

~ Emmy~

I sat at the table, toying with my empty coffee cup and hating that I found myself in this situation. I was annoyed at myself for not fighting Matteo more on his decision for me to leave!

"Is that really why you are upset?" Rae asked, and I grumbled something inaudible while I poured some fresh coffee.

"Want some?" I asked the new guard that Matteo had arranged to babysit me today. His lips lifted into a smile, and he nodded. I debated telling him I hadn't actually spat in the coffee since he had heard the whole conversation earlier. But decided a girl needed some amusement on her last day in a penthouse. Pouring it for him with a 'butter wouldn't melt' smile, I held the cup out for him.

"Thanks, I can't wait to try the extra flavouring." He grinned, taking the cup from me, smelling it like it was a fine wine, not a glass of black coffee.

He was gorgeous! And I mean not just his model-worthy face, but his body was stocked like Thor or Superman! His superhero body was insan
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