

~ Matteo ~

"Trying to help? By bringing HER into it? I have one very clear rule, Samuel." I seethed, the air in the Limo turning thick from my anger.

"Yes, I know, no one mentions Millie, but I am not just anyone; I am your Beta. I know the pain that bitch caused you! I am not comparing the two. My concern is for you! If you hadn't been through hell with Millie, we both know that Emmy would be mated and marked by now. She would know what she was, and I would be able to take her back to the pack without an issue, but I can't do that!"

"You can; you just won't!" I snarled, my anger rising dangerously.

"For good fucking reason! And you know it!" He growled back almost as angrily as me. "Do you think I wanna have this conversation? Do you think I want to tell my Alpha and best friend that he is being a stubborn fucker.. I don't! It took me ages to wash the blood out of my suit from the last guy who dared to question your authority. But fuck matteo.. someone has to!"

Swallowing my pride-
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