alexander," I had hardly said when the music abruptly stopped and loud applause filled the room.

He bowed and left the scene, making me wonder where he had gone to. I dashed across the room on sighting Davis, who gave a thumbs up, signaling he had found something.

I wondered what it was.

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