
Forty Six


The gates of the dormitory resounded with the forceful bang of the house mistresses as they yelled at us to head to class for our evening prep.

My hand reached for my hoodie and school bag as I carefully tucked a bar of the precious chocolates Vlad had brought for me into my pocket.

Not wanting to be the last person standing, I hurriedly made my way through the corridors.

Outside, students rushed in all directions, their hurried footsteps rushing to class. Taylor rushed to William's side and I smiled, relating to Taylor's feelings.

Who would have thought that Taylor, who couldn't stand William before, was now madly in love with him?

My heart skipped several beats when I spotted Nova on the other side of the road. Concern washed over me, and I quickened my pace to catch up with her

Our eyes met and fury radiated from Nova and her squad. Ignoring the glares, I mustered a smile and greeted her.

"Hi, Nova," I managed to say. "I just want to know if everything is alright."
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